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Displaying results 1 - 100 of 150
Sequence 2offer to all the children of Milwaukee. MacDowell is today joined by a second public Montessori program - Greenfield… |
Sequence 8Disadvantaged; studies done with low socioeconomic status (SES) chil- dren. These studies tended to overlap into both the… |
Sequence 1THE AooLESCENT AND THE FUit.JRE by Margaret E. Stephenson Miss Stephenson presents adolescence in a definitive theorectl… |
Sequence 14NAMTANEWs The Montessori Academy Is Full A new kind of summer program intended to encourage depth, The Montessori Academy… |
Sequence 1F~I'-------------------- BREAKTHROUGH IN EvoLunoN: TowARD A PARTNERSIDP FUITJRE by Riane Eisler Jn The Chalice and… |
Sequence 1THE FOUR PLANES OF DEVELOPMENT by Camillo Grazzini Camillo Grazzini presents two charts designed by Maria Montessori to… |
Sequence 3The simplicity of his early years and his life with Dr. Montessori gave him a rare quality: the ability to mix and be"… |
Sequence 1A MONTESSORI COMMUNITY FOR ADOLESCENTS by Camillo Grazzini and Baiba Krumins Indicating the theoretical underpinnings for… |
Sequence 8cooked supper for all seven of us. The others washed up so the cook could retreat to her album work. By the time we arrived,… |
Sequence 10something like $3,000 between them that year. Later, in her own center in California, Stela helped to train as trainers such… |
Sequence 13Children of the World, Judy Maloney and Martha McDermott, both of the U.S. There was no easy way to take care of them.… |
Sequence 166Children of the World, Judy Maloney and Martha McDermott, both of the U.S. There was no easy way to take care of them.… |
Sequence 183something like $3,000 between them that year. Later, in her own center in California, Stela helped to train as trainers such… |
Sequence 185cooked supper for all seven of us. The others washed up so the cook could retreat to her album work. By the time we arrived,… |
Sequence 2THE ADOLESCENT AND THE FUTURE by Margaret E. Stephenson I have read just recently in a London newspaper the obituary of… |
Sequence 1HOMO LOQUENS: LANGUAGE IN THE CONTEXT OF COSMIC EDUCATION by Margaret E. Stephenson Placing language in the context of human… |
Sequence 8Marchetti, Maria Teresa. "La scuola per gli adolescenti- IJI." Vita del/'lnfanzia 2.3 (1953) 7+.… |
Sequence 20they have some interest in the natural world. So-will the airline pilot please take a course in environmental interpretation… |
Sequence 24environment. He is self-directed, self-disciplined, and ready for the larger world. But he is not alone. We look to the entire… |
Sequence 2THE FOUR PLANES OF DEVELOPMENT by Camillo Grazzini Camillo Grazzini presents two charts designed by Maria Montessori to… |
Sequence 2A MONTESSORI COMMUNITY FOR ADOLESCENTS by Camillo Grazzini and Baiba Krumins Indicating the theoretical underpinnings for… |
Sequence 2MY TRIBUTE TO MARIO MONTESSORI by Camillo Grazzini Here and now I wish to give my own personal testimony to the importance… |
Sequence 38MY TRIBUTE TO MARIO MONTESSORI by Camillo Grazzini Here and now I wish to give my own personal testimony to the importance… |
Sequence 82A MONTESSORI COMMUNITY FOR ADOLESCENTS by Camillo Grazzini and Baiba Krumins Indicating the theoretical underpinnings for… |
Sequence 228THE FOUR PLANES OF DEVELOPMENT by Camillo Grazzini Camillo Grazzini presents two charts designed by Maria Montessori to… |
Sequence 2EDUCATEURS SANS FRONTIERES: LIVING OUT THE VISION by Charlene S. Trochta Charlene Trochta's review of her experience of… |
Sequence 1UNIVERSAL MORAL DEVELOPMENT: THE BASIS FOR HUMAN UNITY AND PEACE by Allyn Travis Because the elementary years represent t!,e… |
Sequence 13Our short-term goal is building and retaining enrollment. Our long-term goal is bringing the Montessori experience to all… |
Sequence 1KEYS TO GLOBAL UNDERSTANDING: THE ROLE OF THE PRIMARY ENVIRONMENT by Polli Soholt Po/Ii So/wits extensive experience lends… |
Sequence 2CELEBRATING LIFE, NOT THEORIES by Sanford Jones Sa11ford Jones' article is a very perso11a/ essay (combined witlt a… |
Sequence 1THE ART OF SPOKEN LANGUAGE IN THE CHILDREN'S HOUSE by Polli Soholt Looking nt the classical components of language, Po/… |
Sequence 21in isolation to solve one problem), it might not be so bad to sit and think of your seminar question for an entire hour!… |
Sequence 22Schaefer, Lawrence." A Montessori Vision of Adolescence." Tl,e NAMTA Journal 18.3 (1993, Summer): 73-84.… |
Sequence 1Practical life for the older children in the casa by Polli Soholt Polli Soholt writes about advanced practical life and… |
Sequence 1livinG Grace and courteSy in the Primary by Polli Soholt Polli Soholt looks at grace and courtesy from the 3-6 classroom… |
Sequence 18100 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 40, No. 1 • Winter 2015 Grazzini, Camillo. “Characteristics of the Child in the Elementary… |
Sequence 1The soCial RooTs of a GloBal CommUniTy by Polli Soholt Polli Soholt points to normalization in the first plane as leading to… |
Sequence 1Technology in The MonTessori clAssrooM: beneFiTs, hAzArds And prepArATion For liFe by Greg MacDonald Greg MacDonald cites… |
Sequence 3155 Powell • Montessori Practices: Options for a Digital Age Especially while in India, Dr. Montessori was fascinated by 16mm… |
Sequence 5AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 85 gift of man, an invention of his creative spirit which, as a fundamental discovery, lies at… |
Sequence 84AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 85 gift of man, an invention of his creative spirit which, as a fundamental discovery, lies at… |
Sequence 85AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 85 gift of man, an invention of his creative spirit which, as a fundamental discovery, lies at… |
Sequence 1MAriA MoNTessori’s CosMiC sTories AND CoNTeMPorAry sCieNCe Gerard Leonard is an AMI trainer. He currently trains elementary… |
Sequence 1KAY BAKER _________________________________________________________________________ Kay Baker was an internationally… |
Sequence 1Curriculum Review: Nienhuis Montessori U.S.A. Under the direction and management of Monte Kenison, Nienhuis Mon- tessori U.S… |
Sequence 2The USA office/warehouse was set up in the summer of 1975 with the first orders being shipped in August of that year. After… |
Sequence 942 for the future, we need to invest time and money in broadening the base of leadership at the training level. Until now,… |
Sequence 1Report from Atlanta by Marsha Kleis The mere notice of an AMI National Study Conference - Adolescence: An Ex- ploration -… |
Sequence 4to center on the need for the ability to adapt. The pattern of thought that emerged was profound. Ors. Bremer and Salzmann… |
Sequence 22 Thoughts for Consideration As the twentieth century draws to a close, we Montessorians would do well to Pon· der the… |
Sequence 7out content of faith (sic) requires the interpretation of specialists, a gulf' may arise be- tween the specialist (… |
Sequence 1AMI/USA: Form Follows Function by Sanford Jones Mr. Jones describes his direcrions and achievemenrs for his first year as… |
Sequence 1Towards AMI Summer Training in America by David Kahn With the reorganization of AMI in America, and the expansion of its… |
Sequence 2the leadership of Barbara Gordon - quiet, persuasive, and able to bring a community of teachers and parents together in a… |
Sequence 3Ko,·ach. Hi/dick, Sullivan workshop parricipanls. pointed between the workshops were NAMTA media events reminding participants… |
Sequence 334 plied that their graduates were not successful. However, only three of the 45 schools who responded to this question did a… |
Sequence 23 3. The American Montessori Societ):'. Bullet ins 1963 v. l N. l 1964 v. 2 N. 4 1965 v. 3 N. 3 v. 3 N. 4 1979… |
Sequence 1Education as Peace by John Bremer Dr. Bremer's article portrays, in superb literary style, the contradictions of the… |
Sequence 3I ! ~ ll 11 teaching credential have the possibility of entering a public Montessori School. Beyond this level are… |
Sequence 5'J Organizer is a low cosl integrated computer program developed by a parent in Virginia. Or, you may remember, some… |
Sequence 92NAMTA ANNUAL REPORT PROGRAMMING NAMTA's goal in hiring David Kahn two-thirds time as opposed to one-third time is to… |
Sequence 37offer to all the children of Milwaukee. MacDowell is today joined by a second public Montessori program - Greenfield… |
Sequence 150146 Jon R. Osterkom Died December 7, 1987 Most 'Will remember Jmi Oster/wrn fer his frwrul,ly and upbeat voice… |
Sequence 12Disadvantaged; studies done with low socioeconomic status (SES) chil- dren. These studies tended to overlap into both the… |
Sequence 143MONTESSORI Education for life. NIENHUIS MONTESSORI USA 320PIONEERWAY. MT.VIEW.CA 94041 (415)964-2735 |
Sequence 160MONTESSORI Education for life. NIENHUIS MONTESSORI USA 320PIONEERWAY. MTVIEW,CA 94041 (415)964-2735 |
Sequence 185Summer Institute Emerging Partnerships: Histo1y as a Means of Development is the theme of the 1993 Summer Institute,… |
Sequence 8THE AooLESCENT AND THE FUit.JRE by Margaret E. Stephenson Miss Stephenson presents adolescence in a definitive theorectl… |
Sequence 155NAMTANEWs The Montessori Academy Is Full A new kind of summer program intended to encourage depth, The Montessori Academy… |
Sequence 150F~I'-------------------- BREAKTHROUGH IN EvoLunoN: TowARD A PARTNERSIDP FUITJRE by Riane Eisler Jn The Chalice and… |
Sequence 176U.S. Virgin Islands VIRGIN ISLANDS MONTESSORI SCHOOL seeks applications for MON- TESSORI JUNIOR HIGH TEACHER for September… |
Sequence 185Montessori materials, books, shelves for sale. Very good condition. Call for descriplion and price list. 703/799-1563.… |
Sequence 80West Virginia ELEMENTARY TEACHING POSITrON Our Slaff, small buL di,·erse wilh widely varied interests and teaching experi-… |
Sequence 214THE FOUR PLANES OF DEVELOPMENT by Camillo Grazzini Camillo Grazzini presents two charts designed by Maria Montessori to… |
Sequence 273Late Addition PROGRAM ASSIST ANT FOR MONTESSORI EDUCATION Loyola College in Maryland is seeking an individual to assist with… |
Sequence 71p ARTICIPANTS IN THE ADOLESCENT COLLOQUIUM Kay Baker is AMI Elementary Director of Training at the Washington (DC)… |
Sequence 72Camillo Grazzini is AMI Elementary Director of Training at Fondazione "Centro Internazionale Studi Montessoriani,… |
Sequence 22The simplicity of his early years and his life with Dr. Montessori gave him a rare quality: the ability to mix and be"… |
Sequence 138A MONTESSORI COMMUNITY FOR ADOLESCENTS by Camillo Grazzini and Baiba Krumins Indicating the theoretical underpinnings for… |
Sequence 213RECOMMENDED MONTESSORI MATERIALS SUPPLIERS: ln Montessori schools !he environment is !he principal teacher, and the adult the… |
Sequence 144NAMTA-SUPPORTED AAAS CONFERENCE MAKES NATIONAL HEADLINES Approximately 30 Montessorians, along with about 300 theolo- gians… |
Sequence 169RECOMMENDED MONTESSORI MATERIALS SUPPLIERS: In Montessori schools the environment is the principal teacher, and the adult the… |
Sequence 62cooked supper for all seven of us. The others washed up so the cook could retreat to her album work. By the time we arrived,… |
Sequence 64something like $3,000 between them that year. Later, in her own center in California, Stela helped to train as trainers such… |
Sequence 81Children of the World, Judy Maloney and Martha McDermott, both of the U.S. There was no easy way to take care of them.… |
Sequence 96THE ADOLESCENT AND THE FUTURE by Margaret E. Stephenson I have read just recently in a London newspaper the obituary of… |
Sequence 90HOMO LOQUENS: LANGUAGE IN THE CONTEXT OF COSMIC EDUCATION by Margaret E. Stephenson Placing language in the context of human… |
Sequence 331Marchetti, Maria Teresa. "La scuola per gli adolescenti- IJI." Vita del/'lnfanzia 2.3 (1953) 7+.… |
Sequence 264Why not train in beautiful Bavaria, near the German Alps? e Montessori Elementary Teacher Training for ages 6-12 years, a… |
Sequence 202they have some interest in the natural world. So-will the airline pilot please take a course in environmental interpretation… |
Sequence 89environment. He is self-directed, self-disciplined, and ready for the larger world. But he is not alone. We look to the entire… |
Sequence 6ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS A special thank you to Renilde Montessori, Baiba Krumins, and Barbara Kahn for their editorial assis- tance… |
Sequence 34THE FOUR PLANES OF DEVELOPMENT by Camillo Grazzini Camillo Grazzini presents two charts designed by Maria Montessori to… |
Sequence 180A MONTESSORI COMMUNITY FOR ADOLESCENTS by Camillo Grazzini and Baiba Krumins Indicating the theoretical underpinnings for… |
Sequence 224MY TRIBUTE TO MARIO MONTESSORI by Camillo Grazzini Here and now I wish to give my own personal testimony to the importance… |
Sequence 194EDUCATEURS SANS FRONTIERES: LIVING OUT THE VISION by Charlene S. Trochta Charlene Trochta's review of her experience of… |
Sequence 67UNIVERSAL MORAL DEVELOPMENT: THE BASIS FOR HUMAN UNITY AND PEACE by Allyn Travis Because the elementary years represent t!,e… |
Sequence 49HISTORICAL VIEW OF THE PLANES OF DEVELOPMENT AS DEVELOPMENTAL OUTCOMES by Kay M. Baker Dr. Baker defines l/llma11 nature… |
Sequence 82Our short-term goal is building and retaining enrollment. Our long-term goal is bringing the Montessori experience to all… |