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Displaying results 101 - 200 of 336
Sequence 17Freedom and Peace If we understand the role of freedom in the development of the individual, we must accept the corollary… |
Sequence 777 Vaz • Montessori Special Education and Nature’s Playground the sensorial Materials and nature Let us talk about the… |
Sequence 2108 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 Incidentally, at this point we can understand that, unlike what many… |
Sequence 3121 Stephenson • Cosmic Education next generations. It is the question of making use of the last cosmic agent, the child. If… |
Sequence 6124 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 the individual human person. At the Second Plane, they are to make… |
Sequence 9127 Stephenson • Cosmic Education will remain unchanged during all the stages: the child must be furnished at all times with… |
Sequence 7285 O’Shaughnessy • Epilogue: The Child and the Environment The greatest gift we can give this spontaneous explorer is time… |
Sequence 7285 O’Shaughnessy • Epilogue: The Child and the Environment The greatest gift we can give this spontaneous explorer is time… |
Sequence 753 Ramani • Practical Life: The Keystone of Life, Culture, and Community her use of the term exercises of practical life… |
Sequence 854 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 2 • Spring 2013 The new education consists not only in supplying the means of… |
Sequence 258 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 2 • Spring 2013 that it should be able to function by itself. In order to grow and to… |
Sequence 359 Soholt • Practical Life for the Older Children in the Casa are running low, they will notice when the flowers that… |
Sequence 561 Soholt • Practical Life for the Older Children in the Casa that need maintenance. One child may show an interest in… |
Sequence 949 Chawla • The Natural World as Prepared Environment adolescents can live at all times of day and night, in all weathers,… |
Sequence 1353 Chawla • The Natural World as Prepared Environment to find fishing bait under rocks, but also just to “appreciate what’s… |
Sequence 355 Cossentino • Following the Family six. The core of the study entails the development of ethnographic case studies from… |
Sequence 22192 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 3 • Summer 2014 effect of practice, as the brain creates a neural circuit when expertise… |
Sequence 31201 Awes • Supporting the Dyslexic Child in the Montessori Environment In some cases, a dyslexic child may benefit from… |
Sequence 264 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 40, No. 1 • Winter 2015 Might we want them to have courage and strength in the face of… |
Sequence 567 Bettmann • Nurturing the Respectful Community through Practical Life Develop concentration; • be so focused and engaged… |
Sequence 971 Bettmann • Nurturing the Respectful Community through Practical Life be bored because they already know this protocol.… |
Sequence 3115 Sackett • Grace and Courtesy: Empowering Children, Liberating Adults Living sociably • means living in a society based… |
Sequence 13125 Sackett • Grace and Courtesy: Empowering Children, Liberating Adults experience of grace and courtesy, we can liberate… |
Sequence 14126 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 40, No. 1 • Winter 2015 The children had no shyness. No obstacles had been set between their… |
Sequence 1BiRTh To six: a foUndaTion foR all ThaT Comes laTeR by Judith Orion Judi Orion, a Montessori expert on the birth-to-six… |
Sequence 567 Orion • Birth to Six: A Foundation for All that Comes Later is a period that lays a foundation. Once the physical body is… |
Sequence 1072 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 40, No. 2 • Spring 2015 need to understand that what they would ideally like is one-to-one care… |
Sequence 1678 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 40, No. 2 • Spring 2015 Work to acquire human language. • This work requires at least one… |
Sequence 1086 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 40, No. 3 • Summer 2015 Take it up. It is worth knowing. The spear. The care of the fire. The… |
Sequence 59 Sackett • The Scientist in the Classroom in the classroom. Our legacy as practitioners of Montessori educa- tion is not… |
Sequence 325 Sackett • The Scientist in the Casa that “Science builds and tests competitive hypotheses from partial evidence and… |
Sequence 527 Sackett • The Scientist in the Casa knowledge for the very practical purpose of supporting optimal development in young… |
Sequence 729 Sackett • The Scientist in the Casa something that has already been proven through interaction with the real world. So… |
Sequence 830 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 41, No. 2 • Spring 2016 Then we must employ our minds to judge the worth and validity of each… |
Sequence 1032 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 41, No. 2 • Spring 2016 of the areas of the Casa. From this concrete experience they will be… |
Sequence 1133 Sackett • The Scientist in the Casa according to these interactive, process-oriented criteria. Confirming how each… |
Sequence 20152 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 41, No. 3 • Summer 2016 and observe and you may learn something quite incredible. You will also… |
Sequence 1Glossary of Montessori Terms Any science has it own vocabulary and terminology and the Montessori method is no exception.… |
Sequence 5Optimal Developmental Outcomes page 22 to respect the work of others. They can now wait patiently for an object whereas… |
Sequence 1Part Two Prepared Paths to Culture: Beginning Passages of Ascent Introduction by David Kahn 1 The Development of Movement… |
Sequence 3Prepared Paths to Culture: Beginning Passages of Ascent page 66 My vision of the future is no longer people taking exams and… |
Sequence 3AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 97 language The three-year-old comes into the Casa dei Bambini with his or her language… |
Sequence 4AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 103 “fish,” “bird” (see Figure 1). This way of dividing the world provides the most information… |
Sequence 1Science and the Montessori Casa dei Bambini Some years ago in Toronto a battle raged around the merit or demerit of colouring… |
Sequence 6AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 111 sensory integration so critical for abstract learning. The child at the second plane of… |
Sequence 1The Totality of Montessori introduction I have been asked today to begin this conference with some words on “The Totality of… |
Sequence 4AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 141 The Erdkinder may be the perfect “holding environment,” prepared especially for the… |
Sequence 28AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 141 The Erdkinder may be the perfect “holding environment,” prepared especially for the… |
Sequence 42AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 127 The Totality of Montessori introduction I have been asked today to begin this conference… |
Sequence 58AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 111 sensory integration so critical for abstract learning. The child at the second plane of… |
Sequence 63Science and the Montessori Casa dei Bambini Some years ago in Toronto a battle raged around the merit or demerit of colouring… |
Sequence 66AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 103 “fish,” “bird” (see Figure 1). This way of dividing the world provides the most information… |
Sequence 72AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 97 language The three-year-old comes into the Casa dei Bambini with his or her language… |
Sequence 103Prepared Paths to Culture: Beginning Passages of Ascent page 66 My vision of the future is no longer people taking exams and… |
Sequence 105Part Two Prepared Paths to Culture: Beginning Passages of Ascent Introduction by David Kahn 1 The Development of Movement… |
Sequence 147Optimal Developmental Outcomes page 22 to respect the work of others. They can now wait patiently for an object whereas… |
Sequence 161Glossary of Montessori Terms Any science has it own vocabulary and terminology and the Montessori method is no exception.… |
Sequence 29AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 141 The Erdkinder may be the perfect “holding environment,” prepared especially for the… |
Sequence 43AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 127 The Totality of Montessori introduction I have been asked today to begin this conference… |
Sequence 59AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 111 sensory integration so critical for abstract learning. The child at the second plane of… |
Sequence 64Science and the Montessori Casa dei Bambini Some years ago in Toronto a battle raged around the merit or demerit of colouring… |
Sequence 67AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 103 “fish,” “bird” (see Figure 1). This way of dividing the world provides the most information… |
Sequence 73AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 97 language The three-year-old comes into the Casa dei Bambini with his or her language… |
Sequence 104Prepared Paths to Culture: Beginning Passages of Ascent page 66 My vision of the future is no longer people taking exams and… |
Sequence 106Part Two Prepared Paths to Culture: Beginning Passages of Ascent Introduction by David Kahn 1 The Development of Movement… |
Sequence 148Optimal Developmental Outcomes page 22 to respect the work of others. They can now wait patiently for an object whereas… |
Sequence 162Glossary of Montessori Terms Any science has it own vocabulary and terminology and the Montessori method is no exception.… |
Sequence 38 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 44, No. 2 • Spring 2021 BACK TO THE FUTURE: WHY MONTESSORI STILL MATTERS Molly O’ Shaughnessy… |
Sequence 1MEDITATION ON SILENCE Mario M. Montessori ______________________________________________________________________________… |
Sequence 17Kahn • NAMTA - AMI Legacy 171 Annette Haines: Spokesperson for Montessori Values, Scholarship, and Research,” AMI–NAMTA… |
Sequence 2Kramer: I don't think it is fair to compare Montessori to the handful of minds - Freud, Darwin, Marx - whose thinking had… |
Sequence 1Thoughts on the Erdkinder Project by Dr. Lena Wikramaratne Dr. Wikramaratne makes both philosophical and practical commentary… |
Sequence 336 he will combine known elements in fresh, new ways that are uniquely his own. His own special personality, his own special… |
Sequence 258 only allow play that has an adaptive, prepatory function and discourage other forms of imaginative play. He cites only… |
Sequence 1montessorian with a small "m" an introspective journey by Charlene S. Trochta Charlene's long career… |
Sequence 5October specially prepared cnvironment, one in which he could make his own discoverics and arrive at concepts throughhis… |
Sequence 7108 MEINE MUTTER MARIA MONTESSOR/ Oktober fiinf Jahren konnten die meisten und Mutter war allein mit dreien Kinder der Casa… |
Sequence 76open for fewer hours and by being fully staffed at all times, we strive to provide the best possible environment for the… |
Sequence 109TEACHER AVAILABLE EXPERIENCED !RISH MONTESSORI TEACHER AVAILABLE: Qualified to teach children between 2 1k and 12 years of… |
Sequence 11NORMALIZATION by Chulanganee Fernando Ms. Fernando J>resents an in-depth mew of the genesis of the i,dea of… |
Sequence 725. &8'pect for the child and tke aault and for the Casa (Children's House) is an im-portant part of life.… |
Sequence 9Jan.23, 1883 1909 1935 1946 1947 1957 1961 HISTORY OF ASSISTANTS TO INFANCY Adele Costa Gnocchi was born in Montefalco… |
Sequence 54Another activity for writing practice is ro search through all the sand- paper lerrei:s co find those char start with the same… |
Sequence 69names of fruits and vegetables he sees as he is being pushed along the aisle of the grocery store, or kinds of cars, or colors… |
Sequence 79receive free prenatal health check-ups and $ I 000 at the birch of their children. They also get six month's paid… |
Sequence 7THE IMPORTANCE OF MONTESSORI 2000 New American Schools Development Corporation (NASDC) was founded in 199 l by Lamar… |
Sequence 104SOME THOUGHTS ABOUT THE SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEACHER by Kay Baker Kay Baker's succinct speech (presented at the… |
Sequence 168Montessori talked a good deal about the "spiritual preparation" of the teacher(1936, pp. 115-123), and it… |
Sequence 190Marin Montessori School in Corte Madera, is seeking one AMI primary guide for Septem- ber, 1993. We welcome applicants who… |
Sequence 12were the first small children of the San Lorenzo Quarter experiment called "the new children"? It took Dr.… |
Sequence 14The sensorial material is a key to the environment, Dr. Montessori said, but only if we present it for the child to use in the… |
Sequence 20not want to make mistakes about the adolescent program, great care must be taken in implementing it. If Dr. Montessori was… |
Sequence 176U.S. Virgin Islands VIRGIN ISLANDS MONTESSORI SCHOOL seeks applications for MON- TESSORI JUNIOR HIGH TEACHER for September… |
Sequence 162the teacher must awaken the spirit of the child. They considered the moral preparation of the teacher to be the key to… |
Sequence 185Montessori materials, books, shelves for sale. Very good condition. Call for descriplion and price list. 703/799-1563.… |
Sequence 80West Virginia ELEMENTARY TEACHING POSITrON Our Slaff, small buL di,·erse wilh widely varied interests and teaching experi-… |
Sequence 217Minimum teacher salary is $24,413.00 (1994-95 Salary Schedule). An AMI or AMS elementary certification is necessary as well… |
Sequence 218program. Steady growth with excel- lent further potential. Supportive Mon- tessori community with Montessori elementary in… |
Sequence 14these "deficient" children, in 1907 she took her new teaching prin- ciples to "normal"… |
Sequence 15In addition to help from her longtime assistants, Helen Parkhurst and Adelia Pyle, Montessori was accompanied by her son,… |