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Displaying results 1 - 100 of 201
Sequence 5instructional activities that will help children develop the learning-to- learn skills and behaviors associated with school… |
Sequence 18was from 8:30 A.M. to 1:30 P.M. There were 25 children in a class with a teacher, an aide, and two parent-aides who alternated… |
Sequence 7are to be expected and even desired for they contain information essential for further learning. For students to discover and… |
Sequence 10Elements of the Definition of Class Discussion I. An interchange between students, not primarily between stu- dents and… |
Sequence 7verbal; memory of mere opinions adopted on the naked authority assumed by indoctrinating teachers. The conception of the… |
Sequence 2Method of Instrumentation The sample consisted of 96 Montessori students and 48 school stu- dents, their parents and teachers… |
Sequence 10complex civilizations that the Mexican philosopher and educator Jose Vasconcelos dubbed them "the cosmic race.&… |
Sequence 11kindergarten through grade 2, intermediate schools, middle schools, junior high schools, and high schools. Time, coo, is… |
Sequence 2outside the school, directives from supervisors, and advice from others in similar roles. They accepted the status qua and… |
Sequence 12casks in terms of the adaptive actitudes and skills chat he believes every person should master, including industry, identity… |
Sequence 9Each observation period required approximately two hours; at the comple- tion of each session the observer tallied the checks… |
Sequence 18The study supports the findings of Bruner, DeCharms, and others that self- motivation is part of a complex process In… |
Sequence 9exception was in one of the Montessori classrooms, where a student, described by her teacher to have a mother addicted to… |
Sequence 5relapsed to the more humble position of a demonstrator or assistant to the notable per- son we should have been! But… |
Sequence 9with her husband. She was also a vet. The students who worked with her went early in the morning to help her with the hard,… |
Sequence 1MONTESSORI: A CARING PEDAGOGY by Elizabeth Hall In this Montessori manifesto of caring, Ms. Hall puts forward the impor-… |
Sequence 8attention most naturally? How can I capitalize on the natural interests of the student to draw her or him ever more deeply… |
Sequence 9students the opportunity to apply ideas to their per- sonal lives first. Thus, a Socratic Practice group may be studying… |
Sequence 5solutions. Quality of instruction declines accordingly, and with it goes the quality of learning opportunities for students.… |
Sequence 9initially shown spontaneous interest, quickly lose that interest. They now realize that rewards reduce a child's desire… |
Sequence 18initially shown spontaneous interest, quickly lose that interest. They now realize that rewards reduce a child's desire… |
Sequence 3discuss what a "critic" is and that we all have an "inner critic" that can be troublesome… |
Sequence 9· "My first day of Middle School ... " • "Elementary school was the ... " · "My… |
Sequence 3National Erdkinder Consortium, a clearing house for Erdkinder devel- opment founded by Gang. Three previously unpublished… |
Sequence 7cultural history when "bigger" was "better." The tradeoff was that bigness meant… |
Sequence 1During the ride back from the hunger center, I reflected upon my encounter with poverty. When I arrived home my mother stood… |
Sequence 5The teacher takes responsibility for thirty-one percent in eighth the child's reaching each level of grade. 1 Depth is… |
Sequence 10The ideal is that as young people are learning about the cultural diversity of their city, they will begin to define their own… |
Sequence 8munities like Montes- sori communities are sometimes criticized for not providing enough peer choices for stu- dents to… |
Sequence 1Search for Meaning and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's Elements of Enjoy- ment, which describes the conditions of optimal… |
Sequence 8Teachers like McMillin, who combine passion for their work with genuine concern for their stu- dents, possess the rare power… |
Sequence 3I began with origins. I enjoyed the etymology of the word education (from Latin educare, "to draw out"). I… |
Sequence 25detailed classroom signals, percentage variables were calculated for each student and for the Montessori and traditional… |
Sequence 26Figure 4. Students' Perceptions ofTheir Teachers and Schools • Montessori o 1hditional 2.7 Teacher Support..… |
Sequence 33Why are these results important for the Montessori middle school students? Many skeptics will look at these results and say… |
Sequence 4to this further exploration are not set by the number of different fields of learning or knowledge, but by the psychology of… |
Sequence 158to this further exploration are not set by the number of different fields of learning or knowledge, but by the psychology of… |
Sequence 10adolescents wanted (loud rap music during supervised room clean- ing) and what the houseparent wanted (just about anything… |
Sequence 7(Grazzini 7). By looking to these patterns of development we can see that it is vital to understand the whole of the… |
Sequence 7local school farm. At twice the price of regular eggs, the student took a risk in the development of the product and invested… |
Sequence 7THE MONTESSORIAN Completing our group of faculty is the trained Montessorian. This individual is one who has Primary and/ or… |
Sequence 6dable task. The need for facilities, general funding, staffing, and the increasing demands of the post-secondary community all… |
Sequence 25new meanings that are grasped can then be developed further by reason. Both perspectives suggest, like Montessori, that a more… |
Sequence 31perhaps in booklet form, and the project might be repeated at other schools that did not participate in the original study.… |
Sequence 7Students must see the links between their studies and the real world, and then be allowed to use their own experiences to… |
Sequence 4occupational therapist, the school purchased some sensory inte- gration equipment. Accommodations were created to ensure every… |
Sequence 9The phrase "capacity and many-sided powers of adaptation" implies parallel for processing… |
Sequence 7above? How are you working to promote the capacities you believe are most important? And to the extent that you believe that… |
Sequence 11ing the second year of our program, a student with a passion for marine biology set up a fifty-gallon marine reef aquarium.… |
Sequence 8We can't lose sight of the progression from concrete to symbolic to abstract. I think that Montessori really acknowledges… |
Sequence 12three hundred games. Twenty-six times I've been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed. ['ve failed over… |
Sequence 8approach that puts the hu- man into the center super- seding the web (e.g., in biology, we view the human not as the… |
Sequence 15• • • • 18 I imposed "silent reading time" because the communication between the students during paired… |
Sequence 4suspected of having a particular learning difference, learning dis- ability, or other special need. The leadership has focused… |
Sequence 7READING Students should read aloud every day and be given feedback on their accuracy, fluency, and expression. They should… |
Sequence 2native peoples, and his leadership helped his state to become a leader in the struggle for American values, for peace,… |
Sequence 17does a wonderful project that I've adopted, where he has the stu- dents read literature and analyze, say, the use of… |
Sequence 4focused and moving forward at a comfortable pace is important. I am also a presenter of ideas, giving direct lessons when… |
Sequence 5while still keeping the class studying the same topic. We then discuss how to apply this new knowledge in different situations… |
Sequence 19There is also the fundamental human need for orientation: know- ing where I am and where my place is. Knowing our place gives… |
Sequence 3There is also the fundamental human need for orientation: know- ing where I am and where my place is. Knowing our place gives… |
Sequence 17By the way, one of our former students, now a college freshman, says that dealing with the crops and the chickens in our… |
Sequence 8principal, I used my principal prerogative and brought the check- erboard home. J said, "Okay, Dorothy, let's… |
Sequence 10MENTAL MATH AND NUMBER SENSE I put a lot of emphasis on mental math, estimation, number sense. In {111111111erncy, John… |
Sequence 16Assisi as saying, "Preach the gospel at all times. When necessary, use words." What I try to do is preach… |
Sequence 4Students may say they know how to use the quadratic formula, and when questioned, they kind of say the formula somewhat cor-… |
Sequence 5to produce our own towers with nothing more than rulers, pencils, scissors, construction paper, some sguares of cardboard (for… |
Sequence 20Dr. Claremont was always full of surprises. One day at Ashdun Hall in Atlanta, when I was showing some young elementary… |
Sequence 16provides more large roles for the students. When we began this ar- rangement five years ago we were nervous about competition… |
Sequence 2Thai Montessori school-no chairs or tables. One of the basic goals of Montessori primary education is to help a child adapt… |
Sequence 4As we began the project, the twelve students in the neighborhood history humanities group listened to the interview excerpts… |
Sequence 33restoration, and other positive motivations might be better suited to promoting ecological behavior" (603).… |
Sequence 33were building the foundation for a just, harmonious society. This truth was brought to me very powerfully in my primary… |
Sequence 12So much of our world is dependent on numbers, data, and statistics these days ... .l want [stu- dents] to be able to ask these… |
Sequence 1MORAL AND SOCIAL EDUCATION by Maria Montessori Montessori speaks about ti,e dyna111ic of moral and social, because stu-… |
Sequence 23183 Henke • Toward the Ultimate Goal of Peace must be exposed so the students can meet them. This extends be- yond material… |
Sequence 36244 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 3 • Summer 2014 Come prepared with proposed options for action, a referral, and… |
Sequence 971 Norris • Biodiversity and Peace dents naturally start asking their own questions and making their own observations.… |
Sequence 3111 Moudry • Technology, Togetherness, and Adolescents in many countries around the world. The tension revolves around the… |
Sequence 3490 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 41, No. 3 • Summer 2016 The first is our attitude. We need to adjust our attitude toward… |
Sequence 1058 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 3 • Summer 2017 are lovers of knowledge, and how they continue to grow. The more adults… |
Sequence 585 Blase and Donahoe • High School Frameworks at Clark Montessori and sciences, and local experiences through service. In… |
Sequence 6102 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 3 • Summer 2017 Currently, Grove is in the final stages of rewriting the outcomes for… |
Sequence 5teaching all of the curriculum methods. Some training centers with laboratory schools on site, utilized the school staff as… |
Sequence 21instructional activities that will help children develop the learning-to- learn skills and behaviors associated with school… |
Sequence 145School, 372 Hiden Blvd., Newport News, VA 23606. (804) 596-2555. WASHINGTON Cathedral Montessori School is located in… |
Sequence 36was from 8:30 A.M. to 1:30 P.M. There were 25 children in a class with a teacher, an aide, and two parent-aides who alternated… |
Sequence 55are to be expected and even desired for they contain information essential for further learning. For students to discover and… |
Sequence 33Elements of the Definition of Class Discussion I. An interchange between students, not primarily between stu- dents and… |
Sequence 41verbal; memory of mere opinions adopted on the naked authority assumed by indoctrinating teachers. The conception of the… |
Sequence 68Method of Instrumentation The sample consisted of 96 Montessori students and 48 school stu- dents, their parents and teachers… |
Sequence 64complex civilizations that the Mexican philosopher and educator Jose Vasconcelos dubbed them "the cosmic race.&… |
Sequence 125kindergarten through grade 2, intermediate schools, middle schools, junior high schools, and high schools. Time, coo, is… |
Sequence 152outside the school, directives from supervisors, and advice from others in similar roles. They accepted the status qua and… |
Sequence 170casks in terms of the adaptive actitudes and skills chat he believes every person should master, including industry, identity… |
Sequence 78Each observation period required approximately two hours; at the comple- tion of each session the observer tallied the checks… |
Sequence 87The study supports the findings of Bruner, DeCharms, and others that self- motivation is part of a complex process In… |
Sequence 197dents to Latin. (Academy participants without a Latin background will be provided with enough rudimentary pointers to teach… |
Sequence 192ILLINOIS Opportunity to work with respect, support, independence. Beautiful environments. Experienced colleagues and… |
Sequence 194OHIO Elementary teaching position available for 1993-94 school year at The Montessori School of the Mahoning Valley. Parent… |