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Sequence 6Orthodox: A Study to Determine the Relative Improvement of the Preschool Child with Brain Damage Trained By One of Two Meth-… |
Sequence 17Boehnlein, Mary. (1984). A study of college/uruversity accredited Montessori teacher training programs. NAMTA Quarterly, 9, 49… |
Sequence 1COSMIC EDUCATION AND THE PHYSICAL SCIENCES by Peter Gebhardt-Seele Dr. Gebhardt-Seele's article is a transcript of a… |
Sequence 15Footnotes 'Maria Montessori (1948) To Educate the Human Potential 5th Edition 1973, Kalakshetra Publica- tions Press,… |
Sequence 2to accept the fact of evolution. Darwin lies beside Newton in Westmin- ster Abbey for this great contribution. His theory of… |
Sequence 4CHAPTER7 RESEARCH OF SOCIAL AND PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT Introduction Early and continuing criticism of Montessori preschool… |
Sequence 3progress had become very impo1tant in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Prior to that time people had thought more or… |
Sequence 28what makes the most sense. A lot also depends on how much faith you have in Ainsworth's seminal study of a quarter… |
Sequence 4conuibuted to her being somewhat ostracized by the scientific and educational establishment and her being labeled as "… |
Sequence 5In the beginning our data consisted of interviews and questionnaires. To achieve greater precision we developed with time a… |
Sequence 3in combating analphabetism in adults. lrs resmctton in some areas is also interesting. Montessori education has been forbidden… |
Sequence 4be something unusual about this one. It is certainly not that it can offer empirical evidence of success in all those fields… |
Sequence 1DISCOVERY OF THE CHILD by HiJdegard Solzbacher D,: Montessori, who was a scientist and physician and not a trained educa-… |
Sequence 3Key Personnel • David Kahn, Project Director David Kahn holds a B.A. in fine arts with a minor in classics from the… |
Sequence 15Key Personnel • David Kahn, Project Director David Kahn holds a B.A. in fine arts with a minor in classics from the… |
Sequence 12A'II schools, . where it is hu- can concatenation of lines to their position. The drawings along the borders of the… |
Sequence 7around Germany among the people whose dialects still preserved some of the old forms, as some dialects do in many parts of… |
Sequence 8hadn't got. So he retired and went back to Germany. That is the scale. Of course, it is very, very important from a… |
Sequence 11have been traced, and seventeen Robin Hoods. This snowballing happens because there are so few names. Even in England-… |
Sequence 16History cannot be written on the basis of official decisions and documents alone. If our descendants are to understand fully… |
Sequence 183. Economic Development-How have societies organized themselves economically? What conditions have caused changes in the ways… |
Sequence 2in order to study medicine. At that time, a woman who went among men, and especially among naked bodies which she cut to… |
Sequence 1MONTESSORI AS AN AID TO LIFE by Hildegard Solzbacher Hildegard Solzbacher's direct encounter with Montessori values and… |
Sequence 167MONTESSORI AS AN AID TO LIFE by Hildegard Solzbacher Hildegard Solzbacher's direct encounter with Montessori values and… |
Sequence 2these "deficient" children, in 1907 she took her new teaching prin- ciples to "normal"… |
Sequence 4lecture extensively to wider audiences, including a combined session of the 53rd annual convention of the National Education… |
Sequence 6cation was perhaps best summarized by Anna Freud, daughter of the founder of modern psychiatry, when she wrote: In a Casadei… |
Sequence 7Hinkle, F. R. (1915, September 12). A day with Dr. Maria Montessori and her youthful charges is an eye-opener for the average… |
Sequence 9the abilities of children throughout the world. As early as 1910, she resigned her lectureship at the University of Rome,… |
Sequence 2Maria Montessori died in 1952, but her work continues. Today there are close to five thousand private and approximately two… |
Sequence 3WHY NoT CONSIDER ERDKINDER? by Peter Gebhardt-Seele Answering possible objections and citing his own personal experiences,… |
Sequence 11visitors. One engaged us in Latin readings, another showed me how to play the guitar. When the refugees came from eastern… |
Sequence 4work. We talk about which ones are carnivores, which are herbivores, etc. When I observe the children doing this work I hear… |
Sequence 1EVALUATING EXPERIENCES IN ADOLESCENT PROGRAMS by Peter Gebhardt-Seele Dr. Gebhardt-Seele asserts that the development of… |
Sequence 13other workers with access to the highest professional standards known, the best research, the most helpful networks, and… |
Sequence 1FLOW AND EVOLUTION by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi PART 1 Now we get to the hardest part, because the first day I talked about… |
Sequence 19evolving society around us. That can be done through things like education, through the program you are doing, but also… |
Sequence 13excavating ruins and describing how to build. The techniques, the skills, the information about building and sculpting were… |
Sequence 4some of them at work and they do things that I haven't found a way to talk about yet, which tie them to Sylvia Ashton… |
Sequence 5the same elements that you see in Montessori and Sylvia Ashton Warner. For example, in all of these approaches is a deep… |
Sequence 12visitor you'd be swept off your feet when you see what's happening with children. It interests me as to what they… |
Sequence 2"Respect This House" is Mario's anecdote about the early days of the Spanish Civil War, and it is… |
Sequence 7discoveries of Maria Montessori, which are set forth in this book, special assistants were trained to guide the mothers in the… |
Sequence 18Pearce,Joseph Chilton. Evolution's End: Claiming the Potential of Our Intelligence. San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco,… |
Sequence 2THE INTEGRATION OF CULTURES: THE MONTESSORI CONTRIBUTION by Winfried Bohm translated by Devan Barker In this masterful… |
Sequence 7Montessori also speaks of the environment in a more inclusive sense when she speaks of a trinity made up of the child, the… |
Sequence 13community, since the former and the latter are quite distinct in terms of the community members, the aims, and therefore the… |
Sequence 16student's preferred form, such as a scrapbook, a story, an annotated photo album, or a timeline. Since writing these… |
Sequence 2DISCOVERING THE REAL SPIRITUAL CHILD (PART 1) by Sofia Cavalletti Sofia Cavalletti cites Montessori's description of… |
Sequence 10AN INTERNATIONAL MOVEMENT Evidence of the suitability of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd for children of diverse cultures… |
Sequence 1DOING WHAT THE HEART ALREADY KNOWS A PERSONAL STORY OF THE LIFE OF THE SPIRIT by Gertrud Mueller Nelson A delightful memoir… |
Sequence 2Our mother, 1 five years in America and fresh to the ways of Ameri- can Catholicism, was not daunted by being a woman. A lay… |
Sequence 22Tire Earthworm. Haughley, Suffolk: The Soil Association, n.d. Fil kin, David. Stephen Hawking's Universe. New York: Basic… |
Sequence 19REFERENCES Anderson, Walter Truett. Reality Isn't What It Used to Be: Theatrical Politics, Ready-to-Wear Religion,… |
Sequence 194REFERENCES Anderson, Walter Truett. Reality Isn't What It Used to Be: Theatrical Politics, Ready-to-Wear Religion,… |
Sequence 9ously. He was always a great scholar. He loved to study everything and he still does, so I expected him to tell me about what… |
Sequence 18percent of people, both here and in Japan and Germany, where they have also done research, say "No, I don't know… |
Sequence 7We must present the human story, and this goal is the central and overarching history theme of any Montessori adolescent… |
Sequence 8In October, 1939, Maria and Mario, her son, landed in Madras, south India, guests of George Arundale, President of the… |
Sequence 20gogy as Applied to Child Education in "The Children's Houses." 1909. Trans. Anne E. George. New York:… |
Sequence 3Presenters at the Innovation within Limits Seminar E. Thomas Casey, registered architect, came to the Taliesin Fellowship in… |
Sequence 17But as well as this material territory to be exposed to the child, with the ways in which man has come into contact with other… |
Sequence 17First Column: Preparation for Adult Life (Humanities) Montessori's three thematic approaches to history are The Study of… |
Sequence 1THE w ORK OF THE CHILD AND COSMIC EDUCATION by Peter Gebhardt-Seele Projecting a utopian world free from developmental… |
Sequence 9REFERENCES Montessori, Maria. Kosmische Erziehung [Cosmic Ed11ca- lio11J. Freiburg, Germany: Herder, 1988. German trans-… |
Sequence 12Another way of thinking about this relationship is to consider the individual self as the small self, related to the Earth or… |
Sequence 9· It paraphrased Montessori on the psychological characteris- tics of the adolescent. • It emphasized the development of the… |
Sequence 5REFERENCES Suber, Martin. Between Man and Man. New York: Macmillan, 1978. Suber, Martin. I and Thou. New York: Scribner… |
Sequence 6Social life is notsittingin a room together or living in a city. It does not regard social relations. The essence is that… |
Sequence 1Joosten: You say that the first-year children may not be able to manage more than four and a half days. You also are a mother… |
Sequence 4Joosten: I don't think there is a yes or a no. Is it either or? There is a blend. We can't go outside to an… |
Sequence 2After the Second World War, several secondary Montessori schools were founded in Germany. In general, they followed the same… |
Sequence 11part of my thinking. It seems that what others do around you rubs off on you. So we need not be concerned about our Erdkinder… |
Sequence 17movements of Germany at the time. Why attach a German name to a concept that was originally presented in Italian and published… |
Sequence 21reason that the twentieth century was early christened the "Century of the Child." At the same time that… |
Sequence 22university where he buried himself in theology and philosophy with an eye to the ministry, eventually finishing his doctoral… |
Sequence 25tantly, education were all associated almost exclusively with the city, which grew as a cultural rather than industrial center… |
Sequence 26Finally, academic learning was to be closely tied to the interests of the students and was to be thoroughly integrated with… |
Sequence 28techniques of gardening. These courses eventually developed into multi-week excursions to the country, where fire-building,… |
Sequence 29ideas of Erdkinder out of this milieu is the thesis that the documenta- tion in this paper seeks to demonstrate. She as much… |
Sequence 1THE Goo Wtto HAs No HANDS-PART I by Peter Gebhardt-Seele The "cosmic tale" of God Who Has No Hands is put… |
Sequence 8The Lord is in charge; He is the All-Mighty. That is understood as to say, He acts in nature, the particles obey Him, He does… |
Sequence 1Goo WHo HAs No HANDS by Mario M. Montessori Sometimes referred to as the "Story of the Universe," "… |
Sequence 2ALIGNING CLASSROOM PRACTICE WITH TRUE MONTESSORI ESSENTIALS by Peter Gebhardt-Seele Peter Gebhardt-Seele presents his… |
Sequence 7REFERENCES Deng Ming-Dao. 365 Tao: Daily Meditations. San Francisco: Harper, 1992. Montessori, Maria. The Absorbent Mind.… |
Sequence 7teenagers-wake up, and they help out, and then the husband goes fishing or hunting for mushrooms, and then he comes back and… |
Sequence 1Camillo Grazzini, Germany, 1979 68 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 29, No. 1 • Winter 2004 |
Sequence 8From the restricted meaning of the physical surroundings we have come to the idea of the surrounding conditions, be these… |
Sequence 13sense of personal responsibility." The very first experiment of this kind, however, was the Junior Republic, founded… |
Sequence 14Landerziehungsheime or "education homes in the country." For ex- ample, the one for youths from twelve to… |
Sequence 7We all begin to converse. I recognize, among many others, J. Koning, N. VanderHeide-Verschuur, F. Malik, and G. Portielje from… |
Sequence 41We all begin to converse. I recognize, among many others, J. Koning, N. VanderHeide-Verschuur, F. Malik, and G. Portielje from… |
Sequence 70Landerziehungsheime or "education homes in the country." For ex- ample, the one for youths from twelve to… |
Sequence 71sense of personal responsibility." The very first experiment of this kind, however, was the Junior Republic, founded… |
Sequence 76From the restricted meaning of the physical surroundings we have come to the idea of the surrounding conditions, be these… |
Sequence 187Camillo Grazzini, Germany, 1979 68 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 29, No. 1 • Winter 2004 |
Sequence 3depressed, and one may feel the need of that solace for strength when depressed. But the wine itself does not feel the need… |
Sequence 17attempts I made to dig out information about Maria Montessori's stay and work in Koda i. My inquiries were frequent! y… |