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Displaying results 101 - 200 of 463
Sequence 4Montessori said in The Absorbent Mind: The child's adaptation to the world is thus favoured on natural lines, because… |
Sequence 4perspective, every day is a good day. We're the ones that say, "Oh, are you having a bad day today?"… |
Sequence 10Q: When you say that everyone's wearing panties, at what age do you start? You don't wait for the parent to say,… |
Sequence 19ACTIVITIES WITH PLANTS ANO ANIMALS Another activity is plant watering. Young children, when they're first walking until… |
Sequence 19a slightly increased risk of miscarriage among flight attendants. (But some researchers believe it is more a matter of job… |
Sequence 28Let me first talk about cytomegalovirus (CMV), which is a very common virus. It poses no danger to most of us. In fact, many… |
Sequence 30We're all tested for rubella immunity a tour first prenatal visit, and if you're not immune to rubella or have low… |
Sequence 31almost certainly incapable of harming the fetus. Microwave ovens are not dangerous. A lot of people were worried about… |
Sequence 2Dr. Montessori defined the nor- mal path of development as one in which the two streams of en- ergy in the child, the… |
Sequence 11That's the program that we did in a capsule. So what I'm interested in doing now is some dialogue about how that… |
Sequence 12And I was very up-front: "This is what I'm going todo." "Do you think my child's too… |
Sequence 4erything in the beginning, but he or she directs every particle's behav- ior at any moment in time. This directing is… |
Sequence 11price for me and you are trying to get the best price for you the whole negotiation process is really enjoyable. Even though… |
Sequence 3that. Normally, I don't stop the activity until everyone does, but David Kahn has only given me one hour to speak. He had… |
Sequence 4instead need to have a biocentric view, an earth centered view of the child. And that's what I'm going to talk about… |
Sequence 8an individual level, perhaps as parents, in the way we rear our own children; but we also create it on a cultural level in the… |
Sequence 16featured quite prominently in this conference. There's a gentleman whose name is David Sobel who's written a number… |
Sequence 25also our species identities. By integration I mean that when I look at the audience here I identify with those things that… |
Sequence 7on earth. Over 3.5 billion years there have been five of these events. Isn't it amazing that humans have reached the… |
Sequence 13challenge. It's a challenge of scale, it's a challenge of place, it's intertem poral, it's in terspatia I… |
Sequence 22faculty for analysis and empiricism, the faculty of imagination, and the capacity for compassion. This is how we study nature… |
Sequence 27ment so people can confront that. Even if you believe in God, you still have to confront the coldness and the darkness along… |
Sequence 4WHAT DR. MONTESSORI TELLS Us ABOUT SENSITIVE PERIODS Sensitive periods are the powerful capacities to develop certain charac… |
Sequence 14Children should come to understand that each failure can teach us something that will speed us on our way to ultimate success… |
Sequence 20A. I think we' re only beginning to reach that. Stephen Kaplan and Rachel Kaplan, at the University of Michigan, have led… |
Sequence 34that their calculations would be completely wrong. They went in the wrong direction. But she didn't correct them, and… |
Sequence 36Q. But she did. She said it. She said exactly what you said, that starting with the bacteria, each organism actually created… |
Sequence 5our relationships with our children come under this umbrella. We have a sense of ownership over that relationship and we don… |
Sequence 9holistic, or even naturalistic values that fly in the face of disciplinary thinking. Science, geography, history, and other… |
Sequence 11the prepared environment. Many people who teach outside of the Montessori tradition believe that you folks just have children… |
Sequence 13Now we are probably entering a kind of fourth period, which is defined as the period of the knowledge worker, where we can… |
Sequence 7our school, unbeknownst to me, was relationships between the school director (me) and the teachers. "Oh, yes, she… |
Sequence 9• Gaining the assurance to share news: You know your little groups of sharing news are very important. It's not always… |
Sequence 13It's always the same steps. You help the children to discover. Then one day-and it's different with every child-… |
Sequence 14Now, you know that we usually have two object boxes: One is totally phonetic, like dog or hat, and one contains sounds that… |
Sequence 18have their roots from different countries, from different peoples-I mean, there in America you should have an enormous number… |
Sequence 3about balance, which is another aspect of how we run our business, and how I think businesses and organizations are going to… |
Sequence 8done. He decided that the equipment that he was using just wasn't good enough, so his first business loan was for $825.35… |
Sequence 9amazing was that ninety percent of the catalog was teaching people not to use his products anymore. He started talking about… |
Sequence 10going to have a hard time with the financial side sometimes. They're at odds. There is absolutely no question that they… |
Sequence 11have heard of him. He's on expedition right now going up to the Northwest Territories. This is a nine-month expedition.… |
Sequence 13using business to inspire and implement solutions to environmental crises. It doesn't mean that you try, in Michael… |
Sequence 15us, it was a good decision, too. Now we're differentiated, and our customers are even more loyal to us. When you talk… |
Sequence 17pion of the project and the company forever. So either way, the result is excellent. Once every eighteen months, we sponsor a… |
Sequence 18a couple stores in that area, and we publicized the need to remove the dam, and we gathered money to try to get it taken down… |
Sequence 2Let me start by recounting a story of a middle school principal who had a problem. The problem was that the girls in her… |
Sequence 14become worse at, there are other things that you may become better at. So what you want to do is capitalize on the things you… |
Sequence 15taught by Spanish speakers and given to Spanish speakers in a Spanish-speaking country, so I decided I needed to learn Spanish… |
Sequence 16ing. Montessori talks a lot about the importance of classification skills. Much of her system is based on the development of… |
Sequence 17problem. After you're done the problem solving, you have to monitor the results of the strategy and ask yourself,&… |
Sequence 19practical. It's important to teach children to be good thinkers, not just in a classroom, but also in their everyday… |
Sequence 24So surmounting obstacles is really important because there will be times, if you're trying to be creative in your… |
Sequence 26and that is about the obstacles you face if you're going to be creative. It's not an easy path, but it's a… |
Sequence 30encode learning material more deeply and elaborately because they're being taught in three different ways (analytically,… |
Sequence 31career in psychology?" What is getting an A in an education course on classroom management going to have to do with… |
Sequence 33wisdom. And wisdom involves putting together everything I've said today. It's about the use of your successful… |
Sequence 2The traditional concept of intelligence is based on three key assumptions. First of all, intelligence is thought to be innate… |
Sequence 6· The organization of the work. And last but by no means least, • The ability of the teacher to observe the phenomenon and to… |
Sequence 9Traditional teachers, more particularly those who have taught for many years, may find life as Montessori students very… |
Sequence 3are aiding in the third plane, and this experience of a legitimate society, a" school of experience in the elements… |
Sequence 7The evaporative pond inspires chemistry; the greenhouse evokes physics. To provide structure for the adults as well as the… |
Sequence 6I THE A PLANES OF DEVELOPMENT! I THE <BULB> I ~~ ,flNALlTYI 1ai l~~~ mi ~ ~ MAE!] coc:9 ,.MQ,t;Hf~SORI)… |
Sequence 13have to dois to recognize this, and help the children to see this. We may have to build solidarity from a psychological point… |
Sequence 16convinced when they saw some sugar transform itself into a fuming mass of the blackest coal under their eyes, after sulfuric… |
Sequence 4to them about what the We force is. It's not just physical We. And where did we come from, and where are we going after… |
Sequence 9be in residence, and the specialists must always be the ones that come in from outside. I understand that there's a… |
Sequence 7Now what about humanity itself? As we know, at a certain point in the story, we focus on that very. special form of life to… |
Sequence 6comment was, "Everything has a purpose. Even the annoying fly has a purpose. Even the mosquito has a purpose.&… |
Sequence 2this f 011 rnnl issue embodies one part of the fire of her continuing sparks that mature into flames, and then regress as… |
Sequence 3in which case, perhaps, I will drop a seed to invite you to think about those ideas, not merely to sell ideas that are already… |
Sequence 27helps me to see that they might not be so easy to reconcile. And the third kind of challenge is that 1 have this theory,… |
Sequence 29Here's what I think makes sense in a school, and I think many of you wiJI agree with this, and then Twill proceed to some… |
Sequence 30We do not teach fractions because kids are going to need to know about that next year, or because it's on our lesson… |
Sequence 35to the port side in other respects. But at the same time, it's hard to imagine truly progressive education without that… |
Sequence 40antithetical to genuine, deep learning. Once again we can tell the parents the absence of grades is often a precondition to… |
Sequence 45I need to just chill out and do the stuffllove, so why the hell shouldn't children have that opportunity? Do they have to… |
Sequence 49punishment and sometimes a very cruel one to the child. It's not a matter of figuring out slightly groovier ways to do… |
Sequence 20things and said, "That's not the way I present that." So they've got to do their own. Even if I… |
Sequence 28• [ will seek to be more observant and encourage my children to explain what they do rather than to tell them what to do. • I… |
Sequence 3Dr. Orr went on and mentioned that to combat environmental problems we need engagement, we need to insti I I-as he said… |
Sequence 11name it-they con- trolled, just as the male head of household con- trolled. You always have to look at both the family… |
Sequence 12The fact that women in the Nordic nations are about forty percent of the national legislatures has had a profound effect on… |
Sequence 21kids also get it. Whether it's African-American history, whether it's women's history, if it's just that… |
Sequence 16I spent n good bit of til/le showing nnd telling Bernie what we would do instead, under each of these circw11stnnces. This… |
Sequence 29Byron's Story I was s11111111011ed to t/,eoffice next to 011r classroom where I found Byro11's 111ot'1er… |
Sequence 18dinarily hard for them, they can sometimes push through that diffi- culty. I think it also keeps them out of the vacuum; with… |
Sequence 31hundred years without special education staffs. So even though the sophistication of information-specialized information-is… |
Sequence 11Most of the time, this kind of meaningful work cannot take place solely in a classroom. That's a challenge. It's a… |
Sequence 5r Algebra :ZO,o Puactcrus Arithmetic Geometry 7 ~on• Nufnti.- P,cti.qon,, • GcomW"1c,.;… |
Sequence 9science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead:… |
Sequence 3My training is primary, and my work before adolescent was in the Children's House. As Chris Kjaer was saying, "… |
Sequence 12problems are very, very treatable. If babies are squinting or if their eyes are misaligned, encourage the parents to get the… |
Sequence 14[t acts as a neuronal insulator, like the plastic wrapped around an electrical cable, which prevents me from getting a shock… |
Sequence 3givens and maturational processes, which make it something in certain ways so different from what happens in infancy. I am go… |
Sequence 9Hatching Hatching is a term from Margaret Mahler. By the time he is five months old, the baby is somewhat aware of the… |
Sequence 36the world; the gene for that implicit social learning is gone. Social Stories describe a situation, skill, or concept in terms… |
Sequence 38An acute stressor, with the right help, tends to take care of itself in days or weeks. You identify it as a problem in social… |
Sequence 44Anxiety This is how we are built, and some of us are built a little more emotionally unstable than others. Consider the… |
Sequence 56Irlen Lenses Let's talk about one very unusual intervention that many have heard of: It's called Iden lenses. This… |