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Displaying results 1 - 46 of 46
Sequence 2Children were pre- and posttested on measures of cognitive skills, curiosity, self-concept, and spontaneous language.… |
Sequence 10history as (long after) bipedalism, and probably after tool use and enlargement of the brain, we had many different forms of… |
Sequence 119. Ehrlich, Paul R. The Mcu;kin.ery of Nature: The Living World Around Us - And How It Works (New York: Simon and Schuster,… |
Sequence 8I have already said that the evolutionary engine ofnatw-al selection is a terrible one and, until very recently, we were as… |
Sequence 912. Wilson, Edward 0. Biaphilia (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1984). 13. Dawkins, Richard. The Blind Watchmaker: Why… |
Sequence 35its implications for cross-cultural studies. In S. Modgil & C. Modgil (Eds.), .lean Piaget: Consensus and controversy… |
Sequence 36Goody, J. (1977). The domestica1ion of the savage mind. New York: Cambridge University Press. Goody, J. ( I 987). The… |
Sequence 20Haberman, M. (1991). The pedagogy of poverty versus good teaching. Phi Delta K.appan, 73(4). Hannaford, I. (1994, Spring).… |
Sequence 24Hart, R., & L. Chawla. The Development of Children's Concern for the Environment. Zeitschrift fur Umelweltpolitik… |
Sequence 9REFERENCES Montessori, Maria. Kosmische Erziehung [Cosmic Ed11ca- lio11J. Freiburg, Germany: Herder, 1988. German trans-… |
Sequence 22have that prejudice. But I think so-called normal children, who, as you know, are not normal, don't know that. They think… |
Sequence 7into these wild, outdoor spaces, where they will make their own discoveries. "When the child goes out,"… |
Sequence 33Csikszentmihalyi, M., & B. Schneider. Becoming Adult: How Teenagers Prepare for the World of Work. New York: Basic… |
Sequence 16phrase meanings (semantics), sentences (syntax), longer passages (discourse), and the social uses of language (pragma ties).… |
Sequence 37Ago." January 10, 2010. Kaiser Family Fo1111dalio11. March 26, 2010 <… |
Sequence 4150 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 Phoebe Allen received her elementary training in Bergamo, Italy, in 1974… |
Sequence 15167 Stapleton • Multi-Sensory, Hands-On Manipulatives and Adult ESL tribute to what we can know although we are fallible” (p… |
Sequence 21271 Schonleber • Hawaiian Indigenous Education Tharp, R. G., & Gallimore, R. (1988). Rousing minds to life: Teaching… |
Sequence 18100 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 40, No. 1 • Winter 2015 Grazzini, Camillo. “Characteristics of the Child in the Elementary… |
Sequence 1335 Sackett • The Scientist in the Casa And finally, this quote emphasizes the vital importance of culti- vating the mind… |
Sequence 3179 Doerr, Good, and Waski • The Water Molecule Thoreau, H. D. The Writings of Henry David Thoreau: Journal Volume 7: 1853-… |
Sequence 7AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 51 references Bowles, S. & Gintis, H. Schooling in Capitalist America. New York: Basic… |
Sequence 118AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 51 references Bowles, S. & Gintis, H. Schooling in Capitalist America. New York: Basic… |
Sequence 119AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 51 references Bowles, S. & Gintis, H. Schooling in Capitalist America. New York: Basic… |
Sequence 71Children were pre- and posttested on measures of cognitive skills, curiosity, self-concept, and spontaneous language.… |
Sequence 48history as (long after) bipedalism, and probably after tool use and enlargement of the brain, we had many different forms of… |
Sequence 499. Ehrlich, Paul R. The Mcu;kin.ery of Nature: The Living World Around Us - And How It Works (New York: Simon and Schuster,… |
Sequence 108I have already said that the evolutionary engine ofnatw-al selection is a terrible one and, until very recently, we were as… |
Sequence 10912. Wilson, Edward 0. Biaphilia (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1984). 13. Dawkins, Richard. The Blind Watchmaker: Why… |
Sequence 49its implications for cross-cultural studies. In S. Modgil & C. Modgil (Eds.), .lean Piaget: Consensus and controversy… |
Sequence 50Goody, J. (1977). The domestica1ion of the savage mind. New York: Cambridge University Press. Goody, J. ( I 987). The… |
Sequence 182Haberman, M. (1991). The pedagogy of poverty versus good teaching. Phi Delta K.appan, 73(4). Hannaford, I. (1994, Spring).… |
Sequence 210Hart, R., & L. Chawla. The Development of Children's Concern for the Environment. Zeitschrift fur Umelweltpolitik… |
Sequence 160REFERENCES Montessori, Maria. Kosmische Erziehung [Cosmic Ed11ca- lio11J. Freiburg, Germany: Herder, 1988. German trans-… |
Sequence 113have that prejudice. But I think so-called normal children, who, as you know, are not normal, don't know that. They think… |
Sequence 117into these wild, outdoor spaces, where they will make their own discoveries. "When the child goes out,"… |
Sequence 44Csikszentmihalyi, M., & B. Schneider. Becoming Adult: How Teenagers Prepare for the World of Work. New York: Basic… |
Sequence 224phrase meanings (semantics), sentences (syntax), longer passages (discourse), and the social uses of language (pragma ties).… |
Sequence 254Ago." January 10, 2010. Kaiser Family Fo1111dalio11. March 26, 2010 <… |
Sequence 160150 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 Phoebe Allen received her elementary training in Bergamo, Italy, in 1974… |
Sequence 173167 Stapleton • Multi-Sensory, Hands-On Manipulatives and Adult ESL tribute to what we can know although we are fallible” (p… |
Sequence 277271 Schonleber • Hawaiian Indigenous Education Tharp, R. G., & Gallimore, R. (1988). Rousing minds to life: Teaching… |
Sequence 106100 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 40, No. 1 • Winter 2015 Grazzini, Camillo. “Characteristics of the Child in the Elementary… |
Sequence 4135 Sackett • The Scientist in the Casa And finally, this quote emphasizes the vital importance of culti- vating the mind… |
Sequence 8579 Doerr, Good, and Waski • The Water Molecule Thoreau, H. D. The Writings of Henry David Thoreau: Journal Volume 7: 1853-… |
Sequence 52AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 51 references Bowles, S. & Gintis, H. Schooling in Capitalist America. New York: Basic… |