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Displaying results 18101 - 18200 of 40606
Sequence 3Jeff: "Is he six?" Teacher: "No, Richard is five." Richard: "No, I'm six… |
Sequence 426 observations. Grandparents as a rule are considerably smaller than parents in our decades. This is not only because they… |
Sequence 5questioned the fact that a wider age range is more conducive to the child's emotional, social, and intellectual… |
Sequence 628 magic. He became his old self again. In the afternoon he greeted his sister with "I've been promoted. I… |
Sequence 7In a homogeneous group, cooperation is mainJy on the basis of quantity: "I do this half; you do the other half.&… |
Sequence 1Teacher Discussion Groups: Insight and Ref err al Kahn-Furman Interview David Kahn: When did you start working with… |
Sequence 232 at home. However, there are some children who physically separate but somehow can- not emotionally separate. These are the… |
Sequence 3difficult to effect. I think they get started in relation to a couple of things. Firstly, there is the strength of a… |
Sequence 434 is a real trouble. I want the child prepared. DK: Is the child alone with you? BF: With a three, four or five year old,… |
Sequence 5worse thing for his study problem would be to change schools. I couldn't agree with her more and offered to talk to the… |
Sequence 636 Montessori teachers. Montessori teachers have a tremendously pos1t1ve attitude toward learning. There is a respect and… |
Sequence 1Introduction to The Religious Potential of the Child "I bless you, Father ... " (Matthew 11:25) by Sofia… |
Sequence 238 presentation of certain themes and that they made prolonged use of detenninate elements of the materials. When this… |
Sequence 3nor Jew, but, we believe, neither adult nor child. Before the Word of God we are all hearers of a message that God addresses… |
Sequence 440 in the religious experience. Indeed, we believe that early childhood is the time of the serene enjoyment of God, when the… |
Sequence 5are illustrated as two interchangeable images; therefore Christmas and Easter are viewed as historical events in the Good… |
Sequence 642 theism cannot subsist, but that religiousness (religiosita) necessarily tends to be con- figured in a determinate religion… |
Sequence 1On Being a Montessori Grandmother by Peggy Kahn With a touch of satire and a grain of truth. Mrs. Kahn presents her… |
Sequence 244 relationships. Ditto with meals and bedtimes. Now such details can be checked and balanced to shore up the continuity of… |
Sequence 3mother says can no longer be used as a reason or an excuse for what he does or fails to do. Nor, for the most part, does the… |
Sequence 446 An essential link in the restoration of continuity between the generations, my son helped to smooth out the rough places,… |
Sequence 1Reorganization of AMI: Administrators Meet at Unicoi by John K. Long "Let us not be limited by patterns of the past… |
Sequence 2issues dominated the discussions: first, the evolving AMUUSA power structure; second, AMI finances; third, AMI responsiveness… |
Sequence 316,000 children. The average school has 62 children; fewer than 20 schools are twice that size. Yet the NAMT A/ AMI mailing… |
Sequence 1A Tribute to Miss Lena The death of Miss Lena Wikamaratne on August 6, 1982 marks still another generational loss to the… |
Sequence 216,000 children. The average school has 62 children; fewer than 20 schools are twice that size. Yet the NAMT A/ AMI mailing… |
Sequence 3issues dominated the discussions: first, the evolving AMUUSA power structure; second, AMI finances; third, AMI responsiveness… |
Sequence 4Reorganization of AMI: Administrators Meet at Unicoi by John K. Long "Let us not be limited by patterns of the past… |
Sequence 546 An essential link in the restoration of continuity between the generations, my son helped to smooth out the rough places,… |
Sequence 6mother says can no longer be used as a reason or an excuse for what he does or fails to do. Nor, for the most part, does the… |
Sequence 744 relationships. Ditto with meals and bedtimes. Now such details can be checked and balanced to shore up the continuity of… |
Sequence 8On Being a Montessori Grandmother by Peggy Kahn With a touch of satire and a grain of truth. Mrs. Kahn presents her… |
Sequence 942 theism cannot subsist, but that religiousness (religiosita) necessarily tends to be con- figured in a determinate religion… |
Sequence 10are illustrated as two interchangeable images; therefore Christmas and Easter are viewed as historical events in the Good… |
Sequence 1140 in the religious experience. Indeed, we believe that early childhood is the time of the serene enjoyment of God, when the… |
Sequence 12nor Jew, but, we believe, neither adult nor child. Before the Word of God we are all hearers of a message that God addresses… |
Sequence 1338 presentation of certain themes and that they made prolonged use of detenninate elements of the materials. When this… |
Sequence 14Introduction to The Religious Potential of the Child "I bless you, Father ... " (Matthew 11:25) by Sofia… |
Sequence 1536 Montessori teachers. Montessori teachers have a tremendously pos1t1ve attitude toward learning. There is a respect and… |
Sequence 16worse thing for his study problem would be to change schools. I couldn't agree with her more and offered to talk to the… |
Sequence 1734 is a real trouble. I want the child prepared. DK: Is the child alone with you? BF: With a three, four or five year old,… |
Sequence 18difficult to effect. I think they get started in relation to a couple of things. Firstly, there is the strength of a… |
Sequence 1932 at home. However, there are some children who physically separate but somehow can- not emotionally separate. These are the… |
Sequence 20Teacher Discussion Groups: Insight and Ref err al Kahn-Furman Interview David Kahn: When did you start working with… |
Sequence 21'1n some things Montessori can be an enormous help, but I wouldn't want the educational process always being used as… |
Sequence 22In a homogeneous group, cooperation is mainJy on the basis of quantity: "I do this half; you do the other half.&… |
Sequence 2328 magic. He became his old self again. In the afternoon he greeted his sister with "I've been promoted. I… |
Sequence 24questioned the fact that a wider age range is more conducive to the child's emotional, social, and intellectual… |
Sequence 2526 observations. Grandparents as a rule are considerably smaller than parents in our decades. This is not only because they… |
Sequence 26Jeff: "Is he six?" Teacher: "No, Richard is five." Richard: "No, I'm six… |
Sequence 2724 school has never been questioned.2 Only Lois B. Murphy has attempted a comparison of certain features of a group with a… |
Sequence 28Psychoanalytic View of Multi-age Group Settings by Lili E. Peller Ms. Peller demonstrates by research and polemic that mufti-… |
Sequence 2922 "Within a group of differing ages, wide varieties in per/ orm- ance are the order of the day. Within this general… |
Sequence 30it is not nipped in the bud when he is a child. Montessori gave a new orientation to work in school because she realized its… |
Sequence 3120 neurosis, however, has not affected the ability to work, because of the relative autonomy of this sphere of behavior. The… |
Sequence 32pedagogical situation. We have discussed the fact that the task of educators is to help growing human beings to develop. They… |
Sequence 3318 which is dominant in traditional education, precludes the development of the kind of flexible work behavior that is needed… |
Sequence 34right and also in relation to the general problems of the human personality. He sees it, therefore, in its true complexity.… |
Sequence 3516 itself would be extremely unlikely, it would not be a human being but merely a creature resembling a human being. It would… |
Sequence 36The Psychological Value of Work in School by Mario M. Montessori, Jr. Dr. Montessori utilizes the field of psychology to… |
Sequence 3714 "We have discussed the fact that the task of the educators is to help growing human beings to develop. They can… |
Sequence 38I have found that his aspect of the education of the Montessori teacher has been sorely lacking in the conventional training.… |
Sequence 3912 the assistant so much as the increasing stubbornness that he was showing and the almost temper tantrum quality that his… |
Sequence 40by getting out of school. The cure is talking, mourning, accepting, and getting on with our work. • • • Montessori means… |
Sequence 4110 For the child, leaving the Montessori classroom after three or four growing years carries with it the same progression of… |
Sequence 42What is the reaction of the teacher to class regression after a holiday or vacation? By and large she is angry that the group… |
Sequence 438 are not caused by anything that they did. The teacher is to treat her feelings in the same way as she would treat a… |
Sequence 44of the adults in his environment. The corollary to his principle is that the child knows everything about the inner workings… |
Sequence 456 having to juggle or choose one side is to be avoided. The only other solution is for the teacher to be aware of her… |
Sequence 46Loyalty In any group of three there is a likelihood that conflict will exist because of the odd number and the feeling of… |
Sequence 474 nature of Montessori - the freedom that is offered to the child to mold his environ- ment, to choose his own work, as… |
Sequence 48Induced Feelings A teacher can suspect an induced feeling on her part when her reaction is out of the norm for her in terms… |
Sequence 492 The answer is that any child who is seeking help from an adult will ask for it in many ways, both indirectly and directly.… |
Sequence 50Reflections On Learning: Notes on being a staff psychologist in a Montessori setting by Judy Shepps Battle Speaking as a… |
Sequence 51II "Maria Montessori stressed that it is a crucial function of the teacher to act as an observant scientist in the… |
Sequence 1The Montessori Secondary Schoo! - Developing the Urban Compromise by David Kahn Here folfows a simple chronicle of a… |
Sequence 22 The "Urban Compromise" would be a Montessori environment for adolescents loca- ted where elementary… |
Sequence 3an aid, the novice 9-12 teacher could have been easily overwhelmed. So with the staff we made a decision. We would build a… |
Sequence 41-t-"J::== t ~t ri, -~~IIN'l u . ~. l· {v l ·- _-- • |
Sequence 5PropeUe<l by enthusiasm and necessity, the Board and myself raised $360,000 in three months and borrowed $200,000 more… |
Sequence 66 school building, his choice of studies, his activities are all appropriate to his new devel- opmental era in life - that he… |
Sequence 7Fine Arts In keeping with integrative patterns, the art and music being housed in the same environment with the academic… |
Sequence 88 Values and personal involvement with the community will be facilitated in part by a bi-monthly Great Conversation program… |
Sequence 9In their use of Great Books, the student will be presented very short selections. For instance, when the origin of American… |
Sequence 1010 I. Process A. To effect types of government within the real functioning of the middle school (e.g. aristocracy, oligarchy… |
Sequence 11B. Religion and Biology (Dealing with moral and biological issues concerning abortion, test-tube babies, germ warfare, genetic… |
Sequence 1212 B. PoUtical and Social Change (looking at the peasant movements in Germany, France, and America; the development of unions… |
Sequence 13pact and availability of representatives of the plant, animal, and mineral kingdoms, children are more responsive to… |
Sequence 1414 5. 6. 7. osmosis distillation behavior with metals 8. erosion 9. sources - underground 10. The River B. Carbon I… |
Sequence 15(h) skeletal system (i) body constituents (i) CHNOPS (ii) macromolecules (j) vitamin - drug food assimilation (k) health… |
Sequence 1616 Students will be grouped relative to their analytical maturity, that is, their ability to move from operations to analysis… |
Sequence 17B. Associative I. addition 2. multiplication C. Distributive D. Of .zero I. additive identity 2. in multiplication E. Of… |
Sequence 1818 C. addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of integers D. measurement - U.S. customary and metric conversions… |
Sequence 19many examples do not prove that the idea is true in all cases - transition from largely experimental geometry to a formal… |
Sequence 2020 C. Formulas I. large assortment of formulas from field of science, mathematics, indus- try, and commerce - introduces… |
Sequence 213. solution of inequalities in one variable 4. solution of inequalities in two variables XIV. Utilizing Calculator Math &… |
Sequence 1Childhood's Promised Land - Montessori Children Ages 9-12 by Larry and Pat Schaefer Larry and Pat Schaefer present a… |
Sequence 2What are your obsenadons of the 9-12 age chlldren? l.Arry: This age is powerful and dramatic. Everyone who has seriously… |
Sequence 324 They have a passion for art, and need to work with someone who can direct their growth in technique. They are critical of… |
Sequence 4Pat Schaefer confront life differently. The child must confront and deal with the challenges and stresses of life. The 9-12… |