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Displaying results 32201 - 32300 of 40606
Sequence 305time, it's the people in it, it's how they relate to the place, it's how they relate to each other. And in the… |
Sequence 306History became stories of past going outs. It could teach the present from the past, such as, "Remember the winter… |
Sequence 307Getting back to the original definition of pedagogy of pince: When I heard it, it was from David Orr, and he said that… |
Sequence 308ROAD MAP EIGHT PEDAGOGY Of PLACE FOR THE OLDER ADOLESCENT JAMES MOUDRY James Moudry poi11ts 011t !,ow large tfte prepared… |
Sequence 3091 ! I .Ii .d r J .. ~:·::.u ,~;::i ~o,~1~::::!1;:~;-:::-;=••· .......... - ·= ,.. ,.. lt… |
Sequence 310what's immediately available, and then it grows to be maps of the neighborhood, maps of your house, maps of favorite… |
Sequence 311And ten minutes later, I had a CD. We got it printed up. l have to know where this school is. I was new to the city, I didn… |
Sequence 312"This is what it's going to be. What can sixteen-year-olds do here? How far can they go?" Chris has… |
Sequence 313This is an extrapolation from upper elementary and lower ado- lescence: Students who are engaged and participating and become… |
Sequence 314ma th /handbook/Teacher/ In trod uctoryExplorations / Introductory Exp I orations.asp>. Anderso11, Sherwood.… |
Sequence 315Rota, Gian-Carlo, & Fabrizio Palombi. /11discrete Thoughts. Basel, Switzerland: Birkhauser, 2008. Steen, Lynn Arthur… |
Sequence 316n lend tencher, testing supervisor, mentor, class advisor, newspaper ndvi- sor, and swi111 cone!,. She /ins n BA a11d MA i11… |
Sequence 317INTEGRATION OF DISCIPLINES IN THE HIGH SCHOOL by Christopher Kjaer Mr. Kjaer expresses t'1e i111porta11ce of encl,… |
Sequence 318try to integrate everything in all subjects, all the time. 1 think these strategies miss the point. Integration is often an… |
Sequence 319This society is made up of mathematicians and scientists who logi- cally analyze the community and its problems; historians… |
Sequence 320It is not enough to just have a community. The disciplines also play a role: But the disciplines must be derived from a… |
Sequence 321individual, and therefore education will rarely be successful by attempting to teach to a fictitious mean. I believe there… |
Sequence 322computer is a tool, just as a hammer is a tool. The trick is to not use a computer when you really need a hammer. Assessments… |
Sequence 323REFERENCES Chemist Ken. "The Beauty of Chemistry Sets." A Clte111i- ca/ Snbbntica/ January 23, 2008. June… |
Sequence 324Christopher Kjaer 318 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 34. No. 3 • S11m111er 2009 |
Sequence 326course must begin, because, without understanding this concept, we cannot begin to get a grasp of imbalance. Humanity's… |
Sequence 327was done because it allows our students to see things twice, be it something as simple as the progression of the seasons, or… |
Sequence 328TOPICS Systems and Models Structure of Systems Applicauon of S},tems Concept Types of System, Open Closed l,olated… |
Sequence 329Function Roles in an ecosystem Producers Consumers Decomposers Photosynthesis and Respiration Energy-Transfer and T… |
Sequence 3301 luman Populauon. Carrying Capacity and Resource Use Population D)'nam1cs hponemial Gro" th Propenies ~~~l;:c… |
Sequence 331Food Global Food Supply Global Food Politics Land-Based Food Production Water-Based Food Production Energy Efriciency and… |
Sequence 332l'valua11ng Biodl\ en.ity and Vulnerab1lit}' Comribu11ng Factor, Case Studies Rain Fore,1 <;1uden1 Choice… |
Sequence 333Pollution Management Approaches Human Factors AfTecting Approaches Cost/Benefit Analysis Case Swdy-D0T Ban Eutroph… |
Sequence 334ASSESSMENT In addition to the I BO-required assessments, students enrolled in Environmental Systems and Society will be… |
Sequence 335Berry, Thomas. The Great Work Berry, Wendell. Tire U11settli11g of America Brown, Lester. P/a11 B 3.0: Mobilizi11g to Save… |
Sequence 336McPhee, John. A111rnls of tile Former World Miller Jr., G. Tyler. E11viro11111ental Science: Worki11g with the Enrth Nord… |
Sequence 337Science Scientific A111erica11 Sierra S111it/1s011ia11 Wired ADDITIONAL COURSE INFORMATION The term "laboratory… |
Sequence 338with the mathematics staff to take full advantage of academic syn- thesis whenever it occurs. This course also develops the… |
Sequence 339Montessori called for special attention to the learning environment. These laboratories will be fully equipped with high-… |
Sequence 340Michael Waski with students 334 The NAMTA Jo11mal • Vol. 34. No. 3 • Summer 2009 |
Sequence 341MATHEMATICS MoNTESSORI-1B FRAMEWORK by Michael Waski BACKGROUND AND METHODOLOGY Each plane of development has its own… |
Sequence 342content to be covered, and for its Standard Level math- ema ties, this content is es- sentially the same as what would… |
Sequence 343focused and moving forward at a comfortable pace is important. I am also a presenter of ideas, giving direct lessons when… |
Sequence 344while still keeping the class studying the same topic. We then discuss how to apply this new knowledge in different situations… |
Sequence 345This format also allows the students to practice the actual techniques, or the "how" of what they are doing… |
Sequence 346been working with the abstract for a long time and understand its usefulness and power. They also know the reality that they… |
Sequence 347the materials and the abstraction that they already know, and the older adolescents have this same power. Students gain a new… |
Sequence 348Effective communication in mathematics is essential, as it is in every aspect of life, so there is much time for this built… |
Sequence 349of problems to work on where multiple solutions, and sometimes multiple answers, are possible. The goal of the math seminar is… |
Sequence 350Adolescents are naturally reflective and introspective, and as they become older they want to consciously direct their self-… |
Sequence 351Students will be assessed for their diploma through a series of examinations in May of their senior year. These are worth… |
Sequence 352PROPOSED 18 SYLLABUS 1\1onth - SLTooics IIL !Qpjfs September 2009 *Sets, Number Systems. *Mathematical Induction… |
Sequence 353Month - SL Tonics HL ToJ!iil_ - •inequalities Calculus and Graphing Calculus and Graphing Derivatives of Trig Functions… |
Sequence 354,~ Month - SLTooics HL Topj_cs Exponential and Logarithmic Exponential and Logarithmic Functions Functions cAx and In x… |
Sequence 355Month SL Tonics HLfui~ Circular Functions Circular Functions Portfolio Type 11-2 Ponfolio Type 11-2 Trigonometric… |
Sequence 356.150 Tlte NAMTA Journal • Vc,t. 34. No. 3 • S11111111er 2009 |
Sequence 357PART 4. SPECIALTIES The articles in this section are brief presentations given at the Colloquium in response to a call for… |
Sequence 358Beverly Adamczyk 352 The NAMTA Joumal • Vol. 34. No. 3 • Summer 2009 |
Sequence 359A HISTORY GRAPHIC ORGANIZER FOR THE MONTESSORI ADOLESCENT by Beverly Adamczyk Beverly Adamczyk presents a graphic organizer… |
Sequence 360between the academic topic of history and the practical introduction to society that stems from the work on the farm. Let us… |
Sequence 361contributing factors beneath the event circle generally belong to the realm of nature. Above the event circle are five sets… |
Sequence 362identifying different influences in history. Of course, the students will still need the books, atlases, and artifacts, as… |
Sequence 363What struck me so powerfully as the mouse issue drew to a con- clusion was that moral issues are not best dealt with in a… |
Sequence 364be to widen education instead of restricting it" (71). The students could choose any event from the past that… |
Sequence 365days to hear a bout topics the students were considering. The range of research topics has been outstanding: the Feminist… |
Sequence 366Since the material addresses the present elements of society, it can be an aid to bringing the students' practical work… |
Sequence 367In Appendix A, "Erdkinder," Montessori makes clear that the entire educatjon of the adolescent must address… |
Sequence 368areas of society, it reduces some of the mystique of the social order and makes society a manageable environment within which… |
Sequence 370We want our students to ask what their contribution is going to be: What is their cosmic task? If we do our jobs well, they… |
Sequence 371There is also the fundamental human need for orientation: know- ing where I am and where my place is. Knowing our place gives… |
Sequence 372earlier, we are often limited only by ourselves, and by having the students interacting with a wider slice of humanity, their… |
Sequence 373their lives are all remarkable: the events they have lived through, the places they have seen, their experience of history.… |
Sequence 374In the humanities, one of the curricular strands for adolescents is the exploration of humans on Earth. Talking to people… |
Sequence 375It is great for us to have this very rich resource literally right across the street, and many of the individuals who live… |
Sequence 376the way up to secure floors for people who are not able to care for themselves much at all anymore. Cascade Manor was able to… |
Sequence 377Adele, our contact at Cascade Manor, approached a number of residents she thought would be interested in this project and… |
Sequence 378WHAT WE LEARNED The community-building nature of the project felt very strong. We were able to form a coalition of like-… |
Sequence 379Next time, there are a few changes we will make besides the structural changes to get more of the transcription done than last… |
Sequence 380Andrew Christopherson 374 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 34. No. 3 • Summer 2009 |
Sequence 381THE PRAXIS PROJECT: AN INTEGRATION OF THE DISCIPLINES FOR HIGH SCHOOL by Andrew Christopherson The Praxis project is a cross… |
Sequence 382withi.n one academic discipline and lose interest in subjects that do not seem to relate to their preferred activity. In order… |
Sequence 383The Praxis brings the academic disciplines together by asking the students to show how each discipline can be applied to the… |
Sequence 384with staff in order to achieve the level of understanding that is nec- essary. Staff must present their information and… |
Sequence 385NAMTANEWS ADOLESCENT 01H£NTATION SHOWS RECORD ENROLLMENT IN 2009 Summer 2009 is NAMTA's biggest Orientation to… |
Sequence 386380 The NAMTA ./011nwl • \q1/. 34, No. 3 • S11111111er 2009 |
Sequence 387JOHN A. WYATT, 1937-2008 One cannot tench ethical behnvior. One can only hope that good11ess attracts i11 its own way. John… |
Sequence 388with his chosen lifestyle and their admiration for his attentive- ness and intelligence. The world lost John in June of last… |
Sequence 389included Tlte Great Tale of Alexa11dria as well as texts for The Art of Grnn1111ar and The Art of History, and the support… |
Sequence 390384 The NAMTA Jo11mal • Vol. 3-1. No. J • S11111111er 2009 |
Sequence 391IN MEMORIAM: THOMAS BERRY Thomas Berry (1914-2009) died on June 1, 2009, in Greensboro, North Carolina. His powerful thinking… |
Sequence 392inability of both the great religions and the scientific commu- nity to address this spurred Thomas to found The Riverdale… |
Sequence 393time and the current crisis; however, our young people need to know their past and understand themselves as a component of… |
Sequence 394We will continue to hear Thomas telling earth's wonder tales in his soft North Carolina voice. We still hear him call-… |
Sequence 395The Montessori educational community offers its deepest sympathy to the siblings, nieces, and nephews of Thomas Berry and to… |
Sequence 396390 The NAMTA Joumaf • Vol. 3-1, No. 3 • S11111111er 2009 |
Sequence 397CLASSIFIEDS Alabama Are you a visionary? To suc- cessfully guide an entire school community into a future of success and… |
Sequence 398Job" (under" About Our District") and then click Certified Applica- tions. Submit completed… |
Sequence 400established in 2003 and a traditional program. We have three Primary classrooms, three Lower Elemen- tary classrooms and one… |
Sequence 401is cultivating wisdom and peace in children and themselves. With over 250students, weservechildrcn ages I-year through 9th… |
Sequence 402Montessori of Macon is located in historic Middle Georgia close to local museums and state/national parks. In addition to… |
Sequence 403Nestled in a 3-acre wooded lot, we have seven bright and spacious classrooms. Fenced-in walk-out gardens and a spacious… |
Sequence 404Mail: Countryside Montessori School 1985 Pfingsten Road Northbrook, fL 60062 Check our website: www.coun-… |