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Displaying results 18401 - 18500 of 40606
Sequence 413. Which of the following professional development experiences have you had since completion of your train- ing? Yes No %… |
Sequence 520. Check curriculum areas for which you group students in your classroom: Subject Yes No % Yes Math 35 79 30% Reading… |
Sequence 625. Student progress is evaluated by the following methods: Yes No % Yes -teacher conference with child IOI 13 88% -… |
Sequence 727. Indicate which of the Montessori curriculum areas you have had to augment. ] i .f -;; "' C s :. C l… |
Sequence 829. What is the percentage of children coming into elementary with phonetic reading skills, phonogram/reading skills? % of… |
Sequence 932. Do you use a specific children's literature approach to encourage wide literature reading? Please describe it. No. o… |
Sequence 10G. Creative and Functional Writing Techniques used for writing 95 entries 48 entries 6 entries 6-9 years 9-12 years 12-… |
Sequence 1142. What is your criteria for mastery of math facts memorization, e.g., number correct per minute, etc.? No answer, no… |
Sequence 1244. If you hal'e specific time blocks for your specially subjects indicate the following information: Specialty Subject… |
Sequence 13K. General Achievement Expectations 47. Look at the checklist below. Place checks in the following sections as appropriate.… |
Sequence 14L. Teacher Training Considerations The following questions utilize the Likert Scale below: a) strongly agree b) agree c)… |
Sequence 1530. My training provided the necessary content and background for the cultural subjects. 31. My training included the… |
Sequence 16inexperienced teachers don't walk into a new classroom helpless. Better yet, why doesn't the course manufac- ture… |
Sequence 17would have been valuable. The issue of accountability was not addressed fully. Teachers in our position need to be aware of… |
Sequence 1Summary of Administrators' Survey (Interpretations and Recommendations) 2.1 Tuitions and Salaries Median tuitions for… |
Sequence 2eighties, Montessori enrollment trends may suffer as people look for "conven- tional" alternatives or less… |
Sequence 334 plied that their graduates were not successful. However, only three of the 45 schools who responded to this question did a… |
Sequence 1Administrators' Survey - Raw Data Preschool Elem. Starting Starting Under 10,000 8 10,001-11,000 17 11,001-12,000… |
Sequence 2TUITION NORMS Table 8 Preschool Preschool Elementary 1/2 day Full day 800-900 901-1,000 1,001-1,100 10 1,101-1,200… |
Sequence 38. Average life span in your school of directress: No. of Years No. of Schools o/o I 2 4% 2 7 15% 3 12 26% 4 9 20… |
Sequence 4Questions 13, 14, 15. Dollars invested by schools for sponsorship: Under 2,000 Raw Count: I Percentage: 2,001-4,000 9… |
Sequence 5Two of our teachers were (experienced) Bergamo trained; the Amsterdam trained one had 16 years' experience team-teaching… |
Sequence 6He is incompetent. He has no skill in classroom management. He is not at all sensitive to the individual child. He has to read… |
Sequence 7system. AMS weakness - same as AMI. Also, scattered knowledge and little understanding about scope and sequence. Weakness 3 -… |
Sequence 8Mentioned staff developed flow chart curriculum supplement in reading (commercial) shared parent education meet with first… |
Sequence 9Academic goals consistent with readiness testing - emphasis placed on emotional maturity and self control. Inner directed and… |
Sequence 10Must have at least 2 years of primary training. Must be reading and writing in cursive. Must be able to read the cards in the… |
Sequence 11Comments on question #I 9: Usually chonological age corresponds with readiness, but we have moved from a more chronological… |
Sequence 12support system among administrators support system among teachers (peer counseling) summer teacher workshops parent… |
Sequence 1322. What kind of standarized testing is done at the elementary level, at what grade level and time of year? Tests used by… |
Sequence 1427. Do you receive state aid? Yes 9 19% No 39 57% 28. Are state and local standards imposed? Yes 24 43% No 32 57… |
Sequence 1A Study of College/University Accredited Montessori Teacher Training Programs by Mary Maher Boehnlein Ph.D., Introduction… |
Sequence 2both public and private Montessori schools in the United States. Montessori administrators and boards of trustees are aware… |
Sequence 3Methods All Montessori elementary teacher training programs affiliated with the Association Montessori Internationale and the… |
Sequence 4Undergraduate credit, however was possible only if the student was currently enrolled at a university or college and actively… |
Sequence 5teaching all of the curriculum methods. Some training centers with laboratory schools on site, utilized the school staff as… |
Sequence 6social issues of education, research or statistics, philosophy of education, and one other foundations of education or… |
Sequence 7It appears from this study that Montessori elementary training can be structured so that students can obtain both the… |
Sequence 8State Certification I. no-none avail. 2. yes 3. none avail. only elem. or K-3 4. none avail. 5. yes 6. yes 7. yes 8.… |
Sequence 9Academic Standards Meet Exceed Traditional I. 2. 3. x AMI Standards recognized as more stringent x AMI Standards… |
Sequence 10Enrollment I. 16 2. 8-14 3. 4. 25-30 5. 15-20 6. 14-15 7. 15 8. 25 9. 25-35 Budget Concerns Supports? College… |
Sequence 11University of Maine University of Northern Colorado Villanova (PAl undergraduate, indep. study graduate undergraduate I… |
Sequence 12Smith, B. Othanel and others, Teachers for the Real World. Washington: American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education… |
Sequence 1Montessori Elementary Teacher Training Study Project Cleveland Report on Training Centers Intro by Peter Gebhardt Seele The… |
Sequence 2ture days is 150 minutes (breaks subtracted). There are more lecture days in the calen- dar (s. 4). 6. Practicals in… |
Sequence 3fers "remedial math". • Geography (W. 21, B. 21, D. 38 hrs.): Focus in Washington is on the child's… |
Sequence 1Maria Montessori visits Lili Peller These are changing times for Montessori in the United States. NAMTA has recognized thqt… |
Sequence 2Lili Peller and Me an interview with Margot Waltuch Kahn: Margot, tell us about your first contact with Lili Peller. Waltuch… |
Sequence 33 Mrs. Pelter's Special Class with Seniors John Dewey: "Experiences in Education," 1938 Quote what… |
Sequence 4McGraw et. al. the article presents classical Montessori Principles. Let me find some lines. "Development cannot be… |
Sequence 55 Kahn: What are some of Peller's views on day care? Waltuch: Look at her "fourteen points." She gets… |
Sequence 61 Exploring the Environment. There should be materials to manipulate, to explore. Touching, pounding, squeezing, pouring,… |
Sequence 77 1 Personal Belongings are particularly essential when his school day is long. 1 Behavior Deviations. The child with special… |
Sequence 1Montessori, Freud and Lili Peller by Emma Plank Emma Plank's brilliant introduction to Peller denotes not only Ms. Plank… |
Sequence 29 forging links between psychoanalysis and education. At that time Lili Peller had already built up a model nursery school… |
Sequence 3Lili Peller in 1966 independent. Following the pattern of their time and class, the real care of the child was given to a… |
Sequence 4II In her university years her interest in the exploration of life became more specific: She turned to the study of the child… |
Sequence 5especially Italian so we would be prepared to understand her lectures when our turn came to go to one of the international… |
Sequence 613 College. Her eagerness to bring insights of analytic psychology to teachers in practice had found an outlet. She had… |
Sequence 7Notes: 'Freud, Ernst L., ed. The Leners of Sigmund Freud. New York: Basic Books, 1960. p. 319. 'The Reiss-Davis… |
Sequence 815 1946 "Incentives to Development and Means of Early Education," The Psychoanalytic Study of rhe Child. II… |
Sequence 9• Lih Peller in 1he I 920's 16 |
Sequence 1Incentives To Development and Means of Early Education by Lili E. Peller Ms. Peller brilliamfy co111ras1s de11efopmentaf… |
Sequence 2trauma has today been replaced by a patient and undramatic unravelling of early tensions and unbearable deprivations. Other… |
Sequence 319 after a short time he no longer feels hunger, except at the precise time when his training has taught him to expect his… |
Sequence 4arbitrary. Accordingly, the educalor cannot sit back and wait for social compliance to come. It is nol a natural development;… |
Sequence 521 efforts, and thus strictness is the key to successful education, according to Gesell "It is better to do nothing… |
Sequence 6and inches by which they pushed the child nearer to this goal.2 Gesell emphasizes that not every trait that appears in the… |
Sequence 723 Gesell has a highly discerning and also a loving eye for the physical development of the child and some of its border… |
Sequence 8developmental trends. A recent attempt to do so concerns the skin of the neonate; since the days of antiquity midwives have… |
Sequence 9myth Oedipus solves the riddle of the sphinx, but the child can neither solve nor by- pass it. At the climax of the oedipal… |
Sequence 10widespread, by educators such as Pestalozzi, Froebel, and Dewey. Permissiveness should be the keynote of early education, not… |
Sequence 11Watering (Lauren, 1938) - Waltuch Collection 27 |
Sequence 12concepts overboard, although for the lime being there are no observational data supporting the new concept. In the genesis of… |
Sequence 1Eating In Groups In War Time Lili E. Peller Ms. Peffers sociological and personal treatment of eating and institutions gives… |
Sequence 231 in an understanding and affectionate way. For the two- or three-year-old, the equation of food and love still holds true;… |
Sequence 3procedure is this: After the children have waited for one another to get washed and combed, they have to wait at the door of… |
Sequence 4of white aprons awaits the prospective "helpers." Preparing food can be used for another purpose also. We… |
Sequence 5shown before the child has even tasted the food. The more a child has experienced severe oral or anal deprivations in infancy… |
Sequence 635 exceptions. Picnics have already been mentioned. They can be held not only in the park or the zoo, but also on the roof of… |
Sequence 7they may find it difficult to maintain the standards set, and if they resort to methods that must be called brutal, the… |
Sequence 1Preface to Vital Needs of Young Children by Emma Plank Lili Pe/ler's interest in creating the right environment as a… |
Sequence 2illustrated monograph, wriuen by him and Lili Peller. on the plan for the building (see illustration) and its utilization, was… |
Sequence 1The Vital Needs of the Young Child by Lili Peller If the young child is to live and to develop into a normal adult, that is… |
Sequence 2Are we speaking of work in talking about small children? First of all, the concept of work as used here is a biological, not a… |
Sequence 341 etc. These improvements are most welcome, but it is a cause for regret that this is considered sufficient and that the… |
Sequence 4have long been used in nurseries we have selected those which serve as raw material. They give the child a wealth of the most… |
Sequence 543 the adult is needed throughout the activity. Also, the child can more easily see the connection between his efforts and… |
Sequence 1The Children's House by Lili E. Peller "We need in every part of the city units in which intelligent and co-… |
Sequence 245 would help tremendously toward improving standards without choking personal leadership. This plan is not revolutionary or… |
Sequence 3directly connected with the play room. French or sliding doors connect the play room with the play space outside (be it yard… |
Sequence 447 LEGEND TO PLAN I tfflm lfflffl I "HAUS DER KINDER" -~ ~ ltm#rntmJJ IEmJe! ~Efffli rmm ~ View… |
Sequence 5the youngsters, but we might mention the skill they acquire and point to the clever principle of making legitimate a pleasure… |
Sequence 649 how much learning goes on in relation to "open" and "closed," or "connected… |
Sequence 750 |
Sequence 851 for meals. They take up more space but the number of children seated at one table is more flexible. One table may be a… |
Sequence 9Child working - Plank Collection and unobtrusive in order not to distract attention from the bright colored toys. Too many… |
Sequence 1053 child who has no chance of handling a key is deprived of an essential experience. Yet he does miss something. The more all… |
Sequence 11blocks. When blocks are stored in two distant parts of the room, groups of children playing independently will be less… |
Sequence 1Letting Go And Letting Montessori: Notes on Resolving Teacher Resistance to Bonding with the Child By Judy Shepps Battle Mt… |