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Displaying results 1 - 100 of 433
Sequence 2With the move into the low income populations Montesserians will be able to address an oft voiced criticism of our work. Many… |
Sequence 2third of all American children. Several states already have school populations where minority children are in the majority.… |
Sequence 1DISCOVERY OF THE CHILD by HiJdegard Solzbacher D,: Montessori, who was a scientist and physician and not a trained educa-… |
Sequence 2Don't call it Montessori. If it works along Montessori lines, that is good. But there is no Montessori method for the… |
Sequence 1THE IMPORTANCE OF MONTESSORI 2000 New American Schools Development Corporation (NASDC) was founded in 199 l by Lamar… |
Sequence 2MONTESSORI 2000 MISSION T he United States of America is thirsting for bold, new education designs. The exponential knowledge… |
Sequence 8Carole Komgold, Director, Center for Montessori Teacher Education/NY 25 Roxbury Rd, Scarsdale, NY 10583 914-472-0038 Pamela… |
Sequence 14Nokomis Montessori School t Elnora Battle North Avondale Montessori Thomas G. Rothwell Palm Academy Sylvia Cooper Sands… |
Sequence 4Nokomis Montessori School t Elnora Battle North Avondale Montessori Thomas G. Rothwell Palm Academy Sylvia Cooper Sands… |
Sequence 10Carole Komgold, Director, Center for Montessori Teacher Education/NY 25 Roxbury Rd, Scarsdale, NY 10583 914-472-0038 Pamela… |
Sequence 89MONTESSORI 2000 MISSION T he United States of America is thirsting for bold, new education designs. The exponential knowledge… |
Sequence 93THE IMPORTANCE OF MONTESSORI 2000 New American Schools Development Corporation (NASDC) was founded in 199 l by Lamar… |
Sequence 3Montessori talked a good deal about the "spiritual preparation" of the teacher(1936, pp. 115-123), and it… |
Sequence 2concrete, real, and relevant to the lives of young children; (5) provid- ing experiences for children that are outside of the… |
Sequence 184concrete, real, and relevant to the lives of young children; (5) provid- ing experiences for children that are outside of the… |
Sequence 1SLIDE SHOW TO INTRODUCE WHAT Is MONTESSORI PRESCHOOL? Maria Montessori was, in many ways, ahead of her time. Born in Italy… |
Sequence 2We might now continue our conversation with Montessori: "Now that you have returned to your studies, what are you… |
Sequence 9each plane, is where children have opportunities to engage in and implement their expanding humanness, this hierarchical… |
Sequence 3THE NORMALIZED SCHOOL: MONTESSORI AS A WAY OF LIFE by Mary Zeman Mary Zeman offers a definition of the "nonnalized… |
Sequence 1ALL-DAY MONTESSORI: NOTES ON THE HISTORY OF THE EXPERIMENT by David Kahn The catch phrase "all-day Montessori&… |
Sequence 11matters like eating and resting during the course of the day must be addressed. Should lunch be prepared by the children on… |
Sequence 2When Maria Montessori set up her first class environment in San Lorenzo in 1907, there were many educational scholars who… |
Sequence 14the modes of self-expression. For example, John McNamara's inte- grated use of the computer for science, writing, and… |
Sequence 1FOREWORD: FINDING FLOW IN MONTESSORI Imagine a river in time, a time span of one hundred years. On the one side there is… |
Sequence 22The other half, which I think is rather preferable, all things considered, was made of those with fathers and mothers who were… |
Sequence 7Prepare teachers through prolonged practice with observation of nature .... (Discovery 66-77) And when I talk about freedom… |
Sequence 2Why is that? Why is that-especially in the face of the importance that Dr. Montessori gave to normalization? Is it that we… |
Sequence 3NORMALIZATION AS OUR PRIMARY WORK Perhaps this conference marks the next step in our development of Montessori's ideas.… |
Sequence 1THE CASADEI BAMBINI: PRIMARY PERSPECTIVES THROUGH TIME AND SPACE by David Kahn The vision of San Lorenzo, the Casadei… |
Sequence 1Casa dei Bambini, San Lorenzo, Rome 4 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 25, No. 1 • Winter 2000 |
Sequence 2THE CASADEI BAMBINI: A CENTURY CONCEPT by Elizabeth Hall Elizabeth Hall walks readers through early Montessori history, from… |
Sequence 237THE CASADEI BAMBINI: A CENTURY CONCEPT by Elizabeth Hall Elizabeth Hall walks readers through early Montessori history, from… |
Sequence 238Casa dei Bambini, San Lorenzo, Rome 4 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 25, No. 1 • Winter 2000 |
Sequence 241THE CASADEI BAMBINI: PRIMARY PERSPECTIVES THROUGH TIME AND SPACE by David Kahn The vision of San Lorenzo, the Casadei… |
Sequence 10Renilde Montessori then presented her vision of origins and innovation. Inspired by the Taliesin community, she began with a… |
Sequence 6A man whose mind is stored with the knowledge of the great and fundamental truths of nature and of the laws of her operations… |
Sequence 7varies from stage to stage because of the way a child learns at each period of his growth and development. The adult, instead… |
Sequence 3his time, place and culture." 1 Within all life the germinal cell is endowed with a plan to bring the particular life… |
Sequence 3impulse towards work." 1 She had noticed that impulse in the work of that first group of children she was asked to… |
Sequence 1LANGUAGE AND THE DEVELOPING BRAIN by Lise Eliot Acknowledging the universal nature of language as a unique part of human… |
Sequence 1LITERARY APPROACHES FOR THE CHILD UNDER Six by Ginni Sackett This article blends the psychology of the first plane of… |
Sequence 2EVOLVING LANGUAGE: FROM CHILD TO HUMAN SPECIES by Derek Bickerton Derek Bickerton 's scientific linguistics presents… |
Sequence 2THE HISTORICAL GENESIS OF THE PARTS OF SPEECH by John Wyatt John Wyatt has worked with Montessorians for seven years in… |
Sequence 1PROCESS WRITING: FINDING FLOW IN ADOLESCENT SELF-EXPRESSION by Kim Kinzer-Brackbill Process writing has been a mainstay for… |
Sequence 15TOWARD KEY EXPERIENCES FOR THE ADOLESCENT by John Long In the evolution of the urban Montessori adolescent programs, the… |
Sequence 3You will notice that I talk about contents. Cosmic education, among other things, is about what to put before the children.… |
Sequence 14as a model for the "Children's House" of San Lorenzo. Montessori gave the name "Erdkinder,… |
Sequence 11The fundamentals of freedom and responsibility are paramount in the healthy functioning of such a class. The two must be kept… |
Sequence 4of the ocean, at the circular motion of the stars, and they pass by themselves without wondering!" Once this… |
Sequence 2THE EVOLVING NATIJRE OF WORK by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Beginning with a definition of work built around a systems view of… |
Sequence 20the third world, which replicates on a global scale what used to be the struggle within society in the nineteenth century. We… |
Sequence 1THE Goon WORK by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Researching the working lives of geneticists and journalists, Dr. Csikszentmihalyi… |
Sequence 143. with large amounts of open, uninterrupted time for free choice. So even in the face of changing times we must hold to… |
Sequence 1MONTESSORI IMPLICATIONS OF BRAIN RESEARCH by M. Shannon Helfrich Shannon Helfrich lends clarity to the connection of brain… |
Sequence 20THE ADULT MONTESSORI SCHOOL COMMUNITY: FINDING THE BALANCE by Mary Raudonis-Loew Mary Raudonis-Loew conve1;s her excitement… |
Sequence 12CULTIVATING THE MONTESSORI SPIRIT THROUGH f AMILY LIFE by Gerard Leonard Looking back at his own childhood, Gerard Leonard… |
Sequence 3life, and I have had several opportunities throughout these years to work in this area. In one occasion, during the time that… |
Sequence 2SCIENCE STUDY FOR THE ERDKINDER: PHILOSOPHICAL CONSIDERATIONS by David Ayer David Ayer's reexamination of the… |
Sequence 10In the second unit, we expanded our scope to consider the ecology of the school grounds, as well as developing some ecological… |
Sequence 1"THE SCHOOL WHERE THE CHILDREN LIVE" by David Ayer and Elise Huneke Stone Da.vid Ayer and Elise Huneke… |
Sequence 12declared that she would dedicate herself to pedagogy. Then she began her studies of the learning problems of normal children… |
Sequence 1THE LIGHT OF THE CHILD by Dr. Maria Montessori First published in 1957 by AMT inn special booklet com111e111orating fifty… |
Sequence 9contacted Dr. Montessori to help with an urban renewal project in the San Lorenzo District of Rome. The press referred to… |
Sequence 10What They Showed Us One day, in great emotion, I took my heart in my two hands as though to encourage it to rise to the… |
Sequence 164Rome, 1886 Los Angeles. I 915 United States, 19 I 7 United Kingdom, 1929 1870 Maria Montessori born on August 3 I in… |
Sequence 188Notes and Sources, continued Montessori in England, Scotland, and Ireland Montessori teachers have been training in London… |
Sequence 3ACT I. THE DRAMA OF SAN LORENZO: LINKING SOCIAL ANO EDUCATIONAL REFORM-1907 Montessori con temporaries travel to Rome in… |
Sequence 4When curriculum is designed for the inner development of the child, when materials are developed for the unity of the hand… |
Sequence 15The EsF initiative cycle comes back to Montessori's double con- sciousness of social and educational reform at San… |
Sequence 73Tolstoy, Leo. A111rn Knre11111n. l'W York: Viking Penguin, 2000. Viii on, rran~ois. Th!' Poems of Mn,ta Frn11rois… |
Sequence 2THE PSYCHO-MOTOR AND SENSORIAL ROOTS OF THE DISCIPLINES FROM BIRTH TO Six by M. Shannon Helfrich Emphasizing that the start… |
Sequence 2ELEMENTARY STORYTELLING: THE ULTIMATE INTERDISCIPLINARY APPROACH by Elise Huneke Stone Elise H1111eke Sto11e's lively… |
Sequence 31Figure 14. David Kahn, John Wyatt, Kathleen Allen. Alexandria was a center for embalming. Bodies were brought in from all… |
Sequence 2ply never heard about Maria Montessori and her little school in San Lorenzo? It's far more likely that we shouldn't… |
Sequence 1MONTESSORI AND THE BUILDING OF PEACE by Andre Roberfroid Andre Robe1froid explores the roots of peace-building through Montes… |
Sequence 1GRASSROOTS DEVELOPMENT: MONTESSORI EDUCATION AND PEACE by Lynne Lawrence and Megan Tyne Lynne Lawrence and Mega,1 Tyne… |
Sequence 1ELEMENTARY KEY LESSONS CULTIVATING INTERNATIONALISM AND PEACE by Annabeth Jensen A1111abet/1 Jensen points out that the very… |
Sequence 14A Story of Morlem-Dny No111nds: The Mb11ti In the northeastern corner of a Central African country called the Democratic… |
Sequence 11substituting the view that the world is the collective home to all of us, pointing to similarities, and recognizing the global… |
Sequence 1MONTESSORI INTERNATIONALISM AND PEACE by Susan Mayclin Stephenson Over the past decade, S11sa11 Stephenson !,as been an… |
Sequence 23to a Bhutanese-Tibetan teacher named Lhamo Pemba, who had re- ceived her AMI Primary Diploma in London years earlier. Lhamo… |
Sequence 25Again, thank you for coming to see us. At our Donor Party Friday night, one of our parents brought up the project in Bhutan.… |
Sequence 1FROM PEACEMAKER TO PEACEBUILDER by Judith Cunningham Judith C1111ningha111 introduces the Montessori Model United Nations (… |
Sequence 14Romans, and if we are, how? Or, how are we the same? This will be our topic for discussion one night. Our work will also at… |
Sequence 2XII Bambini (The Method of Scient(fic Pedagogy as applied lo child education in the Children's Houses) is explained by… |
Sequence 13 Chapter I From Childhood to Youth 1.1 Before// Metodo de/la Pedagogia Scientijica "The time in which woman was… |
Sequence 10Science and Socie~y: The Woman Question 35 new moral and educational principles. In her speech, she related sex education… |
Sequence 145 Chapter V Proposal for a Scientific Pedagogy V.1 Where children "do not see the light, but see the darkness&… |
Sequence 246 Part One - Toward the Children ·s House: The Formation Years What was meant to be a great investment and profitable… |
Sequence 448 Part One - To11•ard the Children ·.1· House: The For111alio11 Years With regard to social policy, 1902 saw the approval of… |
Sequence 650 Part One - Toward the Children's I louse: The Formation Years House, and others followed in Via dei Campani and in… |
Sequence 7Proposal for a Scientific Pedagogy 51 Parents did not pay anything to send their children to the "House",… |
Sequence 852 Part One - Toward the Children's House: The Formation Years Montessori accepted the job also because she had a… |
Sequence 1054 Part One - Toward the Children ·s House: The FonnaIio11 Years These observations made her change the furniture: low… |
Sequence 13Proposal.for a Scientific Pedagogy 57 Houses - and visiting and admiring them is all one and the same. I saw ladies who… |
Sequence 4106 Part Two - For a Science o.fthe Formation of Man teaching setting and care for physical life, while criticism focused on… |