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Displaying results 201 - 300 of 1382
Sequence 12If the human being is what we study, then we must create an environment which uniquely addresses the psychologi- cal… |
Sequence 3Erikson, E. Identity, Youth and Crisis. New York: Norton, 1968. Erikson, E. "The Problem of Ego Identity."… |
Sequence 5Ravitch, D. The Troubled Crusade. New York: Basic Books, 1983. Rogers, D. "Stage Theory and Critical Period as… |
Sequence 6pendence practiced on a daily basis with real roles, and the adult-like responsibilities connected with the spiritual and… |
Sequence 5REFERENCES Suber, Martin. Between Man and Man. New York: Macmillan, 1978. Suber, Martin. I and Thou. New York: Scribner… |
Sequence 7together and pull other people into their goals such as Greenpeace. Do you know how efficient recycling would be if only one… |
Sequence 13• Values and Attitudes Having worked with all of the above models that explore Place as Pedagogy, it is easy to applaud the… |
Sequence 22Joosten: The only thing is that you should assume obligations to the families and the children over periods of time, so that… |
Sequence 1The first objective is reached through experience with music, language, and "travaux artistiq11es" (drawing… |
Sequence 18and Holland, where the interest was greatest, Montessori told her followers that she wasn't yet ready to discuss this… |
Sequence 28techniques of gardening. These courses eventually developed into multi-week excursions to the country, where fire-building,… |
Sequence 3really meant is often arduous work and could potentially make prac- tical implementation more complicated, but in our desire… |
Sequence 4INTERNATIONAL BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TEXTS CONCERNING ERDKINDER Excerpted from Winfried Bohm. International Montessori Bibliogra… |
Sequence 6knowing the anatomy and basic veterinary science behind what's going on with the milk production helps you to assess that… |
Sequence 16The period of opposition is also one in which children begin to better understand time and to establish some relationship with… |
Sequence 23A: How interesting. Q: I have to agree with the scientific approach because not all families have that love. It would be… |
Sequence 5been tried out in the home and in Infant Communities. 1 For instance, a low, large bed is a great help for the sensory and… |
Sequence 14REFERENCES Berry, Wendell. Sex, Economy, Freedom and Community. New York: Pantheon Press, 1992. Berry, Wendell. Recollected… |
Sequence 10great fanfare: muscle coordination, perception, language, order. Don't expect great developmental efforts, for instance,… |
Sequence 112. cosmos as the universe in harmony and order, to be studied for its beauty and intellectual challenge; 3. the Cosmic Task… |
Sequence 12the inner relationships of numbers and shapes. Drawing a square root is exciting. If the teacher hasn't realized that so… |
Sequence 9development. To the young child we give guides to the world and the possibility to explore it through his own free activity;… |
Sequence 12Building Up of the Moral Conscience Of what use is intellectual knowledge if one is corrupt? So we prepare a social… |
Sequence 16care about the development of the child. In a lecture given in 1939 in London, Dr. Montessori said: The child is not only the… |
Sequence 2THE Six-To-TWELVE WORKING MooEL by Suzanne A. Damadio Suzanne Damadio gives a practical profile of a working model of a six-… |
Sequence 3I was eager to make all the materials from my six-to-twelve training and try out all of those wonderful presentations with the… |
Sequence 6standards. We discuss each standard in relation to how it helps support the development of the child. I pull information from… |
Sequence 7social development. But then I began to look more closely at this practice and the overall impact the transfer students and… |
Sequence 8When I was considering splitting the class into two classes, I also ran into the issue of what materials would need to be… |
Sequence 9to address the group of us, who were anxiously waiting for some sort of dramatic revelation, with more questions:"… |
Sequence 16• feeling of usefulness and an understanding of one's "many sided powers of adaptation" (Montessori,… |
Sequence 33A. We have a different situation here because we started like this, with this problem, but then we became a foundation. We met… |
Sequence 4A second way nature education is problematized is through the sentiment that we should avoid nature at all costs. Many… |
Sequence 6Montessori has this wonderful notion of the universe story as a curricular framework for the middle years, which operates at… |
Sequence 7REFERENCES Deng Ming-Dao. 365 Tao: Daily Meditations. San Francisco: Harper, 1992. Montessori, Maria. The Absorbent Mind.… |
Sequence 17REFERENCES Joosten, A.M. Learning From the Child. Amsterdam: Asso- ciation Montessori lnternationale, n.d. Reprinted from… |
Sequence 24environment. He is self-directed, self-disciplined, and ready for the larger world. But he is not alone. We look to the entire… |
Sequence 36REFERENCES Ames, C. "Classrooms: Goals, Structures, and Student Motivation." Journal of Educational… |
Sequence 20The "Energies" of Infancy In the lecture that Montessori gave with the help of this second chart (Second… |
Sequence 35Montessori, Maria. From Childhood to Adolescence. 1948. Trans. The Montessori Educational Research Center. New York: Schocken… |
Sequence 36Montessori, Maria. Spontaneous Activity in Education. 1916. Trans. Florence Simmonds. New York: Schocken, 1965. Vol. 1 of The… |
Sequence 15other hand, why is it that a few prisms keep their original colors? • How should we set about representing (by means of loose… |
Sequence 18Montessori, Maria. The Absorbent Mind. Adyar, Madras, India: Theosophical Publishing House, 1949. Montessori, Maria. To… |
Sequence 8From the restricted meaning of the physical surroundings we have come to the idea of the surrounding conditions, be these… |
Sequence 32is a translation by the Montessori Educational Research Center from the French De /'En/ant a I' Adolescent (Desclee… |
Sequence 15Now we all belong to a new era, but it is an era which has been bequeathed to us by Mario Montessori, the man whom we are all… |
Sequence 11Also the London and North Western Railway's train is part of that marvelous "supranature" of which… |
Sequence 13Also the London and North Western Railway's train is part of that marvelous "supranature" of which… |
Sequence 25Now we all belong to a new era, but it is an era which has been bequeathed to us by Mario Montessori, the man whom we are all… |
Sequence 52is a translation by the Montessori Educational Research Center from the French De /'En/ant a I' Adolescent (Desclee… |
Sequence 76From the restricted meaning of the physical surroundings we have come to the idea of the surrounding conditions, be these… |
Sequence 84Montessori, Maria. The Absorbent Mind. Adyar, Madras, India: Theosophical Publishing House, 1949. Montessori, Maria. To… |
Sequence 163other hand, why is it that a few prisms keep their original colors? • How should we set about representing (by means of loose… |
Sequence 194Montessori, Maria. Spontaneous Activity in Education. 1916. Trans. Florence Simmonds. New York: Schocken, 1965. Vol. 1 of The… |
Sequence 195Montessori, Maria. From Childhood to Adolescence. 1948. Trans. The Montessori Educational Research Center. New York: Schocken… |
Sequence 210The "Energies" of Infancy In the lecture that Montessori gave with the help of this second chart (Second… |
Sequence 14The child demands that we in To be truly growing means that the Montessori village rally around we are stretching ourselves… |
Sequence 18child who stands before us with his arms held open, beckoning humanity to follow. (118-119) Thank you. REFERENCES… |
Sequence 6elevated to a new status in a religious context. The signs and symbols, the scripture and liturgy, the presentation of the… |
Sequence 7chapter of her book Living Liturgy, Dr. Cavalletti establishes param- eters connecting creation with Cosmic Education: The… |
Sequence 2EXTENSIO ANIMAE AD MAGNA by Elizabeth Wymer and Keith Boehme Elizabeth Wymer and Keith Boehme explain the philosophy of two… |
Sequence 3purpose of education is to make known the 'workings' of reality so that the person can enter into and live it. This… |
Sequence 11The standards-based model is characterized by standards and consequent curriculum developed by committees overseen by state… |
Sequence 12nation. The lessons are to entice and inflame the interest of the child. The Montessori program at our school was initially… |
Sequence 15exposition or actually distorting the content's nature" (Cavalletti, "Characteristics" 26 ).14… |
Sequence 17North Avondale Montessori Elementary School 2003 School Report Card. Columbus: Ohio Department of Education, 2003. Sixth-… |
Sequence 27Friel, John C., & Linda D. Friel. Tile Seven Worst Things (Good) Parents Do. Deerfield Beach, FL: Health Commu-… |
Sequence 28Montessori, Maria. The Discovery of the Child. 1948. Trans. M. Joseph Costelloe. New York: Ballantine, 1967. Montessori,… |
Sequence 16Eliot, T. S. "Little Gidding." Four Quartets. 1943. London: Faber & Faber, 1971. Fitzgerald,… |
Sequence 8Dwyer, Muriel. "Opening of the 52nd Montessori Interna- tional Course in Child Development." Montessori… |
Sequence 15well together. Teachers and staff must refrain from being judgmental of parents who work long hours. The assistants must… |
Sequence 12Montessori, Maria. "A New Education for the Secondary School: A Public Lecture Given at Utrecht, January 18, 1937 (… |
Sequence 14Bruner, Jerome. "Man: A Course of Study." Toward a Theory of Instruction. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press, 1966… |
Sequence 3unica," readers should refer to Camillo Grazzini's article "Cosmic Education at the Elementary Level… |
Sequence 12How is this reconstruction to occur? Montessori says that first the individual personality must develop and that this cannot… |
Sequence 18Montessori, Maria. Childhood Education. Translation of Formazione dell'Uomo [The Formation of Man]. 1949. Trans. A.M.… |
Sequence 9Love and Knowledge cannot be separated: "Man must be edu- cated. It is true that education can create a better kind… |
Sequence 10Here are some of the speakers and topics from the assembly in Burgos, Spain: • Winfried Bohm, "The Idea of Education… |
Sequence 14Montessori, Maria. The Child, Society and the World: Unpub- lished Speeches and Writings. 1979. Trans. Caroline Juler &… |
Sequence 17university or to pass the examinations required to obtain diplomas" (124). It is here that the Colloquium turns to a… |
Sequence 6I return to the main question: Can the syllabus be applied in other settings? If we know what the intent is, we certainly can… |
Sequence 3At the same time that McNamara was nurturing his classroom model, Phil Gang sought out the AMI point of view. In 1976,… |
Sequence 13years of creativity, experimentation, study, and refinement. That's where we are now in the adolescent work-guided by… |
Sequence 5characteristics and, so to speak, this "new" child has emerged that education is possible. The basis for… |
Sequence 10REFERENCES Grazzini, Camillo. "The Four Planes of Development." The Child, the Family, the Future. AMI… |
Sequence 2THE LENSES OF COSMIC EDUCATION by Pat Schaefer & Larry Schaefer Pat and Larry Schaefer's metaphorical treatment… |
Sequence 3This being said, the albums of my two Montessori trainings, by Margaret Elizabeth Stephenson for primary and by Camillo… |
Sequence 5cosmic point of view, is about inspiring, not teaching, and about formation, not information. For this the adults must feel… |
Sequence 6"Just listen with your heart, and some day you will know," I answered. THE RUBRIC: THE USE OF PASSAGES FROM… |
Sequence 7COSMIC EDUCATION: SOME MEANS TO AWARENESS In Montessori education we base our approach to children on what their needs are.… |
Sequence 10But Montessori history goes back before humans, to their roots, as it were. As Carl Sagan was fond of pointing out, we are all… |
Sequence 13This is the phenomenon we call the "normalized class." It is so unique that I think we often take it for… |
Sequence 15What we must come to understand is the link between this phe- nomenon and the course of history. Montessori saw children as… |
Sequence 19COSMIC EDUCATION THROUGH THE LENS OF SCIENCE It is fascinating to note that the children will frequently latch on to a… |
Sequence 20other. For this power is the quintessential one for the probing of not only science, but history, geography, mathematics, and… |
Sequence 22Let us begin with the microcosm, the baby who listens, even in utero, to the sounds about him or her. She absorbs these sounds… |
Sequence 25great Italian poet, Dante, has said: "La somma sapienza e il primo amore," or "The greatest wisdom… |
Sequence 27• The Greek word cosmos means to order and arrange, and so learning the power of number is basic to Cosmic Education. •… |