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Displaying results 17601 - 17700 of 40606
Sequence 6etc. In the summer we went to the country for at least 4 weeks, sometimes six weeks. We did these thin~ as a class, alJ… |
Sequence 1Psychoanalysis and Education by Lil.i Peller Ms. Pellers work with Anna Freud and Montessori presents an interesting blend of… |
Sequence 2Though I disagree completely with Conant, his sarcastic statement can be helpful as a warning. "Eternal vigilance… |
Sequence 3The organization of learning was based on these views which supported the main reason for sending children to school:… |
Sequence 4junior-high-school class, one must note how much time and effort the teacher is able to give to teaching those who want to… |
Sequence 5(4) During all development, activity replaces passivity of various kinds. The young child learns to manage his body, he learns… |
Sequence 6measure what he has, to compare today's hoard with yesterday's, etc. He likes to repeat things, to embellish and… |
Sequence 1Montessori Education and Modern Psychology by Mario Montessori Mario Montessori, Jr. shows the comparability of modern… |
Sequence 2• The continuity in human history is a cultural continuity, whereas the continuity in the animal world is in principle… |
Sequence 3• Man cannot be understood as an individual. It is only in a community that he be· comes human and that his potentialities can… |
Sequence 4A convincing example of the child's capabilities in this area is provided by Marie- Yvonne Vellard, a child of the… |
Sequence 5• Behavior is the physical manifestation of a choice. It springs from an alternative. Let us now consider a few principles of… |
Sequence 6without strain, more or less playfully, while the child is stimulated to perform meaningful acts. • This is possible because… |
Sequence 7teachers are required to do this, it is important to give considerable attention to such matters in their training. Otherwise… |
Sequence 1Evaluation of the Child Study Group: Psychoanalytic Consultation with Preschool Teachers by Sandra Louise Redmond A direct… |
Sequence 2leaders. Included in the list of consultants are Miss Barnes, Miss Daunton, Mrs. Benkendorf, Dr. Schiff, Mrs. Rolnick, Mrs.… |
Sequence 3the education of the young child. They then became interested in discussing and evaluating their work with parents. And… |
Sequence 4Just because the child talked about the problem ... it almost got solved ... just because he could say something and express… |
Sequence 5pathology. They were more willing to enroll an occasional youngster with a physical disability or an identifiable behavioral… |
Sequence 1The Kibbutz, Boy's Town, Williamsburg and the Montessori Erdkinder by David Kahn Here follows the keynote lecture for… |
Sequence 2approach is incompatible with Montessori, but when the Montessorian reaches out for the adolescent model he may have something… |
Sequence 3Respect the child. Respect the adolescent. Perceive the emerging aduJt potential. Place him in a prepared environment which… |
Sequence 4But wait. Let's stop dreaming. Someone in the comer, a parent asks, "How will these children do at the… |
Sequence 5food. They developed a very anti-social mentality be.cause of the war circum- stances. These were victims and after the war no… |
Sequence 6Flanagan's Boy's Town grew into a successful and elaborate economic complex operated by the boys along with trained… |
Sequence 7groupings naturally create could be reinforced through the operation of a hotel retreat center which Montessori talks about as… |
Sequence 8that children can take apart, reassemble, use and repair. This is because early farm artifacts - the butter churn, the… |
Sequence 9grain, the big pottery jugs filled with water, the big pots and utensils and bowls. There was even an outdoor oven that they… |
Sequence 1Report from Erdkinder Atlanta By Phil Gang Jn this report Mario Montessori responds to the previous Erdkinder Atlanta inter… |
Sequence 2period to begin with e.g. 3 months, using a kind of youth hostel and a farm in the vicinity, both willing to collaborate for a… |
Sequence 3well functioning Montessori pre-primary and elementary schools in the region, to provide yearly the minimum number of students… |
Sequence 4one, i.e. the less divergent education of their children. should be the first to be organized. 5. An advantage is that such a… |
Sequence 5The basic community is already functioning. permanently, even if with only a minimum of personnel. In the first place the… |
Sequence 6Have faith in the potentialities still unexplored and hence unused in the growing human being, study the children, see what… |
Sequence 1Education as Peace by Ursula Thrush Ms. Thrush reminds us that the main thrust of Montessori education takes us well beyond… |
Sequence 2educational experience. Their activities include large group discussion-encounters (we call them pow-wows) which were started… |
Sequence 3A reform of the adult will accompany it [self-actualization of the child) step by step because an obstacle in the adult will… |
Sequence 4our own individual contribution toward the reconstruction of human society, we must be humble enough to take a critical look… |
Sequence 1Editorial Report: Help A.M.I. Shape the Montessori Future: Notes on Amsterdam-1979 by David Kahn The Dutch Montessori… |
Sequence 2Dr. Silvana Montanaro presented a most impressive summary of positive child development while highlighting the essential… |
Sequence 3cial child especially in Europe. Both Eldert and Montessori Jr. in panel discussion later that day expressed a negative view… |
Sequence 4Discussions directed to the Adolescent were generally less specific and more specu- lative. Professor Koning, a retired high… |
Sequence 1Early Social Development and Proficiency in Later Life by Theodor Hellbri.igge (translated by Dr. Peter Pohl) Dr. Hellbrugge… |
Sequence 2In our view, the social development primarily consists in the development of inde- pendence and social contact. Only a child… |
Sequence 3Every time that these fundamentals of social development are not there, we usually observe more or less marked deficiencies in… |
Sequence 4Children who show excessive social anxiety tend to resemble infants at 8 months of age, who show fear towards strangers. One… |
Sequence 5high level of intelligence. For the education of infants and young children including kindergarten children this implies that… |
Sequence 6establish lasting ties with others. Thus a sensitive period also seems to pertain to social development, a period after which… |
Sequence 7years of age they could not walk, and they could not eat independently with a spoon. Their speech consisted of non-… |
Sequence 8After the fifth month of life the baby discriminates in his social behavior between differences in the behavior of adults. His… |
Sequence 9garten too early does not help the child; on the contrary, this will lead to an inhibition of the child's social… |
Sequence 1Report on the Congress in Amsterdam by Sally Johns Only a few people speak Exactly the same language They do listen but… |
Sequence 2The Congres5 met in The Royal Tropical Institute, one of the most remarkable and extensive buildings in Amsterdam, reflecting… |
Sequence 3The morning of April 10th featured excellent talks on the young child by Dr. Silvana Montanaro and Mrs. Goo! Minwalla. The… |
Sequence 4The format of the film is perhaps one of the most difficult with which to work. Dr. Montessori's story is told by those… |
Sequence 1The Second Plane of Development - Fertile Field for Sowing the Seeds of Culture by Sanford Jones Real problematics as weff… |
Sequence 2Since at age 6 the child is on the very threshold of culture, it is of prime importance not to confuse the mind with too many… |
Sequence 3not be foreign to him when he encounters them in his more formal study of history at the junior level. By placing before the… |
Sequence 4~ ..... ( ~- ' j' ::,__ -,- Auditorium Deta/VAud~ncr Troplcol lnstitutt 23 \ \ |
Sequence 5pression of the interrelatedness of the Romance languages. The etymology of the names of the months can be the beginning of an… |
Sequence 6unlocks leads to nothing of interest to the child. Either the door led to something that was of great interest to the teacher… |
Sequence 7is to continue to be open for further insight into the developing child; to listen dis- cerningly to the children. If we have… |
Sequence 1The Future and Montessori by Richard Salzmann Mr. Salzmann connects scientific and educational mainstream thinking to… |
Sequence 2protein has increased dramatically, and so we feed a good deal of our "extra" grain to livestock and poultry… |
Sequence 3the next century they could require assistance equal to our entire agricultural production. Patently, that picture is bleak.… |
Sequence 4economies as well as that of Japan are now structural problems, with inflation as a permanent factor which simply cannot be… |
Sequence 5apparently going through another round of development, and the feared SS20 mobile missiles with separately targeted warheads,… |
Sequence 6Others say that the exponential growth rate for water consumption means that by the year 2000 the end of freely available… |
Sequence 7until Einstein and the physicists began to challenge the mechanistic view - was not a scientific age, but a scientistic age.… |
Sequence 8The greatest scientists are sensing this and acting on it already. Let me give you a few examples: Take, for example, the… |
Sequence 9through what is increasingly seen as the simplistic and in some respects dangerous results of the traditional reliance on… |
Sequence 10But more important are the suggestions of two-time Nobel priz.e winner the biologist Albert Szent Gyoergyi who points to… |
Sequence 11social organizations in nature, to be explained in Darwinian terms? How are the genes which code out this kind of behavior… |
Sequence 12his reason that the child first absorbs such images .... the child is bringing into being the most precious gift which gives… |
Sequence 1Psychoanalysis and Montessori: The Development of the Child's Self by Lili Peller Ms. Peller presents a psychoanalytic… |
Sequence 2the carriage was struck, and finally she cried. Her twin sister, also playing in the yard, looked up, ran over to her, and… |
Sequence 3Development never happens in a straight line. There's always a shuttling back and forth. An achievement, a sensitivity… |
Sequence 4development detennines which pleasure and displeasure he is able to receive, and thus the emotional development determines… |
Sequence 5an end product - the building or the painting - but he enjoys the activity as such. In an environment scaled to his abilities… |
Sequence 6the right side is a neutral object, one which is indifferent (not cathected, i.e., not covered by the child's interests… |
Sequence 7comes soiled or not to mend it, because this may destroy its value for the child. This shows how much more observant the child… |
Sequence 8receive a five year old as a full member (although there are societies accepting thirteen and fourteen year olds). In many… |
Sequence 9overpowering or painful or anxiety arousing; or he reproduces events where he had been the passive, the suffering party -… |
Sequence 10Through his sometimes fully and sometimes partially gratified instinctual needs, the child arrives at the first notion of me… |
Sequence 1Montessori Birth Assistance by G. Honegger Fresco translated by Luigi Messineo Montessori begins at birth is more than a… |
Sequence 2opened toward the renewal of ways and means related to pregnancy, delivery and the child's early period of life. Thus… |
Sequence 3situation of the three real protagonists of every birth: father, mother, child. The organization of the maternity wards is… |
Sequence 1f') A Tribute To The Infant Class Tradition ,._ P 2_ by Rita Messineo A photo essay Jµfant,.._clQS!eJ are prcjlif~ra~… |
Sequence 2Child Getting Dressed For the infant class, getting dressed and undressed is part of their school work. It may take anywhere… |
Sequence 310 ~ Food in the Infant Oass Snack is an occasion for presenting the child with techniques for eating. The Italian food… |
Sequence 48 |
Sequence 59 Individual Work Care of self is really much different for the young child. With brushing of the hair, hair never comes… |
Sequence 6Mystery Bag Group Exercises Unique objects of interest such as a mirror or top are placed in a bag for individual selection… |
Sequence 8"The Prepared Environment of the infant class has to create the right conditions for the young child's… |
Sequence 1On Becoming a Human Being Kahn-Montanaro Interview As an outgrowth of the AMI National Conference at Tarrytown, New York, Dr… |
Sequence 2preschool or toddler class. The symbiosis is past. Now what is the role of the Montessori teacher and also of the parent to… |
Sequence 3enlarge hjs environment. So if we could choose, I would wait until that time. Of course, you can bring the little one to the… |
Sequence 4development. And if his relationship with his parents is a good one, he can go back home and not be deprived of anything.… |
Sequence 5care situations. Is it a danger to prescribe a nursery school situation for unenlightened parents? What becomes of a child who… |
Sequence 6Montanaro: My first advice is to take your time. It is much better to wait and to be ready to do all the things you are… |