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Displaying results 32601 - 32700 of 40606
Sequence 120MONTESSORI MATHEMATICS: A N EUROSCIENTIFIC PERSPECTIVE by Benedetto Scoppola Benedetto Scoppoln joi11s t/1e Montessori world… |
Sequence 121cooperation with persons all over the world. Please let me know if you are interested in participating. There is a Lot of… |
Sequence 122or to have an immediate perception of the difference between two sets-if you want to eat fruit, you need to see what is a… |
Sequence 123In particular, it is evident with PET analysis that correct per- ception of mathematics happens when these two very distant… |
Sequence 124Figure 1. The Montessori number rods. (see Figure 1). Clearly the first way you present the number in Montessori, the number… |
Sequence 125IV.A..,,. J.t JJ.,u,,. ,.U'-' _.., ....,,...,.L ....,. .. .J..-..,_.. ...... 41•.i.,l11.l.t1Jt.d JA,1,,A..._,,1,… |
Sequence 126I really like this because adults tend to forget that "what is necessary is to respect it." Anyway, to me… |
Sequence 127Hence, we have to think that Montessori, who obviously did not know neuroscience, arrived to the same conclusion starting… |
Sequence 128• • • • • • ► ___ ....... .,. ... • • • • • • Figure 7. Even and odd numbers, from Aristotle's Metaphysics. In all… |
Sequence 129As I told you, there are other things Montes- sori observed because she was really a good observer, and they are not yet… |
Sequence 130about the brain. In particular, we know that a newborn has very few synapses. Jn three years, the brain produces an enormous… |
Sequence 131lection. Hence the satisfaction could be an indication of the best activity to suggest in school. Obviously 1 don't want… |
Sequence 132four or five, almost all of them say the left arrives first. The other square appears larger. What we did two years ago with… |
Sequence 133using for pedagogical purposes the history of mathematics. Surely she was a genius. Really she suggested very good acth ities… |
Sequence 134THE ESSENTIAL MONTESSORI MATH THROUGH THE YEARS by John McNamara John McNamara has developed a classical practitioners… |
Sequence 135Here is one of the quotes from Maria Montessori that 1 be- lieve guides me daily in what L do:" Imagination does… |
Sequence 136Then one girl, who, up to this time, would have said she didn't Like math, looked at us and said, "You guys are… |
Sequence 137We've all heard the expression, "If it's worth doing, it's worth doing well." I think it was… |
Sequence 138four hours one will have driven 140 miles; that if peanuts cost 40 cents an ounce and a bag of them costs $2.20 then there… |
Sequence 139ent strategies. If you think of a traditional math class, the teacher gives the lesson, they do a few sample problems together… |
Sequence 140accomplished something, as opposed to a sigh of relief, "I've finally finished." It's that sense… |
Sequence 141principal, I used my principal prerogative and brought the check- erboard home. J said, "Okay, Dorothy, let's… |
Sequence 142to multiply by the reciprocal. Cnnceli11g is another misnomer we often hear in connection with fractions. Be careful of your… |
Sequence 143MENTAL MATH AND NUMBER SENSE I put a lot of emphasis on mental math, estimation, number sense. In {111111111erncy, John… |
Sequence 144call it 11, multiply by two, and that's 211. Add five, and it's 211 + 5. Multiply by five, and it's 1011 + 25.… |
Sequence 145,1nd dt\ idtn~ b, tens, hundreds thousand.., it.., just \\Orking with powers. It lwcomcs a n;itur,11 part ol their learning.… |
Sequence 146shows the hierarchy. It leads to understanding. Other base systems: My students enjoy doing the different charts with the… |
Sequence 147biology, geography. Evolution did not happen apart from the dynam- ics of the earth. Biological time is geological time. The… |
Sequence 148student said, "We have to know the density of blood versus the density of water." They were bringing in… |
Sequence 149Assisi as saying, "Preach the gospel at all times. When necessary, use words." What I try to do is preach… |
Sequence 150involvement with the materials. Students are engaged in an activity that introduces a new concept. We provide the formal name… |
Sequence 151R111RE~(.l'i (,rautn1, C.1millo. "Ch,1i.1etcristic!-> nf thl• C.hild 111 tlw Flln lnlJr) <,lhool… |
Sequence 152Tht l\'A.,'vfl A Jo11mal 147 |
Sequence 153Michael Waski 148 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 35. No. 2 • Spring 2010 |
Sequence 154A HISTORY APPROACH TO MATHEMATICS FOR THE ADOLESCENT by Michael Waski Miclznel Wnski shows //tat tlte 11tilizatio11 of… |
Sequence 155If we trust the students, we can allow them to take their time, discover formulae, and make connections that will be accurate… |
Sequence 156REVISITING SKILLS This historical approach helps tremendously with one of the big- gest challenges I face, and that is the… |
Sequence 157Students may say they know how to use the quadratic formula, and when questioned, they kind of say the formula somewhat cor-… |
Sequence 158In a very real way, they are following in the footsteps of people who came before them They are working side by side with… |
Sequence 159we can re-create in a shortened form what the great minds of the past have done. The students can re-create the essence of the… |
Sequence 160The Story of '\umbers: \\'e t•xp,rnd on thl' conn•pt of what number is. Ihm do peopll' view n•,1lity? I… |
Sequence 161,rnc1ent langu,,gt'!'-, Wlwn P,1-.rnl first inquired .,bout gc- omctr) (at the age of nine), he\'"… |
Sequence 162Though Euler went blind in 1766, he continued to work, simply keeping track (in his mind) of computations which wou Id fill… |
Sequence 163I/+_-_+_=_-_+_- __ F,1dor llllt yon thl' left ,rnd combine terms where ,1ppropriatt.•. 11 + (c-_)11 = (_-_-d) ·y… |
Sequence 164Now, if we solve for II and v in terms of p, then we know what y is.* Let us now solve this system of equations. Solve (1)… |
Sequence 165Simplify the fractions and substitute back 111 = 111• ,,,= ± ✓=+-- -- 4 -- Solve for II in terms of the positive only.… |
Sequence 166REFERENCES Anecdotage. April 24, 2010 <http:/ />. Beckmann, Petr. A History of Pi. New York: St… |
Sequence 167John Allen Paulos 162 The NAMFA Journal • Vol. 35. No. 2 • Spri11,.: 2010 |
Sequence 169At his faint chuckle she turned and faced her once beloved uncle. Unceremoniously she ripped the papers from the pocket of… |
Sequence 170deep. f believe this to be so, and because the gap between stories and statistics is a synecdoche for the gap between C.P.… |
Sequence 171the next minute is .92Z" "Exit polls show that four out of five voters in favor of gun control legislation… |
Sequence 172Probability itself is present in such words as c'1a11ce, likelihood, fate, odds, gods, fortune, luck, happe,zstance,… |
Sequence 173STORIES AS CONTEXT FOR STATISTICS Unfortunately, people generally ignore the connections between the formal notions of… |
Sequence 174from police blotter reports, in which case they're likely to be low; or if they come from scientifically controlled… |
Sequence 175matchbox problem, the drunkard's random walks, the Monty Hall problem, the St. Petersburg paradox, the random d1.ord… |
Sequence 176writing teacher's maxim enioms, a story shows rather than tells. Stories usually employ dialogue and other devices and… |
Sequence 177two d1men,ion,-who thl'\ '11 ,·oll• for, whl'thcr they sml,Kl', or "hat brand of soft drink or… |
Sequence 178To tell us anything useful, multiple correlation analysis must be based on a very large number of people and a much, much… |
Sequence 179Recognition of common stereotypes and knowledge of recur- ring stereotyped situations-restaurant behavior, retail purchasing… |
Sequence 180also the definition of the extroverted mathematician. He's the one who looks at your shoes while hes speaking.) The idea… |
Sequence 181influence in the U.S., for example, and that a similar percentage of each group is racist and that the country is both… |
Sequence 182a series of minor personal mishaps and their personal bad luck are merely embellishing a funny story or trying to establish a… |
Sequence 183One consequence of the mistaken belief that coincidences are quite special and almost always significant is their rarity in… |
Sequence 184toward some entity does not affect the validity of a proof involving it or the allowability of substituting equals for equals… |
Sequence 185specific low-level functionary in a nation-x-wide organization, only fifteen percent of whose members have this characteristic… |
Sequence 186tions, specifically probabilistic and statistical ones (and of narratives and informal discourse as well). These applications… |
Sequence 187pens? The answer is that the matriarch's warning will be followed by forty-nine peaceful days and then, on the fiftieth… |
Sequence 188members of a couple signal their intentions to purchase items and their attitudes toward money would fill a small book. The… |
Sequence 189184 The NAMTA Joumal • Vol. 35, No. 2 • Spring 20/0 |
Sequence 190THE CHILD' s CONSTRUCTION OF GEOMETRY IN Psrco-GEOMETRiA by Benedetto Scoppola Begi1111i11g will, Mo11tessoris… |
Sequence 191Hence each child should have a book, and in this book there should be a dictionary of the geometry words that he or she learns… |
Sequence 192course the child should not be afraid to do work for the geometry book; the search for perfection should be not stressful.… |
Sequence 193age \m·\,,1,, th,., is ,1 f,r.,t ,ery important acti, ity that can be lOl- lcdcd in the geometry book. It b also inll•rcsting… |
Sequence 194diagonals and then, placing the compass point in the cente1~ you make four small arcs. Clearly the distance between the center… |
Sequence 1957 .:JL,.o/,.,._ J,w,u-· _____________ , l.un .. u,. k.urA.N.LA ------------- .Lu/fl.1 ,:..a,n. mk41".CA… |
Sequence 196Figure 5. The set square and the right angle. -------- Figure 6. Acute and obtuse angles. The NAMTA Journal 191 |
Sequence 197Remember always that all these activities are parallel-or, better, subsequent-to the manipulation of the insets, where the… |
Sequence 198other exercise very useful is to have some written labels, "isosceles triangle," "obtuse-angled… |
Sequence 199Figure 8. Decoration that calls attention to features of a triangle. Another thing that Montessori suggests is to use the… |
Sequence 200Figure 9. Base and vertex of a triangle. Figure 10. Altitude of a triangle. J Figure 11. Perimeter of a triangle. The NAMTA… |
Sequence 201Figure 12. Classification of quadrilaterals. - .... ' ---------i- ...... .,-1 ,d '""'1~.t… |
Sequence 202recording the discoveries made by doing the concrete activities that are recorded in the geometry book. This list by concept… |
Sequence 203The other list is really a dictionary: List B A • acute • altl•rna tl• • altitude • angle • arr H • ba .. e • bist•… |
Sequence 204After the reading Dehaene~ T/ie Number Se11se, I have an under- standing that this is very meaningful and very important… |
Sequence 205Figure 14. Equivalence. 1 2 1 4 Figure 15. Equivalent relationships. 1 'ffi The triangles that you obtain by… |
Sequence 206Figure 16. Equivalent figures from largest to smallest. in the end you can represent this material on paper (two times for… |
Sequence 207Figure 17. A square that is hall the area of the large square. This square, which has a diagonal equal to the edge of the… |
Sequence 208/ Figure 18. A self-similar structure using triangles. Figure 19. A self-similar structure using squares. grows smaller and… |
Sequence 209,------------------------------------- ---- = + Figure 20. The "problem" of a trapeziod as the sum of… |
Sequence 210The choice of problems that Montessori presents is incredibly well done because this new problem is more difficult: While in… |
Sequence 211Figure 24. Constructing a hexagon by starting with an equilateral triangle. = Figure 25. The difference between the hexagons… |
Sequence 212,------- l Figure 26. Two similar hexagons containing similar triangles. bigger hexagon is the original triangle that we… |
Sequence 213Figure 27. The Pythagorean theorem. Figure 28. A self-similar structure constructed of triangles. confused, but it's… |
Sequence 214Figure 29. A self-similar structure constructed of triangles. Jn the self-similar construction in Figure 29, Montessori proved… |
Sequence 215Harvey R. Hallenberg 210 The NAMTA Jo11rna/ • Vol. 35. No. 2 • Spring 2010 |
Sequence 217Claude decided to earn an advanced degree in engineering at the University of Rome. The winds of war were blowing on the… |
Sequence 218By his own accounting, he was the only English-speaking man to do so. Maria Montessori must have quickly recognized the poten… |
Sequence 219tary and secondary students, it could be used as an introduction to architecture since almost all architectural efforts… |