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Sequence 8A final aspect which deserves mention is the view of the child's potential for development taken by Montessori. In many… |
Sequence 17Boehnlein, Mary. (1984). A study of college/uruversity accredited Montessori teacher training programs. NAMTA Quarterly, 9, 49… |
Sequence 18McCormick, C. & Schnobich, J. (1969). IES Arrow-Dot performance in two Montessori preschools. Perceptual Motor Skills… |
Sequence 3Gitter, Lena L. (1968). Interpretation and Summary of Montessori Modulaties. ~ American Mon- tea,ori Society Bulletin, 1(4), 1… |
Sequence 4CHAPTER6 RESEARCH OF COGNITIVE/ INTELLECTUAL DEVELOPMENT Introduction One of the earliest studies of intellectual… |
Sequence 3example, discusses the propensity of the four year old to view a picture as a static picture. The child cannot make inferences… |
Sequence 5Table 2 Summary of Findings: Do Low Socioeconomic Children Benefit from Less Than Three Years of Preschool? YES NON-… |
Sequence 1The Humanities MONTESSORI: THE HUMANITIES CONNECTION Minneapolis, March 2, 3, 4, 1989 by David Kahn Minneapolis marks a… |
Sequence 3implementation and teacher training approaches. Lastly, this Journal introduces still another problem of Montessori… |
Sequence 3the widest range of principles and doctrines put forth by various psychologists and educators. Every philosophical education… |
Sequence 8will be able to connect information to what is uniquely human, reconcil- ing cultural differences with what is universal. The… |
Sequence 4personal behavior decisions are social decisions. There is an adult who helps us come to generous understanding, not by… |
Sequence 4builds from the concrete to the abstract. Suzuki method teachers paral- lel this approach in their ordering of the pieces… |
Sequence 2"soup" to a "salad bowl" concept in which each ingredient maintains its separate flavor,… |
Sequence 7the theory of the Montessori method, and practical instruction in the technique of the method. The classes last for six months… |
Sequence 4where he sees only the sky. This is the difference between Montessori and normal education. I don't think Montessori will… |
Sequence 7with Montessori. As you made what Montessori calls the levels of ascent as you go and work through the years, what discovery… |
Sequence 8new point of view, he can easily verify it by observing his own child. As Csikszentmihalyi points out, "The rapt c.… |
Sequence 19The leader sets che paccern by scimulacing discussion, encouraging dialogue, and opening his or her own actions and decisions… |
Sequence 3RUFFING MONTESSORI SCHOOL PEACE CURRICULUM: AN INFORMAL NARRATIVE by John Long In these excerpts from a talk presented at… |
Sequence 5The ways in which conflicts are resolved within a classroom are impor- tant, too; invariably conflicts come up. It's… |
Sequence 1ABSORBENT MIND UPDATE: REsEARCH SHEDS NEW UGHf ON MONTESSORI THEORY by Annette M. Haines Citing numerous emptrica/ studies… |
Sequence 1TIME FOR SIXES AND SEVENS by Rilla Spellman Startingfrom an analytical understanding of the developmental process that takes… |
Sequence 17servation and discovery, freedom and discipline. These are not things which are switched off and on for certain periods… |
Sequence 17• choose well; need normalized core group • limited to 15% of class • limited to 20% of class • only after extensive… |
Sequence 1In 1938, with the help of friends in India, she and her family managed to leave Austria before the War. She was to spend nine… |
Sequence 16In 1938, with the help of friends in India, she and her family managed to leave Austria before the War. She was to spend nine… |
Sequence 2the Montessori educational community, yet he made most of his discov- eries in his own classroom working with a group of… |
Sequence 3viewed her educational principles from the very start as anything less than a contribution to the whole planet. Accordingly,… |
Sequence 6Because parents are treated as col- laborators in Montessori, they are often invited into the classroom to share and… |
Sequence 1MAINTAINING THE MONTESSORI METAPHOR: WHAT EVERY CHILD WANTS AND NEEDS by Asa G. Hilliard In straightfonvard terms, Dr.… |
Sequence 1FOREWORD: FINDING FLOW IN MONTESSORI Imagine a river in time, a time span of one hundred years. On the one side there is… |
Sequence 16QUESTIONS ANO ANSWERS Q: As Montessorians, how can we can get our work selected by the culture? A: Obviously, if I had a… |
Sequence 1COSMOS, HISTORY, AND THE HUMAN SPIRIT by Gerard Leonard A rare weave of classroom examples, literary allusions, and… |
Sequence 4In a. very real sense the spiritual dimension permeated all of Montessori's work. I think that she never wrote a book… |
Sequence 8use real dishes and cloth towels rather than plastic and Styrofoam; we implement Cosmic Education in the elementary years; we… |
Sequence 13Whenever possible, music and poetry may be related to things children say. For example, once at the beginning of June, three… |
Sequence 8father, space pilot, dog, when one does not yet know what it means to be one's self? Again, as Montessori is based on… |
Sequence 9furnish examples of these. "Excuse me," said a child to a visitor commenting in a classroom that this was… |
Sequence 7essence of Montessori, who in a variety of ways contributed to make Montessori a dynamic force in education here and around… |
Sequence 8cooked supper for all seven of us. The others washed up so the cook could retreat to her album work. By the time we arrived,… |
Sequence 3First a little political and geographical orientation: Romania is an Eastern European country. It is surrounded by the Black… |
Sequence 7Marcel, the Romanian professor who got Children of the World interested in doing Montessori in Romania, was and still is… |
Sequence 4But the child "resists interference by the adult who thinks he can help him by his power. For this uncalled-for… |
Sequence 13when first announced. Even after accepting the theory, the scientific community of chemists still had to "beat nature… |
Sequence 14when first announced. Even after accepting the theory, the scientific community of chemists still had to "beat nature… |
Sequence 71But the child "resists interference by the adult who thinks he can help him by his power. For this uncalled-for… |
Sequence 172Marcel, the Romanian professor who got Children of the World interested in doing Montessori in Romania, was and still is… |
Sequence 176First a little political and geographical orientation: Romania is an Eastern European country. It is surrounded by the Black… |
Sequence 185cooked supper for all seven of us. The others washed up so the cook could retreat to her album work. By the time we arrived,… |
Sequence 186essence of Montessori, who in a variety of ways contributed to make Montessori a dynamic force in education here and around… |
Sequence 218furnish examples of these. "Excuse me," said a child to a visitor commenting in a classroom that this was… |
Sequence 219father, space pilot, dog, when one does not yet know what it means to be one's self? Again, as Montessori is based on… |
Sequence 2THE GENIUS OF MONTESSORI HISTORY by Larry Schaefer This keynote will focus on two things: Maria Montessori and her pedagogy… |
Sequence 14Montessori will never grow and develop as fully as it could until teachers are convinced that, because Montessori is to do… |
Sequence 7activities, so much the better. They could go off together to buy the ~vening paper, or walk the dog, etc. If children see… |
Sequence 4The crucial point of the whole question is the manner in which he considers the child, and this cannot depend on external… |
Sequence 15RUFFING MONTESSORI SCHOOL PEACE CURRICULUM: AN INFORMAL NARRATIVE by John Long John Lang's implementation of a peace… |
Sequence 5Joosten: Some have disappeared and others have come in, etc. But whatever they use, whatever you see being used, will be a… |
Sequence 3So the position I am standing in right now is in many ways excruciatingly awkward-not only because the idea of emphasizing… |
Sequence 3cusp, children who were tougher, noisier, and more rational, dangling between the two planes of development-I looked at them… |
Sequence 2and their expanding intellect (97-109). The prepared environment of the Erdkinder includes a working farm, a "museum… |
Sequence 36Q. But she did. She said it. She said exactly what you said, that starting with the bacteria, each organism actually created… |
Sequence 2Don't get discouraged with a child. Re- member that the child that comes each morning is not the same as the one that… |
Sequence 13Starting in the 1950s and continuing throughout the 1960s and the first half of the 1970s, AMI organized elementary study… |
Sequence 6reference but perhaps for an underlying need of absolute certainty and structure. Like early human beings, I am a hunter and… |
Sequence 34reference but perhaps for an underlying need of absolute certainty and structure. Like early human beings, I am a hunter and… |
Sequence 235Starting in the 1950s and continuing throughout the 1960s and the first half of the 1970s, AMI organized elementary study… |
Sequence 3that he or she has the necessary capabilities to function, thrive, and contribute to the community? Can education "… |
Sequence 4to forty years in the field; several were not long out of training. I looked forward to revisiting Montessori's legacy… |
Sequence 2The model of the school in Montessori education is also different. Rather than being modeled on the factory, a Montessori… |
Sequence 12in every skill imaginable, sports team schedules for eight- and nine- year-olds that would put the best of us in the emergency… |
Sequence 3and minute care as is given to the baby. ("Dr. Montessori's Third Lecture" 177) At adolescence we have… |
Sequence 2SCIENCE STUDY FOR THE ERDKINDER: PHILOSOPHICAL CONSIDERATIONS by David Ayer David Ayer's reexamination of the… |
Sequence 1THE MONTESSORI POTENTIAL AT THE GROVE SCHOOL by Gena Engelfried This short article presents a composite of the… |
Sequence 4which ensures the purity of the sea-water and the purity of the air during the many millions of years is called life"… |
Sequence 36to isolate one element out of a complex, the isolated parts and their separate behaviors never explain the associated… |
Sequence 93Cosmic Education for the Elemen- tary-aged child. Dr. Montessori researched the needs of the child under three, culminating… |
Sequence 13trees, and all life that emanates from the natural world (Montessori, From C!tildhood to Adolescence 19). This inner… |
Sequence 1UNIVERSAL MORAL DEVELOPMENT: THE BASIS FOR HUMAN UNITY AND PEACE by Allyn Travis Because the elementary years represent t!,e… |
Sequence 7we have had people immigrate to Wisconsin from countries where parental corporal punishment is permissible. Beating your… |
Sequence 2WHOLE-SCHOOL APPROACHES TO MONTESSORI SPECIAL EDUCATION by Paula Leigh-Doyle, Jacquie Maughan, and Maura Joyce… |
Sequence 7Administrators must foster a nonjudgmental environment, a community of humility, openness, receptivity to new information,… |
Sequence 21Then we started the writing process. We needed to tell them in a language that they could understand, and I say this with all… |
Sequence 26This approach has also presented some challenges. One is that when we screen children across the board, we've had to be… |
Sequence 1CHILD DEVELOPMENT STUDIES by Mary Reinhardt Ms. Reinhardt presents a practical article on upper ele111entary "appren… |
Sequence 2promotes various Multisensory Structured Language Programs with a long history of success, all compatible with Montessori… |
Sequence 2A MONTESSORI APPROACH TO AUTISM by K. Michelle Lane Miclte//e Lane founded n school tltat serves c!tildren so severely… |
Sequence 3services had there been such a thing at the time. Dr. Montessori was "the first professional who saw that retardation… |
Sequence 1PROFILE: THE COBB SCHOOL, MONTESSORI by Carolyn Conto Ross Tile Cobb School, Montessori, in Simsbury, Connectic11t,Jo11nded… |
Sequence 1MONTESSORI MARKETING: STORIES AND STRATEGIES by Mark Berger Mark Berger urges schools to "levernge the voices… |
Sequence 4If we are to solve the recruitment/ enrollment problem and take Montessori "over the top," we need to show… |
Sequence 2CELEBRATING LIFE, NOT THEORIES by Sanford Jones Sa11ford Jones' article is a very perso11a/ essay (combined witlt a… |
Sequence 2ORIGINS AND THEORY OF THE THREE-PERIOD LESSON by Annette Haines Beginning with Seg11i11, Annette Haines explores ti,e t!,ree… |
Sequence 8year after year, not of one, but of a multitude of persons who have nothing in common with us, not even years, is indeed a… |
Sequence 11128 Part Two - For a Science of the Formation of Man Finally, the fact that the atmosphere of orderly and disciplined work… |