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Displaying results 1 - 100 of 122
Sequence 8prepared environment throughout all the hours that they spend in the Children's House. Surely we cannot ignore Dr.… |
Sequence 22c) S11111u 2, Chap. :J. Cunents and Countel' Curl'ents in Medical Sdencc. Rep1·intecl in Cltild mul F11111i/!f. 1:~:… |
Sequence 4D(iys of U1e Mammoth Hunters, by Mary Elting and Franklin Folsom, and If Yo1.i Grew Up With Ge&rge Wash·ington by Ruth… |
Sequence 6The Cozy Book. Hoberman, Mary Ann, illustrated by Tony Chen. Viking, New York, 1982. Close Your Eyes. Man:ollo, Jean, pictw·… |
Sequence 18SUGGESTED BIBLIOGRAPHY Plants: Activities with leaves and seeds. Florian, Douglas. Discovering Trees. New York: Charles… |
Sequence 3This study is interesting because it is the only research in the liter- ature which specifies Montessori materials by age-… |
Sequence 1beginning and end of the kindergarten program than those without this experience. However, on all measures there were no… |
Sequence 119. Ehrlich, Paul R. The Mcu;kin.ery of Nature: The Living World Around Us - And How It Works (New York: Simon and Schuster,… |
Sequence 7Dewey, John. (1956). The ch:ild and the curriculum: the sclwol and soci.ety. Chicago: Univer- sity of Chicago Press. Hunt,… |
Sequence 8already present in them so that the ext.ension and abduction of the lifted leg were to be observed with displacement of the… |
Sequence 912. Wilson, Edward 0. Biaphilia (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1984). 13. Dawkins, Richard. The Blind Watchmaker: Why… |
Sequence 11References Eisley, Loren. (1964). The unexpected universe. New York. Harcou re, Brace, and World, Inc. Lorenz, Konrad. (1990… |
Sequence 3implementation of the Montessori model but will provide a wealth of more general information about children's school… |
Sequence 20Bruner, Jerome S. ( 1971 ). The relevance of education. New York, NY: W.W. Norton & Company. Chadwick, Bruce A; Bahr… |
Sequence 22Third, and finally, all excellent teaching-all-is done by practitioners of the intellectual life who teach. For these… |
Sequence 21References Arnold, M. B. 0984). Memory and the Brain. Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers.… |
Sequence 23Hopkins, W.G. and Brown, M.C. 0984). Development of Nerve Cells and their Connections. Cambridge: Cambridge Univer- sity… |
Sequence 24Minsky, M. 0985). The Society of Mind. New York: Simon and Schuster. Montanero, S. Q. 0991). Understanding the Human Being:… |
Sequence 21Loeffler, Margaret H. (1980). An Investigation of the Relationship of Protowriting (Invented Spelling) and Cognitive… |
Sequence 10References Hubbard, R.S., & B.M. Power 0993). 7be art of classroom inquiry. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann Educational… |
Sequence 33of thumb might be What I do cover I will do patiently and well. The subconscious of the child can make connections to other… |
Sequence 79of thumb might be What I do cover I will do patiently and well. The subconscious of the child can make connections to other… |
Sequence 10Gardner, H. (1993). Multiple intelligences: The theory in practice. New York: Harper Collins. Healy, J.M. (1990). Endangered… |
Sequence 14REFERENCES Berry, Wendell. Sex, Economy, Freedom and Community. New York: Pantheon Press, 1992. Berry, Wendell. Recollected… |
Sequence 20out the process that there is really only one core objective that you should seek to realize: Incorporate as wide a variety as… |
Sequence 178A Montessori Journey 1907 to 2007 Patrons Anonymous Donation through Si Helena Monressori School Association Montessori… |
Sequence 10on the lookout for books with a wide variety of cultural, linguistic, and demographic populations to add to our library.… |
Sequence 65Binocular Vision Working Group. "The Use of Tinted Lenses and Colored Overlays for the Treatment of Dyslexia and… |
Sequence 34REFERENCES Bronson, Po & Ashley Merryman. N11r/11res!tock: New TJ,i11ki11g About CJ,i/dre11. New York: Hatchette Book… |
Sequence 21in isolation to solve one problem), it might not be so bad to sit and think of your seminar question for an entire hour!… |
Sequence 3135 Shanks • Building the Inclusive Montessori School gov/st/english/pamphlet/2013/08/20130823281583. html#axzz2navMMDyo&… |
Sequence 15167 Stapleton • Multi-Sensory, Hands-On Manipulatives and Adult ESL tribute to what we can know although we are fallible” (p… |
Sequence 40248 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 3 • Summer 2014 and Communities.” Lecture. Linthicum, MD. October 18, 2013. Dunn, W.… |
Sequence 6AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 73 notes 1. Montessori, Maria, The Discovery of the Child, Ballantine Books, New York, 1967, p… |
Sequence 4The Acquisition of Spoken Language: The Nebula Hypothesis page 80 references Au, Terry Kit-Fong. (1985). Children ‘s Word-… |
Sequence 5AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 85 gift of man, an invention of his creative spirit which, as a fundamental discovery, lies at… |
Sequence 6AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 111 sensory integration so critical for abstract learning. The child at the second plane of… |
Sequence 6The Development of Values: A Life Cycle Approach page 166 references Bronfenbrenner, U., “Towards Improving the Human… |
Sequence 3The Development of Values: A Life Cycle Approach page 166 references Bronfenbrenner, U., “Towards Improving the Human… |
Sequence 58AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 111 sensory integration so critical for abstract learning. The child at the second plane of… |
Sequence 84AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 85 gift of man, an invention of his creative spirit which, as a fundamental discovery, lies at… |
Sequence 89The Acquisition of Spoken Language: The Nebula Hypothesis page 80 references Au, Terry Kit-Fong. (1985). Children ‘s Word-… |
Sequence 96AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 73 notes 1. Montessori, Maria, The Discovery of the Child, Ballantine Books, New York, 1967, p… |
Sequence 4The Development of Values: A Life Cycle Approach page 166 references Bronfenbrenner, U., “Towards Improving the Human… |
Sequence 59AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 111 sensory integration so critical for abstract learning. The child at the second plane of… |
Sequence 85AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 85 gift of man, an invention of his creative spirit which, as a fundamental discovery, lies at… |
Sequence 90The Acquisition of Spoken Language: The Nebula Hypothesis page 80 references Au, Terry Kit-Fong. (1985). Children ‘s Word-… |
Sequence 97AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 73 notes 1. Montessori, Maria, The Discovery of the Child, Ballantine Books, New York, 1967, p… |
Sequence 1560 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 43, No. 3 • Summer 2018 Second, these words from Teilhard de Chardin: The day will come, when… |
Sequence 5A Non-Montessori Bibliography for Parents by Peggy Stern Baruch, Dorothy. New Ways of Discipline. New York: McGraw Hill, 1949… |
Sequence 2School Design: The Children's House by Lili E. Peller Emma Plank's edited papers of Lili E. Peller (Roubiczek)… |
Sequence 516 empathy, the emotional identification of one person with another. One person takes the role of the other and responds… |
Sequence 710 Frost, Joe. L. (1968). Earl childhood education rediscovered. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 78 Fynne,… |
Sequence 8Jerome Study Group. (1963). Montessori in the home. Wheaton, Ill.: Theosophical Publishing House. Jerome Study Group. (… |
Sequence 911-a Lyon, Peter. (1963). Success stor : the life and times of S. s. McClure (pp. 350-52). New York: Charles Scribner… |
Sequence 1011-b Orem, R. C. (Ed.). (1974). Montessori: Her method and the movement. What you need to know. New York: G. P. Putnam s… |
Sequence 12Wolf, Aline. (1976). Tutoring is caring. Altoona, PA,: Parent Child Press. Wolf, Aline. (1981). The world of the child… |
Sequence 1718 Montessori, Maria. (1964). The Montessori method. Cambridge, Mass.: Robert Bentley, Inc. 1. Stendler, Celia. (1965).… |
Sequence 3738 Birchmei, A.K. (1980). Rehabilitation, 19, 115. Bizman, A. (1978). Journal of School Psychology, ~. 194. Blau, H. (… |
Sequence 6768 Dru11DDond, Margaret. (1935). Montessori method as a basis of modern education. Conference of Educational Associations… |
Sequence 9192 Joosten, A. M. (1974). Helping one helping all (II): Helping the child in the conquest of the written language. Bombay… |
Sequence 92Hainstock, Elizabeth. years. New York: (1971). Teachin Montessori in the home: The school New American Library Plume ,… |
Sequence 9899 After 1907 Books still in print are not available from NAMTA, Not every edition of Montessori' s books was… |
Sequence 173175 Kinel, Lola. (1924). Montessori system as applied in the Mary Crane Nursery of Chicago. Visual Education, 1, 6-7, (2… |
Sequence 183Child, c. M. (1924). PhJsiological foundations of behavior. Henry Holt, Co., (346 . New York: Coghill, G. E. 0929). Anatomy… |
Sequence 77prepared environment throughout all the hours that they spend in the Children's House. Surely we cannot ignore Dr.… |
Sequence 75c) S11111u 2, Chap. :J. Cunents and Countel' Curl'ents in Medical Sdencc. Rep1·intecl in Cltild mul F11111i/!f. 1:~:… |
Sequence 102D(iys of U1e Mammoth Hunters, by Mary Elting and Franklin Folsom, and If Yo1.i Grew Up With Ge&rge Wash·ington by Ruth… |
Sequence 104The Cozy Book. Hoberman, Mary Ann, illustrated by Tony Chen. Viking, New York, 1982. Close Your Eyes. Man:ollo, Jean, pictw·… |
Sequence 53SUGGESTED BIBLIOGRAPHY Plants: Activities with leaves and seeds. Florian, Douglas. Discovering Trees. New York: Charles… |
Sequence 21This study is interesting because it is the only research in the liter- ature which specifies Montessori materials by age-… |
Sequence 63beginning and end of the kindergarten program than those without this experience. However, on all measures there were no… |
Sequence 499. Ehrlich, Paul R. The Mcu;kin.ery of Nature: The Living World Around Us - And How It Works (New York: Simon and Schuster,… |
Sequence 25Dewey, John. (1956). The ch:ild and the curriculum: the sclwol and soci.ety. Chicago: Univer- sity of Chicago Press. Hunt,… |
Sequence 33already present in them so that the ext.ension and abduction of the lifted leg were to be observed with displacement of the… |
Sequence 10912. Wilson, Edward 0. Biaphilia (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1984). 13. Dawkins, Richard. The Blind Watchmaker: Why… |
Sequence 75References Eisley, Loren. (1964). The unexpected universe. New York. Harcou re, Brace, and World, Inc. Lorenz, Konrad. (1990… |
Sequence 131implementation of the Montessori model but will provide a wealth of more general information about children's school… |
Sequence 89Bruner, Jerome S. ( 1971 ). The relevance of education. New York, NY: W.W. Norton & Company. Chadwick, Bruce A; Bahr… |
Sequence 134Third, and finally, all excellent teaching-all-is done by practitioners of the intellectual life who teach. For these… |
Sequence 29References Arnold, M. B. 0984). Memory and the Brain. Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers.… |
Sequence 31Hopkins, W.G. and Brown, M.C. 0984). Development of Nerve Cells and their Connections. Cambridge: Cambridge Univer- sity… |
Sequence 32Minsky, M. 0985). The Society of Mind. New York: Simon and Schuster. Montanero, S. Q. 0991). Understanding the Human Being:… |
Sequence 90Loeffler, Margaret H. (1980). An Investigation of the Relationship of Protowriting (Invented Spelling) and Cognitive… |
Sequence 163Northampton is a beautiful city in the western part of the state. Convenient to both Boston and New York, Northampton… |
Sequence 149References Hubbard, R.S., & B.M. Power 0993). 7be art of classroom inquiry. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann Educational… |
Sequence 123of thumb might be What I do cover I will do patiently and well. The subconscious of the child can make connections to other… |
Sequence 188Gardner, H. (1993). Multiple intelligences: The theory in practice. New York: Harper Collins. Healy, J.M. (1990). Endangered… |
Sequence 278Ohio Montessori Training Institute at Computer Associates International Inc., Long Island NY • AMI Primary Training ( ages… |
Sequence 133REFERENCES Berry, Wendell. Sex, Economy, Freedom and Community. New York: Pantheon Press, 1992. Berry, Wendell. Recollected… |
Sequence 108out the process that there is really only one core objective that you should seek to realize: Incorporate as wide a variety as… |
Sequence 180A Montessori Journey 1907 to 2007 Patrons Anonymous Donation through Si Helena Monressori School Association Montessori… |
Sequence 53on the lookout for books with a wide variety of cultural, linguistic, and demographic populations to add to our library.… |
Sequence 144Binocular Vision Working Group. "The Use of Tinted Lenses and Colored Overlays for the Treatment of Dyslexia and… |
Sequence 41REFERENCES Bronson, Po & Ashley Merryman. N11r/11res!tock: New TJ,i11ki11g About CJ,i/dre11. New York: Hatchette Book… |
Sequence 219in isolation to solve one problem), it might not be so bad to sit and think of your seminar question for an entire hour!… |
Sequence 4135 Shanks • Building the Inclusive Montessori School gov/st/english/pamphlet/2013/08/20130823281583. html#axzz2navMMDyo&… |
Sequence 173167 Stapleton • Multi-Sensory, Hands-On Manipulatives and Adult ESL tribute to what we can know although we are fallible” (p… |
Sequence 254248 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 3 • Summer 2014 and Communities.” Lecture. Linthicum, MD. October 18, 2013. Dunn, W.… |
Sequence 74AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 73 notes 1. Montessori, Maria, The Discovery of the Child, Ballantine Books, New York, 1967, p… |