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Displaying results 1 - 100 of 121
Sequence 11References Eisley, Loren. (1964). The unexpected universe. New York. Harcou re, Brace, and World, Inc. Lorenz, Konrad. (1990… |
Sequence 24Minsky, M. 0985). The Society of Mind. New York: Simon and Schuster. Montanero, S. Q. 0991). Understanding the Human Being:… |
Sequence 16Ardini, R. 0979). Feminism and science. In R. Arditti, P. Brennan, & S. Cavrak (Eds.), Science and liberation. Boston… |
Sequence 23thinking and choice making. School Psychology Review, 20, 382-88. Kutner, L 0990, November 29). As motivator, the carrot may… |
Sequence 38Branden, N. (1997). The art of living consciously. New York: Simon & Schuster. Briggs, D.C. (1970). Your child's… |
Sequence 13Maslow, Abraham H. The Farther Reaches of Human Nature. NY: Viking, 1971. Montessori, Maria. The Secret of Childhood. Trans.… |
Sequence 7• We will get to see how the human being is formed, the human being who is made "in the image of God" and… |
Sequence 10Montessori, Maria. The Discovery of the Child. 1948. Trans. S. J. Costelloe. New York: Ballantine Books, 1967. Montessori,… |
Sequence 16preparing the person for the meditative side of life. Isn't this what contributes to a better society? Isn't this… |
Sequence 126preparing the person for the meditative side of life. Isn't this what contributes to a better society? Isn't this… |
Sequence 33Montessori, Maria. "Child's Instinct to Work [Lecture, London, 1939]." AMI Communications (1973, #4): 6… |
Sequence 32Koch, S., & D. Leary, eds. A Century of Psychology as Scie11ce. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1985. Lerner, R. 011 the… |
Sequence 9REFERENCES Montessori, Maria. Kosmische Erziehung [Cosmic Ed11ca- lio11J. Freiburg, Germany: Herder, 1988. German trans-… |
Sequence 5REFERENCES Suber, Martin. Between Man and Man. New York: Macmillan, 1978. Suber, Martin. I and Thou. New York: Scribner… |
Sequence 5been tried out in the home and in Infant Communities. 1 For instance, a low, large bed is a great help for the sensory and… |
Sequence 13operations and have begun rudimentary memorization. Everyone might not understand adverbs and prepositions, transitive and… |
Sequence 14Montessori, Maria. The Secret of Childhood. 1936. Trans. Barbara Barclay Carter. New York: Ballantine, 1966. Montessori,… |
Sequence 7REFERENCES Deng Ming-Dao. 365 Tao: Daily Meditations. San Francisco: Harper, 1992. Montessori, Maria. The Absorbent Mind.… |
Sequence 25Montessori, Maria. The Secret of Childhood. Trans. Barbara Barclay Carter. Calcutta: Orient Longmans, 1936. Montessori, Maria… |
Sequence 28Montessori, Maria. The Discovery of the Child. 1948. Trans. M. Joseph Costelloe. New York: Ballantine, 1967. Montessori,… |
Sequence 16Action. Ed. K.H. Pribram. Middlesex, England: Penguin Books, 1969. Gesell, Arnold, Frances L. Ilg, Janet L. Rodell, et al.… |
Sequence 14Montessori, Maria. The Absorbent Mind. 1949. Trans. Claude Claremont. Thiruvanmiyur, Madras, India: Kalekshetra, 1959.… |
Sequence 34Louv, R. Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder. Chapel Hill: Algonquin, 2005. Martindale… |
Sequence 38Montessori, Maria. The Secret oJC!,i/dlwod. 1936. Trans. M. Joseph Costelloe. New York: Ballantine, 1966. Montessori, Maria.… |
Sequence 17Montes~ori, Man.1. The S1•cret of Cl1ildho<1d. 1936. Tr.1ns. \I. Joseph C.ostelloc. c" York: Ballantine, 1992… |
Sequence 15REFERENCES "Ashoka Questions and Answers." Ashoka. July 29, 2005 < w hat_is /… |
Sequence 16"What Is a Social Entrepreneur?" Ashoka. July 29, 2005 <>… |
Sequence 22Montessori, Maria. The Secret of Childhood. Trans. Barbarn Barclay Carter. Bombay: Orient Longmans, 1936. Muggeridge, Malcolm… |
Sequence 29Lakoff, G., & M. Johnson. P/11/()sol'hY i11 //,c I Jes!,. Nrw York: B,1sic8ooks, 1999. Leder, D. The A/1~1•111… |
Sequence 18McCarty, W. "Keys to Healing and Preventing Foundational Trauma: What Babies Are Teaching Us." Bridges-ISSS£… |
Sequence 18Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly. Flow: Tl,e Psychology of Optimal £xperie11ce.New York: Harper & Row, 1990. Davis, Ronald D… |
Sequence 8Books RESOURCES Chance, Paul. First Course /11 Applied Beh11vior A1wlysis. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole Publishing, 1998… |
Sequence 18But ... there are dangers. Any new invention, any new techno- logical development can become dangerous. Montessori says that… |
Sequence 12And this is all essential for reading. I know that reading has taken over in many schools as the most important subject-you… |
Sequence 16Montessori, Maria. "Dr. Montessori's Third Lecture Given at the Montessori Congress in Oxford, England, 1936.… |
Sequence 1539 Ferreira • Children’s House: The Prepared Environment as an Oasis Montessori, Maria. “The House of Children.” Lecture de… |
Sequence 18166 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 2 • Spring 2014 have seen children totally change as they acquire a love for things and… |
Sequence 3135 Shanks • Building the Inclusive Montessori School gov/st/english/pamphlet/2013/08/20130823281583. html#axzz2navMMDyo&… |
Sequence 1880 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 40, No. 1 • Winter 2015 When little children of three or four ask for silence, or when having… |
Sequence 7181 Rogers • Stumble into Grace a With the poet Mary Oliver, I suggest we listen and watch “con- vivially,” expectantly,… |
Sequence 24326 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 41, No. 3 • Summer 2016 ---. The Advanced Montessori Method, Volume 1, translation by Florence… |
Sequence 5AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 17 references Campbell, Bernard G. Humankind Emerging. Boston: Little, Brown, 1982. Grazzini… |
Sequence 13Optimal Developmental Outcomes page 30 references Haines, Annette M. “The Nonverbal Lessons of Attachment.” AMI… |
Sequence 21Optimal Developmental Outcomes page 38 Another support to the emotional dimension of development is the patience of the… |
Sequence 5Hurried to Read page 94 other aspects of the child’s mind (as well as other aspects of language) grow in a similar fashion.… |
Sequence 5AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 99 references Fuller, R. Buckminster. Synergetics. New York: Macmillan, 1975. Montessori,… |
Sequence 4AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 115 references Bronowski, Jacob. The Ascent of Man. Boston: Little, Brown, 1973. Fuller, R.… |
Sequence 4AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 119 are endowed’36 —this is the study, the science of peace Montessori asks us to create.… |
Sequence 4The Power of Montessori’s Positive Psychology in an Expanding Universe page 126 references Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly. “Flow… |
Sequence 43The Power of Montessori’s Positive Psychology in an Expanding Universe page 126 references Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly. “Flow… |
Sequence 50AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 119 are endowed’36 —this is the study, the science of peace Montessori asks us to create.… |
Sequence 54AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 115 references Bronowski, Jacob. The Ascent of Man. Boston: Little, Brown, 1973. Fuller, R.… |
Sequence 70AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 99 references Fuller, R. Buckminster. Synergetics. New York: Macmillan, 1975. Montessori,… |
Sequence 75Hurried to Read page 94 other aspects of the child’s mind (as well as other aspects of language) grow in a similar fashion.… |
Sequence 131Optimal Developmental Outcomes page 38 Another support to the emotional dimension of development is the patience of the… |
Sequence 139Optimal Developmental Outcomes page 30 references Haines, Annette M. “The Nonverbal Lessons of Attachment.” AMI… |
Sequence 152AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 17 references Campbell, Bernard G. Humankind Emerging. Boston: Little, Brown, 1982. Grazzini… |
Sequence 44The Power of Montessori’s Positive Psychology in an Expanding Universe page 126 references Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly. “Flow… |
Sequence 51AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 119 are endowed’36 —this is the study, the science of peace Montessori asks us to create.… |
Sequence 55AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 115 references Bronowski, Jacob. The Ascent of Man. Boston: Little, Brown, 1973. Fuller, R.… |
Sequence 71AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 99 references Fuller, R. Buckminster. Synergetics. New York: Macmillan, 1975. Montessori,… |
Sequence 76Hurried to Read page 94 other aspects of the child’s mind (as well as other aspects of language) grow in a similar fashion.… |
Sequence 132Optimal Developmental Outcomes page 38 Another support to the emotional dimension of development is the patience of the… |
Sequence 140Optimal Developmental Outcomes page 30 references Haines, Annette M. “The Nonverbal Lessons of Attachment.” AMI… |
Sequence 153AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 17 references Campbell, Bernard G. Humankind Emerging. Boston: Little, Brown, 1982. Grazzini… |
Sequence 610 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 1 • Winter 2020 about the children of privilege in America, “The children snatched the… |
Sequence 1290 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 1 • Winter 2020 90 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 1 • Winter 2020 REFERENCES Conway… |
Sequence 104(1936). Principles and practices in education. Lecture delivered at the Institute of Medical Psychology, London, 1936.… |
Sequence 75References Eisley, Loren. (1964). The unexpected universe. New York. Harcou re, Brace, and World, Inc. Lorenz, Konrad. (1990… |
Sequence 32Minsky, M. 0985). The Society of Mind. New York: Simon and Schuster. Montanero, S. Q. 0991). Understanding the Human Being:… |
Sequence 165Ardini, R. 0979). Feminism and science. In R. Arditti, P. Brennan, & S. Cavrak (Eds.), Science and liberation. Boston… |
Sequence 97thinking and choice making. School Psychology Review, 20, 382-88. Kutner, L 0990, November 29). As motivator, the carrot may… |
Sequence 104Branden, N. (1997). The art of living consciously. New York: Simon & Schuster. Briggs, D.C. (1970). Your child's… |
Sequence 136Maslow, Abraham H. The Farther Reaches of Human Nature. NY: Viking, 1971. Montessori, Maria. The Secret of Childhood. Trans.… |
Sequence 87• We will get to see how the human being is formed, the human being who is made "in the image of God" and… |
Sequence 126Montessori, Maria. The Discovery of the Child. 1948. Trans. S. J. Costelloe. New York: Ballantine Books, 1967. Montessori,… |
Sequence 121preparing the person for the meditative side of life. Isn't this what contributes to a better society? Isn't this… |
Sequence 62Montessori, Maria. "Child's Instinct to Work [Lecture, London, 1939]." AMI Communications (1973, #4): 6… |
Sequence 46Koch, S., & D. Leary, eds. A Century of Psychology as Scie11ce. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1985. Lerner, R. 011 the… |
Sequence 160REFERENCES Montessori, Maria. Kosmische Erziehung [Cosmic Ed11ca- lio11J. Freiburg, Germany: Herder, 1988. German trans-… |
Sequence 75REFERENCES Suber, Martin. Between Man and Man. New York: Macmillan, 1978. Suber, Martin. I and Thou. New York: Scribner… |
Sequence 121The Development of Empathy Oral Histories: Students were asked to conduct interviews with a grandparent regarding his or her… |
Sequence 224been tried out in the home and in Infant Communities. 1 For instance, a low, large bed is a great help for the sensory and… |
Sequence 58operations and have begun rudimentary memorization. Everyone might not understand adverbs and prepositions, transitive and… |
Sequence 59Montessori, Maria. The Secret of Childhood. 1936. Trans. Barbara Barclay Carter. New York: Ballantine, 1966. Montessori,… |
Sequence 13REFERENCES Deng Ming-Dao. 365 Tao: Daily Meditations. San Francisco: Harper, 1992. Montessori, Maria. The Absorbent Mind.… |
Sequence 90Montessori, Maria. The Secret of Childhood. Trans. Barbara Barclay Carter. Calcutta: Orient Longmans, 1936. Montessori, Maria… |
Sequence 156Montessori, Maria. The Discovery of the Child. 1948. Trans. M. Joseph Costelloe. New York: Ballantine, 1967. Montessori,… |
Sequence 26Action. Ed. K.H. Pribram. Middlesex, England: Penguin Books, 1969. Gesell, Arnold, Frances L. Ilg, Janet L. Rodell, et al.… |
Sequence 214Montessori, Maria. The Absorbent Mind. 1949. Trans. Claude Claremont. Thiruvanmiyur, Madras, India: Kalekshetra, 1959.… |
Sequence 45Louv, R. Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder. Chapel Hill: Algonquin, 2005. Martindale… |
Sequence 117Montessori, Maria. The Secret oJC!,i/dlwod. 1936. Trans. M. Joseph Costelloe. New York: Ballantine, 1966. Montessori, Maria.… |
Sequence 280Montes~ori, Man.1. The S1•cret of Cl1ildho<1d. 1936. Tr.1ns. \I. Joseph C.ostelloc. c" York: Ballantine, 1992… |
Sequence 316REFERENCES "Ashoka Questions and Answers." Ashoka. July 29, 2005 < w hat_is /… |
Sequence 317"What Is a Social Entrepreneur?" Ashoka. July 29, 2005 <>… |
Sequence 27Montessori, Maria. The Secret of Childhood. Trans. Barbarn Barclay Carter. Bombay: Orient Longmans, 1936. Muggeridge, Malcolm… |
Sequence 218Lakoff, G., & M. Johnson. P/11/()sol'hY i11 //,c I Jes!,. Nrw York: B,1sic8ooks, 1999. Leder, D. The A/1~1•111… |
Sequence 172McCarty, W. "Keys to Healing and Preventing Foundational Trauma: What Babies Are Teaching Us." Bridges-ISSS£… |
Sequence 27Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly. Flow: Tl,e Psychology of Optimal £xperie11ce.New York: Harper & Row, 1990. Davis, Ronald D… |
Sequence 77Books RESOURCES Chance, Paul. First Course /11 Applied Beh11vior A1wlysis. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole Publishing, 1998… |