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Displaying results 1 - 100 of 581
Sequence 6Orthodox: A Study to Determine the Relative Improvement of the Preschool Child with Brain Damage Trained By One of Two Meth-… |
Sequence 3Milwaukee is prominent, along with several other cities which have fostered the growth of public Montessori schools. It is… |
Sequence 2recommend it to the school and community on the Pine Ridge Reser- vation, and even to the state of South Dakota. The location… |
Sequence 18McCormick, C. & Schnobich, J. (1969). IES Arrow-Dot performance in two Montessori preschools. Perceptual Motor Skills… |
Sequence 5instructional activities that will help children develop the learning-to- learn skills and behaviors associated with school… |
Sequence 3touching remembrance of a visit to Hiroshima. She spoke of her own dedication to peace and education and managed to dig a hole… |
Sequence 2Jensen, J. & Kohlberg, L. (1966). Report of a ,-e,earch and denwnatrotion proj«t f01' culturolly duadvantaged… |
Sequence 3Prusso, K. (1977). Preki1ukrgarl.en Head St.a;rt evaluation year end report 1976-1977, Repqrt No. 7808. Philadelphia:… |
Sequence 3Gitter, Lena L. (1968). Interpretation and Summary of Montessori Modulaties. ~ American Mon- tea,ori Society Bulletin, 1(4), 1… |
Sequence 4CHAPTER6 RESEARCH OF COGNITIVE/ INTELLECTUAL DEVELOPMENT Introduction One of the earliest studies of intellectual… |
Sequence 1l\flTCHELLELEMENTARYSCHOOL:A PROFILE SKETCH by Paula Biwer Paula Biwer chroni,cles the cwvelopment of Mitchell Montessori… |
Sequence 3Mitchell Montessori School Biwer • The Montessori Program has brought a stabilizing influence to the neighborhood. We… |
Sequence 4• To better our understanding of our Montessori Program, we have created an intensive research partnership with a professor… |
Sequence 8Renilde Montessori and Margo Waltuch Photo by Paul Biwer. MONTESSORI DIVERSITY IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR "Multicultural… |
Sequence 10complex civilizations that the Mexican philosopher and educator Jose Vasconcelos dubbed them "the cosmic race.&… |
Sequence 11developmental bilingualism. The experiences, materials, and suppor- tive atmosphere make a second language offering natural… |
Sequence 1SCHOOLING AND THOUGHTFULNESS by Rexford Brown Mr. Brown 8 view of restructuring American educai:ion is a tacit request for… |
Sequence 3David Kahn, Executive Directm; NAMTA , wlw has su:pported CYUr work UJ disseminate research information UJ Montessori.ans and… |
Sequence 1THE ASSISTANT TO INFANCY: A SPECIAL EDUCATOR by Dr. Silvana Quattrocchi Montanaro Dr. introduces the arigins of… |
Sequence 1FAMILY STAR: MONTESSORI IN COMMUNITY LIFE by Karin Salzmann The Denver Family Star Project i,s not just a school extension… |
Sequence 2Assistants To Infancy Training, Denver. Plww by Fl:iul Biwer 118 |
Sequence 3Maria Montessori said, ''We have nothing to hope from the external world till the normalization of man is recognized… |
Sequence 4Families will be invited to use park space adjoining the infant/ toddler in which a solar biodome will facilitate year… |
Sequence 1ALBER!' M. JOOSTEN - A BIOGRAPHY Albert M. Joosten was born in the Nether lands on November 21, 1914. His formal… |
Sequence 1WHOLE L\NGUAGF.: A WHOLE EDUCATIONAL REFoRM by Yetta M. Goodman and Kenneth S. Goodman Citing the progressive movement of… |
Sequence 2Let me give you a little background on the Coalition of Essential Schools. Ted Sizer, the chairman, whom you will meet… |
Sequence 13References Brown, Rexford. (1989a). 'Testing and thoughtfulness." Education Leader- ship, 46 (7), 31-33. Brown… |
Sequence 5In the beginning our data consisted of interviews and questionnaires. To achieve greater precision we developed with time a… |
Sequence 18Preschool Level Research Children from low income families benefit from Montessori preschool programs socially and… |
Sequence 6of the data collection process; (c) to analyze the data; and (d) to prepare both an interim and a final report of findings.… |
Sequence 7August 1993 ◊ Two Week Summer Seminar Design Review Team presents curriculum designs with completed prototypes to pilot… |
Sequence 8Carole Komgold, Director, Center for Montessori Teacher Education/NY 25 Roxbury Rd, Scarsdale, NY 10583 914-472-0038 Pamela… |
Sequence 13Participating Schools Phase 2 and Phase 3 Public Montessori Schools Carson Montessori School Brenda K. White Clissold… |
Sequence 14Nokomis Montessori School t Elnora Battle North Avondale Montessori Thomas G. Rothwell Palm Academy Sylvia Cooper Sands… |
Sequence 16Other Participating Institutions and Societies American Montessori Society Beloit College Cleveland State University… |
Sequence 2Other Participating Institutions and Societies American Montessori Society Beloit College Cleveland State University… |
Sequence 4Nokomis Montessori School t Elnora Battle North Avondale Montessori Thomas G. Rothwell Palm Academy Sylvia Cooper Sands… |
Sequence 5Participating Schools Phase 2 and Phase 3 Public Montessori Schools Carson Montessori School Brenda K. White Clissold… |
Sequence 10Carole Komgold, Director, Center for Montessori Teacher Education/NY 25 Roxbury Rd, Scarsdale, NY 10583 914-472-0038 Pamela… |
Sequence 21August 1993 ◊ Two Week Summer Seminar Design Review Team presents curriculum designs with completed prototypes to pilot… |
Sequence 29of the data collection process; (c) to analyze the data; and (d) to prepare both an interim and a final report of findings.… |
Sequence 49Preschool Level Research Children from low income families benefit from Montessori preschool programs socially and… |
Sequence 5grassy area. It is here that many discoveries take place: a water snake, Canada geese, and frogs live or visit here; hundreds… |
Sequence 1Snow Tracks (Primary) by Pat Doyle Proctor Two forays into neivly-fallen snow lo look for animal tracks, one with four- and… |
Sequence 1EDITORIAL REINVENTING MONTESSORI: PERILS AND POSSIBILITIES by David Kahn To what degree is the fundamental test of… |
Sequence 2I want to stress here that haiku Is a feeling. It Isa dramatic momentiound in oommob everyday occurrences, in the small… |
Sequence 3information from them about haiku except that they loved it and they taught it to the children at their Montessori school in… |
Sequence 21by the husband. This cycle is found among the Native Americans of the eastern United States and Canada as well as among the… |
Sequence 5Where are they located? One school is in Canada, one in Mexico, and 31 in the United States. Nine schools are east of the… |
Sequence 33lt may be noted that 10 schools listed "farm" as a destination for off- campus outings earlier in this… |
Sequence 60• At the same time, we need Lo decide as a group of Montessori schools \, hat our target is in the clevcloprnenl of adolescent… |
Sequence 2occupations, looking at new challenges in linking practical life and experience with academic frameworks. Louise Chawla and… |
Sequence 19Bremer, J. (1985, Fall). Education as peace. The NAMTA Quar- terly, 11(1), 21-40. Capra, F. (1993). The turning of the tide.… |
Sequence 21Bremer, J. (1985, Fall). Education as peace. The NAMTA Quar- terly, 11(1), 21-40. Capra, F. (1993). The turning of the tide.… |
Sequence 196occupations, looking at new challenges in linking practical life and experience with academic frameworks. Louise Chawla and… |
Sequence 10Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education. Karnes, M. et al. (1978). Immediate,… |
Sequence 1A LITERACY WORTH HAVING by Rexford Brown LITERACY IN THE BROADEST SENSE At P.S.1, literacy involves reading and writing… |
Sequence 1MovEMENT, Music, AND LEARNING: THE MUSICAL AND BoDILY/KINESTHETIC INTELLIGENCES by Audrey Sillick Audrey Sillick' sin… |
Sequence 8Sears, W. (1985). Nighttime parenting: How to get your ba/Jy and child to sleep. Franklin Park, IL: La Leche League Interna-… |
Sequence 1MONTESSORI: A CARING PEDAGOGY by Elizabeth Hall In this Montessori manifesto of caring, Ms. Hall puts forward the impor-… |
Sequence 2The characteristics we came up with were described from a student's point of view. For example, the first one is: A… |
Sequence 75. Manufactured Equipment and Play Structures The primary function of most manufactured play equipment is to support gross… |
Sequence 2THE TELLING OF THE STORY by Audrey Sillick Evoking storytelling as a human tendency, Audrey Sillick suggests that the story… |
Sequence 16story told by an Inuit woman to ethnologist Rasmussen early in this century: In the very earliest time when both people and… |
Sequence 10ideas about how to get there, and processes for questioning and changing those ideas when they do not seem to work or when… |
Sequence 1A MONTESSORI JOURNEY OF SELF by Eduardo J. Cuevas Eduardo Cuevas' luncheon talk explores the experimental nature of… |
Sequence 17to you is that the traditional paradigm of explaining Western culture to students, that is, the multicultural approach, I find… |
Sequence 2DISCOVERING THE REAL SPIRITUAL CHILD (PART 1) by Sofia Cavalletti Sofia Cavalletti cites Montessori's description of… |
Sequence 1Two TRIBUTES To SoFIA CAVALLETTI The following tributes were presented to Sofia c.avalletti at the NAMT A conference entitled… |
Sequence 1DISCOVERING THE REAL SPIRITUAL CHILD (PART 2) by Silvana Quattrocchi Montanaro Dr. Montanaro presents an intellectual view… |
Sequence 10AN INTERNATIONAL MOVEMENT Evidence of the suitability of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd for children of diverse cultures… |
Sequence 1ART FROM THE UNIVERSE STORY: NEW MEANING FOR THE CHILD by John Fowler An ardent devotee of Brian Swimme, Mr. Fowler… |
Sequence 2THE CASADEI BAMBINI: A CENTURY CONCEPT by Elizabeth Hall Elizabeth Hall walks readers through early Montessori history, from… |
Sequence 237THE CASADEI BAMBINI: A CENTURY CONCEPT by Elizabeth Hall Elizabeth Hall walks readers through early Montessori history, from… |
Sequence 9you look at the long history of the West, that's the fight for the Western soul, and usually the period of the classical… |
Sequence 1THE DEVELOPMENT OF COORDINATED MOVEMENT by Silvana Quattrocchi Montanaro Dr. Montanaro discusses the stages of movement in… |
Sequence 1THE IMPACT OF THE ASSISTANTS TO INFANCY PROGRAM ON PRIMARY CHILDREN by Liz Hall When a Primary ( ages three to six) class… |
Sequence 1THE ASSISTANT TO INFANCY: A SPECIAL EDUCATOR by Silvana Quattrocchi Montanaro Dr. Montanaro introduces the origins of the… |
Sequence 8an individual level, perhaps as parents, in the way we rear our own children; but we also create it on a cultural level in the… |
Sequence 4A second way nature education is problematized is through the sentiment that we should avoid nature at all costs. Many… |
Sequence 10which does not forsake nature but rather celebrates the American landscape as part and parcel of our natural heritage. Where… |
Sequence 1A MONTESSORI LIFE AS A SPIRITUAL JOURNEY-PART 1 by Silvana Quattrocchi Montanaro Dr. Montanaro speaks of how Montessori… |
Sequence 2Cavalletti and Gianna Gobbi jointly worked out a program that seemed to correspond to the needs of the various ages,… |
Sequence 7Cavalletti and Gianna Gobbi jointly worked out a program that seemed to correspond to the needs of the various ages,… |
Sequence 14organic cotton, we lost a bout $20 millioninsales. Weknewwewere going to lose a lot in sales, but we lost about $20 million… |
Sequence 1PLACES FOR BELONGING: FROM WOMB TO HOME TO MONTESSORI SCHOOL by Judi Orion Judi Orion chronicles,from a psychological and… |
Sequence 1MONTESSORI UNDER THREE: THE FOUNDATIONS OF HUMAN PERSONALITY by Judi Orion Looking at the roots of human personality, Ms.… |
Sequence 3life, and I have had several opportunities throughout these years to work in this area. In one occasion, during the time that… |
Sequence 23• West: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and… |
Sequence 2LIBERTY: SPIRITUAL FREEDOM AND MORAL RESPONSIBILITY by Eduardo J. Cuevas Mr. Cuevas' universal article about freedom,… |
Sequence 16The piece of metal that holds the eraser is caUed the ferrule and is made of brass (a combination of zinc and copper). Zinc is… |
Sequence 3If a child is to keep alive his inborn sense of wonder without any such gift from the fairies, he needs the companionship of… |
Sequence 5Son Francisco, CA. photo by Angela Zohlen New York, NY, photo by Jerry Speier David Kohn guiding students through the exhibit… |
Sequence 21School bus of Calgary Montessori School, Calgary, Canodo, I 9 2 9 Montessori's Beginnings in Canada Alexander Graham… |
Sequence 164Rome, 1886 Los Angeles. I 915 United States, 19 I 7 United Kingdom, 1929 1870 Maria Montessori born on August 3 I in… |
Sequence 178A Montessori Journey 1907 to 2007 Patrons Anonymous Donation through Si Helena Monressori School Association Montessori… |