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Displaying results 1 - 100 of 136
Sequence 4till we came to something that stopped us. The air does just this. It falls into every hole in the ground, filling it right up… |
Sequence 3that Montessori used science behind her metaphors. For instance, "Child the worker" refers to the child who… |
Sequence 2the common experience for fashioning questions in the right way to reveal what they know, rather than just revealing… |
Sequence 4after Ml), intelligence is displayed, discovered, and developed within the context of meaningful, culturally significant… |
Sequence 5in each case. The distinct processes of thinking that each goes through cannot be confused. Extending the definition of… |
Sequence 7Table 1. The Seven Intelligences and Their Core Components Logical-mathematical Linguistic Musical Spatial Bodily-… |
Sequence 8Intelligence-Fair Assessment Consider again our seven figures; this time they are gathered in a classroom. We can imagine… |
Sequence 11Standardized tests promote a "wall-chart" mentality in which the achievement of scores is more important… |
Sequence 4question of technique or skill is quite obvious and essential in this kind of practice. The next one is again a poet. I have… |
Sequence 18A: Gatekeepers usually develop historically in very funny ways. You don't know exactly who will be entitled to be a… |
Sequence 10someone will tell the story of how story forced its way into the most anti-story domain of modern science-mathematical… |
Sequence 11equations was their implication that the universe was expanding. Such a notion made no sense in Einstein's static… |
Sequence 13tion of the cosmic story, they may be entirely captured by the militaries of the planet. But I don't think so, and for a… |
Sequence 2Human beings became really human when reflexive thinking and spirituality could develop from their inner potential. We have… |
Sequence 8The epic is so grand and inspiring that many layers of meaning can be discovered by the child and the childlike among us.… |
Sequence 9In the nineteenth century, geology and Darwin's theory of evolution gave us reason to believe that at least the earth… |
Sequence 28the ecological sense of our connection to the cosmos and other genera- tions of living beings. Our own personal destiny cannot… |
Sequence 21• the nature of the story (Homer, the Bible) • the nature of dialogue (Aristotle and Plato) • the history of religious… |
Sequence 4sort of artistic or aesthetic ability, a transcendent ea pa city in the gifted person. Let's reconsider that narrow… |
Sequence 45sort of artistic or aesthetic ability, a transcendent ea pa city in the gifted person. Let's reconsider that narrow… |
Sequence 78• the nature of the story (Homer, the Bible) • the nature of dialogue (Aristotle and Plato) • the history of religious… |
Sequence 11inflating was destined to die out. Down the hill of potential energy Hokhmah now rolled, unable to regain eternal potential,… |
Sequence 19bottom line pressures? From journalistic sensationalism or the patenting of genetic breakthroughs, some prac- tices that… |
Sequence 23pable of handling the foundations of positive psychology as content or curriculum, and to benefit directly from the teachings… |
Sequence 24A few other of Einstein's ideas about individuality have proven equally intriguing to the adolescent mind. Einstein held… |
Sequence 25Csikszentmihalyi. Himself a student in a regimented German educa- tional system, Einstein felt that the most counter-… |
Sequence 2AN EXAMPLE OF INDIVIDUAL HUMANITIES IN ACTION Individual Humanities is similar to other studies in the humani- ties in that… |
Sequence 3hood of Albert Einstein, he recognizes some similari- ties to his own. Einstein was considered a slow stu- dent in grade… |
Sequence 5Service to the Community: The Art of Living Developing and using our individuality does not preclude serving the community.… |
Sequence 8Teachers like McMillin, who combine passion for their work with genuine concern for their stu- dents, possess the rare power… |
Sequence 9weekend. We certainly had an interesting discussion yesterday in that little workshop on using this information in-did we ever… |
Sequence 10does not become great until man, given the courage and strength, uses it to create. If this does not occur, the imagination… |
Sequence 111does not become great until man, given the courage and strength, uses it to create. If this does not occur, the imagination… |
Sequence 7We, as students of Dr. Montessori's words and work, are in unique positions of leadership in the world of today, whatever… |
Sequence 3they have been grasped" (40-41). We in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd use the canopy of Gift/Response to live… |
Sequence 23with bow drills, and researched a range of early technolo- gies such as basketry, bow and arrow, and natural dyes. Students… |
Sequence 12In the second unit, we explored the achievements of the Ancient and Classical periods, considering the Neolithic revolution,… |
Sequence 9population that will suffer our mistakes will be that of our children and our children's children. It is their future… |
Sequence 9Or there is the chilljng evolutionary thought that Ignorance is essential for the human race to function and to survive,… |
Sequence 53~-------------------------------- ---- and knowledge, not necessarily accurate insofar as one can use the term "… |
Sequence 55senting a projected unity, justifying all assumptions of all subject matter-a unity that a curriculum of juxtaposition ignores… |
Sequence 61of" knowable being" is to hide and hide again the order of phenomena from a pursuing human mind. Clearly,… |
Sequence 70REFERENCES Arendt, Hannah. Tire H11111a11 Condition. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1998. Aelian. Historical Miscella11y. Loeb… |
Sequence 18cookie cutter floor plan, factory outlet furnishings, and no view. Such a dwelling is no place to house an Einstein, a da… |
Sequence 9science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead:… |
Sequence 15• Is this an im,tance of conflict between a religious search for truth and the scientific search for fact? • Why would it be… |
Sequence 16So what do you have? For the adolescent, it's them at the center. This is the healthy egocentrism. But it is never just… |
Sequence 17our new experiences, thus creating meaning and understanding. In this way, stories are human truth. Stories are how our brains… |
Sequence 9stimulated by an optimal environment, the proper connections may not be kept. This past October I read in The New York… |
Sequence 33REFERENCES Einstein,Albert. "Autobiography." In P. Schilpp, Ed.,Albert Ei11stei11: Philosopher-Scie11tist.… |
Sequence 2166 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 Throughout my educational experiences, I was told stories that evoked an… |
Sequence 4168 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 suddenly every detail of every encounter becomes an invitation into… |
Sequence 711 Black, Linares, O’Shaughnessy • The Best for the Youngest Respond when colleagues and others stereotype poor • students… |
Sequence 2125 Black, Linares, O’Shaughnessy • The Best for the Youngest PosTscriPT: macaella’s sTorY Macaella joined the Cornerstone… |
Sequence 14104 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 3 • Summer 2014 creations!” “Yes, ma’am,” the bellman nods. “I’d say these elevators… |
Sequence 9159 Stephenson • Cosmic Education ments for each year in the 6–12 class, that are always available to the children, there is… |
Sequence 2Montessori: Now More Than Ever page 134 anxiety, depression and so forth? This is almost a rhetorical question for everyone… |
Sequence 5AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 137 Montessori, of course, talked of the farm, living and working on the land. But she had… |
Sequence 32AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 137 Montessori, of course, talked of the farm, living and working on the land. But she had… |
Sequence 35Montessori: Now More Than Ever page 134 anxiety, depression and so forth? This is almost a rhetorical question for everyone… |
Sequence 33AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 137 Montessori, of course, talked of the farm, living and working on the land. But she had… |
Sequence 36Montessori: Now More Than Ever page 134 anxiety, depression and so forth? This is almost a rhetorical question for everyone… |
Sequence 574 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 43, No. 3 • Summer 2018 This research, combined with the invention of the transistor in the late… |
Sequence 7until Einstein and the physicists began to challenge the mechanistic view - was not a scientific age, but a scientistic age.… |
Sequence 3Mrs. Wyatt: What is Robbie's language development level? Mrs. Hines: It was just about on age level. And the amazing… |
Sequence 11B. Religion and Biology (Dealing with moral and biological issues concerning abortion, test-tube babies, germ warfare, genetic… |
Sequence 1212 B. PoUtical and Social Change (looking at the peasant movements in Germany, France, and America; the development of unions… |
Sequence 2for the child, that also helps. If the teacher has a real respect for the child as a separate individual, and if the teacher,… |
Sequence 2Photo by Ann Luce thought, the equal inclusion of cultures everywhere brought increasing areas of knowledge within my… |
Sequence 19till we came to something that stopped us. The air does just this. It falls into every hole in the ground, filling it right up… |
Sequence 105that Montessori used science behind her metaphors. For instance, "Child the worker" refers to the child who… |
Sequence 128For example, in a time when inquiry into human conduct was encour- aged, Plato's Meno is seen as an exploration into what… |
Sequence 146Week Five: July 27 to July 31, 1992 fflE INTERPRETIVE ROLE OF CONSCIOUSNESS: Subjectivism and Leaming The final week… |
Sequence 147Texts: Guest Scholars: 142 • Einstein, Albert, Relativity: The Special and General Theory, translated by Robert W. Lawson… |
Sequence 178the common experience for fashioning questions in the right way to reveal what they know, rather than just revealing… |
Sequence 14after Ml), intelligence is displayed, discovered, and developed within the context of meaningful, culturally significant… |
Sequence 15in each case. The distinct processes of thinking that each goes through cannot be confused. Extending the definition of… |
Sequence 17Table 1. The Seven Intelligences and Their Core Components Logical-mathematical Linguistic Musical Spatial Bodily-… |
Sequence 18Intelligence-Fair Assessment Consider again our seven figures; this time they are gathered in a classroom. We can imagine… |
Sequence 21Standardized tests promote a "wall-chart" mentality in which the achievement of scores is more important… |
Sequence 69question of technique or skill is quite obvious and essential in this kind of practice. The next one is again a poet. I have… |
Sequence 83A: Gatekeepers usually develop historically in very funny ways. You don't know exactly who will be entitled to be a… |
Sequence 153someone will tell the story of how story forced its way into the most anti-story domain of modern science-mathematical… |
Sequence 154equations was their implication that the universe was expanding. Such a notion made no sense in Einstein's static… |
Sequence 156tion of the cosmic story, they may be entirely captured by the militaries of the planet. But I don't think so, and for a… |
Sequence 26Human beings became really human when reflexive thinking and spirituality could develop from their inner potential. We have… |
Sequence 96The epic is so grand and inspiring that many layers of meaning can be discovered by the child and the childlike among us.… |
Sequence 138In the nineteenth century, geology and Darwin's theory of evolution gave us reason to believe that at least the earth… |
Sequence 157the ecological sense of our connection to the cosmos and other genera- tions of living beings. Our own personal destiny cannot… |
Sequence 169• the nature of the story (Homer, the Bible) • the nature of dialogue (Aristotle and Plato) • the history of religious… |
Sequence 202sort of artistic or aesthetic ability, a transcendent ea pa city in the gifted person. Let's reconsider that narrow… |
Sequence 152inflating was destined to die out. Down the hill of potential energy Hokhmah now rolled, unable to regain eternal potential,… |
Sequence 542bottom line pressures? From journalistic sensationalism or the patenting of genetic breakthroughs, some prac- tices that… |
Sequence 546pable of handling the foundations of positive psychology as content or curriculum, and to benefit directly from the teachings… |
Sequence 547A few other of Einstein's ideas about individuality have proven equally intriguing to the adolescent mind. Einstein held… |
Sequence 548Csikszentmihalyi. Himself a student in a regimented German educa- tional system, Einstein felt that the most counter-… |
Sequence 552AN EXAMPLE OF INDIVIDUAL HUMANITIES IN ACTION Individual Humanities is similar to other studies in the humani- ties in that… |
Sequence 553hood of Albert Einstein, he recognizes some similari- ties to his own. Einstein was considered a slow stu- dent in grade… |
Sequence 555Service to the Community: The Art of Living Developing and using our individuality does not preclude serving the community.… |
Sequence 558Teachers like McMillin, who combine passion for their work with genuine concern for their stu- dents, possess the rare power… |