Digital Object NAMTA Journal 20/1 03 Nurturing the Creative Personality Discusses specific teaching strategies to nurture creativity in young children that guide choice, highlight human potential, and distinguish those activities that help children from those that are more impulsive and less developmental. Suggests that teachers…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 20/1 02 Creative Ability in Childhood This lecture discusses the creative ability of young children, asserting that educators must cultivate children's creative potential so that these abilities can develop and expand. Early childhood education also needs to take into account children's natural…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 19/2 12 Montessori and Learning Disabilities Discusses the characteristics of learning disabilities in the areas of coordination, language, attention, and perception, and explains how the Montessori method can be used to educate young children with these disabilities. The method relies on a…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 19/3 01 Survey of Montessori Adolescent Programs: Interpretive Commentary Examines results of a survey documenting the current state of adolescent programs in the Montessori schools of North America. Includes information on the students, adults, and physical environment of such programs, as well as the programs' enrollment,…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 19/2 11 Revisiting the Natural Institution of the Family for the Nineties: An Interview with Dr. Herbert Ratner
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 19/2 09 Seeking a Rightful Place Argues that it is neither possible nor beneficial for individuals to be perfect parents, maintaining that in most circumstances the errors parents make are more than compensated for by the many good decisions they make in regard to child rearing. Children…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 19/2 07 Bribes for Behaving: Why Behaviorism Doesn't Help Children Become Good People Argues against using punishment and rewards to motivate children, maintaining that, although penalties and prizes may change behavior in the short term, they do not help children become responsible decision makers in the long term.