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Displaying results 1 - 84 of 84
Sequence 15Footnotes 'Maria Montessori (1948) To Educate the Human Potential 5th Edition 1973, Kalakshetra Publica- tions Press,… |
Sequence 1DISCOVERY OF THE CHILD by HiJdegard Solzbacher D,: Montessori, who was a scientist and physician and not a trained educa-… |
Sequence 3Key Personnel • David Kahn, Project Director David Kahn holds a B.A. in fine arts with a minor in classics from the… |
Sequence 15Key Personnel • David Kahn, Project Director David Kahn holds a B.A. in fine arts with a minor in classics from the… |
Sequence 1MONTESSORI AS AN AID TO LIFE by Hildegard Solzbacher Hildegard Solzbacher's direct encounter with Montessori values and… |
Sequence 167MONTESSORI AS AN AID TO LIFE by Hildegard Solzbacher Hildegard Solzbacher's direct encounter with Montessori values and… |
Sequence 3WHY NoT CONSIDER ERDKINDER? by Peter Gebhardt-Seele Answering possible objections and citing his own personal experiences,… |
Sequence 1EVALUATING EXPERIENCES IN ADOLESCENT PROGRAMS by Peter Gebhardt-Seele Dr. Gebhardt-Seele asserts that the development of… |
Sequence 13community, since the former and the latter are quite distinct in terms of the community members, the aims, and therefore the… |
Sequence 3Presenters at the Innovation within Limits Seminar E. Thomas Casey, registered architect, came to the Taliesin Fellowship in… |
Sequence 1THE w ORK OF THE CHILD AND COSMIC EDUCATION by Peter Gebhardt-Seele Projecting a utopian world free from developmental… |
Sequence 9· It paraphrased Montessori on the psychological characteris- tics of the adolescent. • It emphasized the development of the… |
Sequence 1THE Goo Wtto HAs No HANDS-PART I by Peter Gebhardt-Seele The "cosmic tale" of God Who Has No Hands is put… |
Sequence 8The Lord is in charge; He is the All-Mighty. That is understood as to say, He acts in nature, the particles obey Him, He does… |
Sequence 1Goo WHo HAs No HANDS by Mario M. Montessori Sometimes referred to as the "Story of the Universe," "… |
Sequence 2ALIGNING CLASSROOM PRACTICE WITH TRUE MONTESSORI ESSENTIALS by Peter Gebhardt-Seele Peter Gebhardt-Seele presents his… |
Sequence 14Landerziehungsheime or "education homes in the country." For ex- ample, the one for youths from twelve to… |
Sequence 7We all begin to converse. I recognize, among many others, J. Koning, N. VanderHeide-Verschuur, F. Malik, and G. Portielje from… |
Sequence 41We all begin to converse. I recognize, among many others, J. Koning, N. VanderHeide-Verschuur, F. Malik, and G. Portielje from… |
Sequence 70Landerziehungsheime or "education homes in the country." For ex- ample, the one for youths from twelve to… |
Sequence 2EARTH SYSTEMS AND HUMAN HISTORY by Peter Gebhardt-Seele In this stark review of the grim history and future of humanity and… |
Sequence 120Japan: Precision and Refinement As early as I 912, an article on Montessori appeared in the Japanese newspaper Nanchouhou.… |
Sequence 166India, 1939 1928 The book Das Kind in der Familie, based on lectures she gave in 1923 in Vienna, is published in Germon. (… |
Sequence 187Another Viennese Montessorian and Holocaust survivor who made a significant contribution in the United States was Lena Gitter… |
Sequence 3The meeting was crowded with medical people, educators and teachers. Europe and the world were stil I under the cloud and the… |
Sequence 2THE SPECIAL NEEDS CHILD FROM THE MONTESSORI PERSPECTIVE by Nimal Vaz Ni ma! Vaz's prese11tatio11 of Mo11tessori's… |
Sequence 1ENROLLMENT STRATEGIES FOR WEATHERING THE STORM by Anita Chastain Anita Chastain's succinct article suggests ways to… |
Sequence 979 Vaz • Montessori Special Education and Nature’s Playground Nimal Vaz has been associated with AMI training courses since… |
Sequence 1MontessorI all day, all year by Connie Black and Liza Davis Introducing real community into the Children’s House goes back to… |
Sequence 1Technology in The MonTessori clAssrooM: beneFiTs, hAzArds And prepArATion For liFe by Greg MacDonald Greg MacDonald cites… |
Sequence 1becOMing a scienTific Observer by Greg MacDonald inTrOducTiOn Greg MacDonald leaves no stone unturned as he places the… |
Sequence 166AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 3 Guest Editor: David Kahn Editorial Board Kay Baker PhD, AMI director of training at the… |
Sequence 167AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 3 Guest Editor: David Kahn Editorial Board Kay Baker PhD, AMI director of training at the… |
Sequence 5152 Barnard, Grace Everett. (1916, February). Montessori conference at the NEA 1915 meeting. The Kindergarten and First… |
Sequence 97Wa~~nschein, Martin. (1960). The teaching of mathematics--A tragedy. Paper presented at the 12th International Montessori… |
Sequence 2Catholic girl's high school all at the same time. Next, 1 did all the planning, administrating, and teaching of a new… |
Sequence 76Footnotes 'Maria Montessori (1948) To Educate the Human Potential 5th Edition 1973, Kalakshetra Publica- tions Press,… |
Sequence 25DISCOVERY OF THE CHILD by HiJdegard Solzbacher D,: Montessori, who was a scientist and physician and not a trained educa-… |
Sequence 85Key Personnel • David Kahn, Project Director David Kahn holds a B.A. in fine arts with a minor in classics from the… |
Sequence 35MONTESSORI AS AN AID TO LIFE by Hildegard Solzbacher Hildegard Solzbacher's direct encounter with Montessori values and… |
Sequence 145WHY NoT CONSIDER ERDKINDER? by Peter Gebhardt-Seele Answering possible objections and citing his own personal experiences,… |
Sequence 18EVALUATING EXPERIENCES IN ADOLESCENT PROGRAMS by Peter Gebhardt-Seele Dr. Gebhardt-Seele asserts that the development of… |
Sequence 150community, since the former and the latter are quite distinct in terms of the community members, the aims, and therefore the… |
Sequence 214Presenters at the Innovation within Limits Seminar E. Thomas Casey, registered architect, came to the Taliesin Fellowship in… |
Sequence 152THE w ORK OF THE CHILD AND COSMIC EDUCATION by Peter Gebhardt-Seele Projecting a utopian world free from developmental… |
Sequence 207lowed by study of funding blends, sustainable outreach, and permanent support. Century Study Six: Archives, Bibliography,… |
Sequence 17· It paraphrased Montessori on the psychological characteris- tics of the adolescent. • It emphasized the development of the… |
Sequence 596CONTRIBUTORS Devan Barker was a founding faculty member of The Hershey Montessori Farm School, having completed his doctoral… |
Sequence 264Why not train in beautiful Bavaria, near the German Alps? e Montessori Elementary Teacher Training for ages 6-12 years, a… |
Sequence 18THE Goo Wtto HAs No HANDS-PART I by Peter Gebhardt-Seele The "cosmic tale" of God Who Has No Hands is put… |
Sequence 36The Lord is in charge; He is the All-Mighty. That is understood as to say, He acts in nature, the particles obey Him, He does… |
Sequence 38Goo WHo HAs No HANDS by Mario M. Montessori Sometimes referred to as the "Story of the Universe," "… |
Sequence 11ALIGNING CLASSROOM PRACTICE WITH TRUE MONTESSORI ESSENTIALS by Peter Gebhardt-Seele Peter Gebhardt-Seele presents his… |
Sequence 261economics from the Technical University of Munich and a Ph.D. in political science from the University of Erlangen-Nurenberg.… |
Sequence 192Landerziehungsheime or "education homes in the country." For ex- ample, the one for youths from twelve to… |
Sequence 221We all begin to converse. I recognize, among many others, J. Koning, N. VanderHeide-Verschuur, F. Malik, and G. Portielje from… |
Sequence 170EARTH SYSTEMS AND HUMAN HISTORY by Peter Gebhardt-Seele In this stark review of the grim history and future of humanity and… |
Sequence 122Japan: Precision and Refinement As early as I 912, an article on Montessori appeared in the Japanese newspaper Nanchouhou.… |
Sequence 168India, 1939 1928 The book Das Kind in der Familie, based on lectures she gave in 1923 in Vienna, is published in Germon. (… |
Sequence 189Another Viennese Montessorian and Holocaust survivor who made a significant contribution in the United States was Lena Gitter… |
Sequence 256The meeting was crowded with medical people, educators and teachers. Europe and the world were stil I under the cloud and the… |
Sequence 350NAMTA NEWS NAMTA's CoNTR1euno To THE CENTENARY YEAR With its touring exhibit, A Montessori Journey: 1907-2007, NAMTA… |
Sequence 7THE SPECIAL NEEDS CHILD FROM THE MONTESSORI PERSPECTIVE by Nimal Vaz Ni ma! Vaz's prese11tatio11 of Mo11tessori's… |
Sequence 385NAMTANEWS ADOLESCENT 01H£NTATION SHOWS RECORD ENROLLMENT IN 2009 Summer 2009 is NAMTA's biggest Orientation to… |
Sequence 410students." The report goes on to observe, "Everywhere you look, learning is taking place."… |
Sequence 62ENROLLMENT STRATEGIES FOR WEATHERING THE STORM by Anita Chastain Anita Chastain's succinct article suggests ways to… |
Sequence 8979 Vaz • Montessori Special Education and Nature’s Playground Nimal Vaz has been associated with AMI training courses since… |
Sequence 217212 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 40, No. 2 • Spring 2015 PARENT EDUCATION After reading these books I better understand, . —A… |
Sequence 113107 Black and Davis • Montessori All Day, All Year MontessorI all day, all year by Connie Black and Liza Davis Introducing… |
Sequence 148142 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 40, No. 3 • Summer 2015 Highly acclaimed Montessori Introductions for PARENT EDUCATION… |
Sequence 10599 MacDonald • Technology in the Montessori Classroom Technology in The MonTessori clAssrooM: beneFiTs, hAzArds And… |
Sequence 141133 MacDonald • Becoming a Scientific Observer becOMing a scienTific Observer by Greg MacDonald inTrOducTiOn Greg… |
Sequence 4AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 3 Guest Editor: David Kahn Editorial Board Kay Baker PhD, AMI director of training at the… |
Sequence 61N.A.M.T.A. News: JOURNAL ANNOUNCES NEW WINTER THEME Because of low response to School Administration Theme the journal will… |
Sequence 55LECTURERS (partial list) Sanford Jones is the Educational Director of St. Michael's Montessori School in New York City… |
Sequence 50I"'---------------------------------~- Announcement: 1981 NAMTA Workshop February 6, 7 at Vancouver, 8.C.… |
Sequence 5952 Barnard, Grace Everett. (1916, February). Montessori conference at the NEA 1915 meeting. The Kindergarten and First… |
Sequence 105Wa~~nschein, Martin. (1960). The teaching of mathematics--A tragedy. Paper presented at the 12th International Montessori… |
Sequence 34Catholic girl's high school all at the same time. Next, 1 did all the planning, administrating, and teaching of a new… |
Sequence 8Editorial Board Kay Baker PhD., director of training at the elementary level (6-12), USA Susan Feez, PhD, Senior Lecturer,… |
Sequence 8Editorial Board Kay Baker PhD., director of training at the elementary level (6-12), USA Susan Feez, PhD, Senior Lecturer,… |
Sequence 10Editorial Board Kay Baker PhD., director of training at the elementary level (6-12), USA Susan Feez, PhD, Senior Lecturer,… |