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Displaying results 24101 - 24200 of 40606
Sequence 208REFERENCES Anderson, B.W. (1986). Understanding the Old Testament (4th ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. Anderson,… |
Sequence 209Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi 204 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 23, No. 1 • Winter 1998 |
Sequence 210SELF AND EVOLUTION by Mihaly Csikszentrnihalyi Current views of evolution presented at the Epic of Evolution conference… |
Sequence 211Just so that you know why my name is so long, let me explain it and parse it to make it easier to remember. It is made up of… |
Sequence 212chance of surviving in the future. The philosopher George Santayana (1905) has said that the point of studying the past is to… |
Sequence 213evolution is the environment. That is, there are common persistent features in the environment which will decide whether the… |
Sequence 214However, at this point we are in an interesting situation-as many of the speakers pointed out in the past three days-we are in… |
Sequence 215agency of genes, which contain the program for the development of structures and functions within the biological organism.… |
Sequence 216extrasomatically, that is, outside the body. So what does it mean? Well, you can think of memes as being any kind of… |
Sequence 217Finally, if the meme really works out, if the new idea, the new practice, the new habit is something that has enough adherence… |
Sequence 218Now is there any kind of guidance among the various scenarios of the future that we may or may not endorse through our… |
Sequence 219Iii e both integrated erentlat . , children are both 0 " de- • the om- reci- ien~ aln1 we all use. If you… |
Sequence 220spend the next hour talking about complexity in the development of the human being and complexity at the psychological level.… |
Sequence 221unless we know how to control the development of these ideas, they will just proliferate, even if they destroy us in the… |
Sequence 222transmitted and becomes more and more complex. We get mortars and pestles and then stone grinding mills and all of that-just… |
Sequence 223are abandoning their forms of music because learning how to play a pipe or a mandolin is much harder than turning on a… |
Sequence 224A: In a sense, I suppose the will is, as we talk more about this, the will is what controls attention, that is, the psychic… |
Sequence 225Q: How do we make what we have to offer as teachers or as parents valued? As Montessori teachers or as Montessorians, how do… |
Sequence 226economy, is one that privileges differentiation. But it's very bad at integration. Many other cultures, including the… |
Sequence 227Q: Since we've been at a conference that has discussed ultimacy, that is, the destiny of the universe and the destiny of… |
Sequence 228some of our psychic energy to do so. We have to pay attention. Attention to me is equal to psychic energy. In other words, we… |
Sequence 229over a lifetime, and if you are awake 16 hours a day, and you live 70 years, you can process about 180 billion bits of… |
Sequence 230For instance, let me just give one little piece of data from this study. One is that we asked these children, whenever the… |
Sequence 231, o man peor>.le, suggests the more complicatecJ, se simplicity actually plex t~an a complf. plicatecf Idea or a et… |
Sequence 232particular case, the teacher was talking about the invasion of China by Genghis Khan in 1213 and how Genghis Khan moved down… |
Sequence 233attention, this psychic energy, lead to complexity in a psychological sense? What's a complex person? If we follow the… |
Sequence 234the stars, and she couldn't sleep all night, she was so mesmerized by the immensity that opened up in front of her that… |
Sequence 235environment? He develops a very interesting argument about the kind of learning that you can have when you are interacting… |
Sequence 236for individual development. Complex families expect a lot from children; they give opportunities for children to develop their… |
Sequence 237good because they didn't have the interest. So if the parents just provide routine opportunities without knowing what… |
Sequence 238is because children will enjoy and live more fully and fulfill their potentials. But also because they are more likely to… |
Sequence 239234 The NAMTA Joumal • Vol. 23, No. I • Winter 1998 |
Sequence 240PART III PREPARING FOR ERDKINDER Therefore work on the land is an introduction both to nature and to civilization and gives… |
Sequence 241236 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 23, No. 1 • Winter 1998 |
Sequence 242THE ORIGINS OF AGRARIANISM AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SELF by Victor Davis Hanson Professor Hanson locates the origins of… |
Sequence 243tion of agrarianism, I will try to suggest to you, is tied to Western culture. In other words, Western culture would not have… |
Sequence 244culture, not because it failed, but because it succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. In other words, using the old Platonic… |
Sequence 245exploitation somewhat irrelevant. If it costs just $3 to rent a Pocahontas video, do you really care if Michael Eisner made $… |
Sequence 246What happened? What made this unique culture? I've argued, and I think I can make the argument very briefly this morning… |
Sequence 247corporate agriculture-farm owners don't want to live where they farm because it's boring, it's dirty; they… |
Sequence 248Diversification also allows you to regiment the work year so that workers-your family or your hired laborers, in the case of… |
Sequence 249want to use that word superiority, but Greek military prowess surely is a sign of cultural dynamism. In addition, diversified… |
Sequence 250them first to get the tangent taste out, and then you press them into olive oil. As for barley or wheat, you have to cut it… |
Sequence 251Let me now tum to the last part of my morning lecture: the cultural ramifications of this economic Renaissance. Farmers were… |
Sequence 252for the poor as well. Pericles reminded the Athenians, "We have no objection against the poor as long as they're… |
Sequence 253wore-that they would be absolutely formidable and terrifying against foreigners. Herodotus says that when the Persians met… |
Sequence 254What happened to it, then? Classical Greek culture of the city- state exists from about 700 to 300 BC, and then it starts to… |
Sequence 255digms of exclusion-not unlike modern America. The Hellenistic period is a wide-open period similar to our own, where money… |
Sequence 256to you is that the traditional paradigm of explaining Western culture to students, that is, the multicultural approach, I find… |
Sequence 257know it today will be destroyed or saved because of the West- maybe destroyed in the rain forest and maybe destroyed in… |
Sequence 258most ridiculed people in Greek literature because they smell, they're cranky, they have coarse language. But all… |
Sequence 259own culture. We're better people than that"-not to say, "Oh, don't do that. We've got to go… |
Sequence 260quite accurate analysis. I think we all have to realize that farms like mine are being destroyed in California. All of my… |
Sequence 261256 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 23, No. I • Winter /998 |
Sequence 262EMERGING PSYCHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF f ARM LIFE by Victor Davis Hanson with a response by Larry Schaefer Small-scale… |
Sequence 263And I said, "What do you mean?" And he said, "Well, you've got this Wal-Mart." Well… |
Sequence 264He said, "This is just terrible." I said, "Yeah, democracy can be a terrible thing." He… |
Sequence 265Mart doesn't care. All they care about is that you have 59 cents in your pocket, and you're the same as a person… |
Sequence 266var, and you mix the two and combine the best of human and natural possibilities. I'll give you an example of what I… |
Sequence 267told by the local EPA that he had some type of wild rat colony on his farm. The man was farming his land, and he had to cease… |
Sequence 268rational thought, philosophical systems, a sense of Western culture- are all absent there, replaced by a therapeutic… |
Sequence 269I thought, "Oh, this is stupid." Then they said, "What are you going to do with these coyotes?… |
Sequence 270that skepticism to everything-like Bill Clinton's talk. Everybody thought it was a wonderful talk, but it was a God-… |
Sequence 271I said, "That's just a law. It's a canon. You can't escape it. It's always going to be true.… |
Sequence 272After he died, I thought, "Well, you can fumigate. That will kill the gumnosis. You can get a new root stock. That… |
Sequence 273technology offered? But our family got together and said, "It's just like that orchard out there. There's… |
Sequence 274Oeconomicus-that one person can take a piece of ground and do something with it and another person simply can't. Believe… |
Sequence 275guilt. When you do something wrong now, no one is supposed to know about it. If you go into the Selma high school and you… |
Sequence 276great co-ops: Sun-Maid raisin growers is a good example, though it is a cooperative that I think many years ago sold out its… |
Sequence 277the spectrum. On the small end-20- and 30- and 40-acre farms-we see a person who inherits a farm and finds out that if raisins… |
Sequence 278who is still farming, they eventually have to come to you to ship their fruit back east and you can charge them at each stage… |
Sequence 279have to go down to Chile to find that. The answer, then, that I am suggesting is again the material appetite-the reason why… |
Sequence 280One of the things that is producing this tumult, the first, is why did I agree to do this? At first I imagined, if Maria… |
Sequence 281enlarge on her comments on the study of history and the develop- ment of civilizations so that the story of the Greek polis as… |
Sequence 282Then I think that maybe ow young people, if they had to face the realities of farm life, would not think that everything is… |
Sequence 283these pockets-I don't see the answer necessarily as sweeping the country. But I think that the purpose of agrarianism and… |
Sequence 284on the Left. Most of the hypocrisy that I see is on the Left, an affluent, very, very affluent liberalism that will not live… |
Sequence 285related but are slightly different, which we might term survival or entrepre- neurial. A: Absolutely. As I said I've… |
Sequence 286of terrain and climate. That land has an intrinsic value in itself, absolutely. It's wilderness. My only caveat was that… |
Sequence 287that's been traditionally called the family farm, because those people will not be living on that land. They won't… |
Sequence 288So you've created a hierarchy. You're judgmental. You have certain values that you think are better. Well, the same… |
Sequence 289Jim Ewert-Kroeker, Emily Starr Eden, David Kahn, and Debra Hershey-Guren 284 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 23, No. 1 • Winter 1998 |
Sequence 290ERDKINDER UNDER CONSTRUCTION: WHAT THE FARM SCHOOLS SHOWED Us by David Kahn Mr. Kahn is directing a project to start a farm… |
Sequence 29120 years, have lacked any governing standard, any consensus of design, and any documentation. To help build the needed… |
Sequence 292Erdkinder Under Construction Team of community experts including architects, farmers, landscape designers, naturalists,… |
Sequence 293Figure 1 suggests that the vision and understanding of Erdkinder must come through a variety of pathways, beginning with… |
Sequence 294Montessori tells us that the adolescent wants to experience roles in society outside of the family. In order to create… |
Sequence 295Its principal feature never changes. It is "application to work." An interesting piece of work, freely… |
Sequence 296The Farm School, Athol, MA Founded in 1989, The Farm School supports programs for three to five days; it builds its depth on… |
Sequence 297The lodge is simple, with main dining area and surrounding dorms, which serve as girls' and boys' bunk areas.… |
Sequence 298of the institution is the development of values, self-knowledge, harmonious relations, and a balance between the needs of the… |
Sequence 299contention. Staff duties include student "parenting," academics, and participating in the daily living… |
Sequence 300basis or as part of the school's overall work-study requirement. The school operates on a trimester calendar. The… |
Sequence 301academic year: apple cidering, sugar bush processing including candy and baking, wreath making, etc. • Richard has found… |
Sequence 302supports over 500 acres. The farm manager appoints a student barn manager. Pete looks to independence as his main goal He… |
Sequence 303The focus of the Land Use Program is on life. In science classrooms and in the outdoors, students study what is known and… |
Sequence 304much space would be needed in the garden assuming mini- mum distance between the rows? • Set up a schedule of planting. •… |
Sequence 305A particular feature of Putney is the diversity of dorm space. The campus houses students in very individual dorm settings,… |
Sequence 306• The amount of student participation in the development of the new dorm triggered a response in me that the children should… |
Sequence 307the farmers' community network; life and death; and farm animals. "Working piques their interest." She… |