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Displaying results 1 - 64 of 64
Sequence 9variation in teacher backgrounds and interpretation of curriculum principles. Another problem is the dearth oflongitudinal… |
Sequence 1A SELECTION OF CHILDREN'S BOOKS FOR MONTESSORIANS By Charlene S. Trochta Twenty-Five Favorites: Some New, Some Old… |
Sequence 18SUGGESTED BIBLIOGRAPHY Plants: Activities with leaves and seeds. Florian, Douglas. Discovering Trees. New York: Charles… |
Sequence 5But this is characteristic of any large-scale scientific theory still under active development, and is not a reason for… |
Sequence 9with these authors when they suggest, therefore, that the formalisms of AI cannot apply to the neural networks of living… |
Sequence 12neuron's axon to another's dendrites. Since there are so many dendrites to choose from, impulses can jump in a… |
Sequence 21References Arnold, M. B. 0984). Memory and the Brain. Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers.… |
Sequence 10creation of a public space; Dewey talked consistently about an "articulate public" bringing a public sphere… |
Sequence 19Hellbrugge, T. 0979, Spring). Early social development and proficiency in later life. Tbe NAMTA Q11arter(y, 4<.2), 6-14… |
Sequence 13REFERENCES Gardner, H. (1993). Frames of mind (2nd ed.) New York: Basic Books. (Original work published 1983) Hermstein, R… |
Sequence 8body the cosmos in their own person as well as in the structures they create in bioregions such as subsistence activities and… |
Sequence 13(B.W. Anderson, 1986, p. 541). All of this is set against the back- ground of Yahweh as cosmic King and Creator, as enthroned… |
Sequence 19REFERENCES Anderson, Walter Truett. Reality Isn't What It Used to Be: Theatrical Politics, Ready-to-Wear Religion,… |
Sequence 194REFERENCES Anderson, Walter Truett. Reality Isn't What It Used to Be: Theatrical Politics, Ready-to-Wear Religion,… |
Sequence 1620 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 3 • Summer 2014 The equivalent for ages birth to three is an Individualized Family… |
Sequence 3034 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 3 • Summer 2014 2013). It is not the attitudes of children cited so often by researchers… |
Sequence 5AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 137 Montessori, of course, talked of the farm, living and working on the land. But she had… |
Sequence 32AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 137 Montessori, of course, talked of the farm, living and working on the land. But she had… |
Sequence 64AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 105 materials of the region. They have enjoyed the flowers and would take some into their… |
Sequence 33AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 137 Montessori, of course, talked of the farm, living and working on the land. But she had… |
Sequence 65AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 105 materials of the region. They have enjoyed the flowers and would take some into their… |
Sequence 47 Chawla and White • Place-Based Education and Citizen Science outdoor education, forest kindergartens, schoolyard greening,… |
Sequence 1922 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 43, No. 3 • Summer 2018 Shah, Harsh R. and Luis R. Martinez. “Current Approaches in Implementing… |
Sequence 7Robbins • Ecopsychology 113 However this growing field might be defined, it is gaining momentum. In a recent paper, 26… |
Sequence 2526 Montessori, Mario. (1949, March). Freedom and its meaning. American Teacher,~. 14-16, (3). Montessori, Mario M.,… |
Sequence 3637 Trochta, Charlene. (1980). A sense of community: Montessori' s gift to the developing child. NAMTA Quarterly, 1,… |
Sequence 6364 DESCRIPTIONS OF METHODS Adler, Alfred. (1924). The dangers of isolation. Call of Education,.!, 128-134, (7). Ahlfeld… |
Sequence 187Joosten, A, M. (1967). The silence lesson. Communications,~. 26-29, (2). Montessori, Mario. (1967). Meditation on… |
Sequence 188190 Anderson, C. A. 0912). Montessori method of teaching hearing children. Washington D. C.: to the Deaf., (7). American… |
Sequence 87variation in teacher backgrounds and interpretation of curriculum principles. Another problem is the dearth oflongitudinal… |
Sequence 99A SELECTION OF CHILDREN'S BOOKS FOR MONTESSORIANS By Charlene S. Trochta Twenty-Five Favorites: Some New, Some Old… |
Sequence 53SUGGESTED BIBLIOGRAPHY Plants: Activities with leaves and seeds. Florian, Douglas. Discovering Trees. New York: Charles… |
Sequence 89But this is characteristic of any large-scale scientific theory still under active development, and is not a reason for… |
Sequence 17with these authors when they suggest, therefore, that the formalisms of AI cannot apply to the neural networks of living… |
Sequence 20neuron's axon to another's dendrites. Since there are so many dendrites to choose from, impulses can jump in a… |
Sequence 29References Arnold, M. B. 0984). Memory and the Brain. Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers.… |
Sequence 139creation of a public space; Dewey talked consistently about an "articulate public" bringing a public sphere… |
Sequence 141Hellbrugge, T. 0979, Spring). Early social development and proficiency in later life. Tbe NAMTA Q11arter(y, 4<.2), 6-14… |
Sequence 49REFERENCES Gardner, H. (1993). Frames of mind (2nd ed.) New York: Basic Books. (Original work published 1983) Hermstein, R… |
Sequence 194body the cosmos in their own person as well as in the structures they create in bioregions such as subsistence activities and… |
Sequence 199(B.W. Anderson, 1986, p. 541). All of this is set against the back- ground of Yahweh as cosmic King and Creator, as enthroned… |
Sequence 208REFERENCES Anderson, B.W. (1986). Understanding the Old Testament (4th ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. Anderson,… |
Sequence 53REFERENCES Anderson, Walter Truett. Reality Isn't What It Used to Be: Theatrical Politics, Ready-to-Wear Religion,… |
Sequence 202Hudson Montessori School in Hudson, Ohio is seeking a 6-9 el- ementary guide for a new classroom for the Fall of 2003. Our… |
Sequence 203Atlanta, GA. We are minutes away from Clemson University, beautiful Lake Hartwell, and the Blue Ridge Mountains. Charleston… |
Sequence 217Philadelphia's Main Line area on thelovelygroundsofa Victorian era Episcopalian church. A spacious wooded playground… |
Sequence 282For 30 years, the Montessori School of Anderson has stood for a quality Montessori education in South Carolina. Our stable,… |
Sequence 250searching for additionalMontessori- certified elementary and middle schoolfacultybeginninginacademic year 2006/07. There is… |
Sequence 2620 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 3 • Summer 2014 The equivalent for ages birth to three is an Individualized Family… |
Sequence 4034 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 3 • Summer 2014 2013). It is not the attitudes of children cited so often by researchers… |
Sequence 204199 The NAMTA Journal • Classifieds professional development for teach- ers and staff. REDS also hosts profes- sional… |
Sequence 106AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 105 materials of the region. They have enjoyed the flowers and would take some into their… |
Sequence 138AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 137 Montessori, of course, talked of the farm, living and working on the land. But she had… |
Sequence 107 Chawla and White • Place-Based Education and Citizen Science outdoor education, forest kindergartens, schoolyard greening,… |
Sequence 2522 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 43, No. 3 • Summer 2018 Shah, Harsh R. and Luis R. Martinez. “Current Approaches in Implementing… |
Sequence 113Robbins • Ecopsychology 113 However this growing field might be defined, it is gaining momentum. In a recent paper, 26… |
Sequence 58Mon1cssori House of Children is a high quali1y, well-developed, well-budge1ed 4 yr old program. Enrolled children are 2½-7… |
Sequence 71SOUTHEAST NEEDED FALL 1983: One AMI Primary and one Junior teacher. Start own class in stable. viable school in Winston-… |
Sequence 3326 Montessori, Mario. (1949, March). Freedom and its meaning. American Teacher,~. 14-16, (3). Montessori, Mario M.,… |
Sequence 4437 Trochta, Charlene. (1980). A sense of community: Montessori' s gift to the developing child. NAMTA Quarterly, 1,… |
Sequence 7164 DESCRIPTIONS OF METHODS Adler, Alfred. (1924). The dangers of isolation. Call of Education,.!, 128-134, (7). Ahlfeld… |
Sequence 195Joosten, A, M. (1967). The silence lesson. Communications,~. 26-29, (2). Montessori, Mario. (1967). Meditation on… |
Sequence 196190 Anderson, C. A. 0912). Montessori method of teaching hearing children. Washington D. C.: to the Deaf., (7). American… |
Sequence 73Contact Madeleine Onman, The Woods Academy, 6801 Grccntree Road. Bethe&la, MD 20817. 301-365-3080. Three highly… |