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Displaying results 1 - 100 of 164
Sequence 17Boehnlein, Mary. (1984). A study of college/uruversity accredited Montessori teacher training programs. NAMTA Quarterly, 9, 49… |
Sequence 9just intellectual ones. For example, the social relations of the school are like little prairie fires flaring up and dying… |
Sequence 9language approach in which all aspects of language study support the acquisition of meaning from print and from oral… |
Sequence 1Orn TRUTIIS, NEW CHIIDREN by Edwin J. Delattre, Ph.D. Holding up such exemplars of intellectual diligence as Helen Keller and… |
Sequence 13Mary: I allow my little boy to dress in the kitchen. Usually he wants to stay near me at the start of the day. Sally: I… |
Sequence 1To DANCE WITH THE ADOLESCENT by Larry Schaefer Dr. Schaefer's vivid metaphor of the dance unites his vision of… |
Sequence 30graders. Fifth graders frequently dread telling it to their entire class, although after the fact they usually appreciate the… |
Sequence 16It is important for us not to change the vision of Dr. Montessori by creating a reductive attitude to what we do, by focusing… |
Sequence 4order to make it possible for me to do my journey with the support of an unconditional love." Montessori wrote,… |
Sequence 7moment of a real encounter with the incarnate God. They knew Jesus walking from town to town as they do, hungry, thirsty,… |
Sequence 4chairs in a bare beige room, the sun beating hot and yellow through drawn shades. My fear of Father Moore was the same terror… |
Sequence 6The theme of nature as promise, however, allows us to take the same scientific information that feeds naturalism and cosmic… |
Sequence 7To DANCE WITH THE ADOLESCENT by Larry Schaefer Larry Schaefer's metaphor to "dance" with the… |
Sequence 18The mother was shocked, she had never thought about that. We teach the children not to lie, but we lie, almost every day, one… |
Sequence 6personal relationship with your teachers and you're on a first name basis you become more comfortable with adults and… |
Sequence 13This is the phenomenon we call the "normalized class." It is so unique that I think we often take it for… |
Sequence 9as we came into the hospital room. My father said, "Mary, I'd like you to meet my daughter and tell her about… |
Sequence 12Italy, continued Writing on che chalkboard, an early Italian Montessori school, dote unknown. "They revealed a… |
Sequence 135Enacting a story from the infancy narratives, the Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth, Mount St Peter's, United States, 1993… |
Sequence 188Notes and Sources, continued Montessori in England, Scotland, and Ireland Montessori teachers have been training in London… |
Sequence 2MONTESSORI AND SPECIAL EDUCATION MONTESSORI AND THE SPECIAL NEEDS CHILD ........................................... 1 by… |
Sequence 2GETTING THE LOWDOWN ON THE SLOWDOWN by Mel Levine and Mary-Dean Barringer Brni11-based research is providing new strategies… |
Sequence 3to the Montessori-Pierson Estates, that gave me the possibility to do this very interesting (at least for me!) work. Let me… |
Sequence 15REFERENCES Blake, William." Auguries of Innocence." 1803. Blake, William. So11gs of /1111oce11ce n11d of… |
Sequence 17Fabre, J. Henri. Tlte Life of the Spider. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1915. Kahn, David. "The Kodaikanal Experience-Part… |
Sequence 7computers on student writing. They found, rather predictably, that "on average, students who use computers when… |
Sequence 3"Schools Attuned has helped our teachers go beyond the diagnosis that the kids come in with-like ADD-and helps them… |
Sequence 12We have small business-card size tent cards with our mission and three points about our school. We give these to parents to… |
Sequence 3Mary, with her brother and father, searched for, col- lected, and sold "curies" (short for "… |
Sequence 19CONCLUSION If Dr. Montessori's principles and ideas on education were adopted universally through group consensus, this… |
Sequence 18Carver, Charles & Scheier, Michael. "Themes and Issues in Self-Regulation of Behavior." Perspectives… |
Sequence 21Morf, Carolyn. C. & Mischel, Walter. "Epilogue: Self- Regulation, Vulnerability, and Implications for Mental… |
Sequence 650 Part One - Toward the Children's I louse: The Formation Years House, and others followed in Via dei Campani and in… |
Sequence 2266 Part One - Toward the Children's I louse: The Formation Years such as the Vita N11ova, of which she quoted some… |
Sequence 2104 Par/ Two - For a Science of 1he Formation of Man towards the Children's Houses. In 1910 there were another two… |
Sequence 1211 Maria Montessori Through the Seasons of the '·Method'" Index of Illustrations Illustrations I, 2, 9,… |
Sequence 2212 Maria Montessori Through 1he Seasons of the "Method"' desks". Illustration 8: The… |
Sequence 1723 Black • Community a May you make of yourself a light, inspiring awe and wonder in each of the lives you touch everyday… |
Sequence 12154 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 1 • Winter 2014 While they can be problem makers, (a bit tangled at times in social… |
Sequence 913 Black, Linares, O’Shaughnessy • The Best for the Youngest to its roots. As our printed brochures say, a Montessori… |
Sequence 1common Toddler Behaviors and waYs To keeP calm by Mary Santelman Mary Santelman discusses all forms of biting, the labeling… |
Sequence 36206 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 3 • Summer 2014 53. Maria Montessori, The Formation of Man (Madras, India: Kalakshetra… |
Sequence 2130 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 40, No. 1 • Winter 2015 A fellow Montessori teacher once said that if there were ever a job… |
Sequence 1Chapter three: a Child’s tale by Maryanne Wolf Maryanne Wolf’s early literacy knowledge is based on her research into deep… |
Sequence 3086 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 41, No. 3 • Summer 2016 Figure 16 is a sample of a daily form filled in. Notice the short- hand… |
Sequence 30130 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 41, No. 3 • Summer 2016 “This isn’t something the child should be doing. I am going to stop him… |
Sequence 630 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 2 • Spring 2017 pothesis, a framework–also called a mental model–serves as a crucial… |
Sequence 60414 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 2 • Spring 2017 Claire: I don’t know? I’m planning on going into music. Motiva- tion to… |
Sequence 64418 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 42, No. 2 • Spring 2017 Or I take the medication on a day that I do not get enough sleep or eat… |
Sequence 3AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 83 under six is decisive. Whatever abilities the child constructs will remain incarnate in him… |
Sequence 86AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 83 under six is decisive. Whatever abilities the child constructs will remain incarnate in him… |
Sequence 87AMI Journal 2017 - 2018 page 83 under six is decisive. Whatever abilities the child constructs will remain incarnate in him… |
Sequence 954 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 43, No. 3 • Summer 2018 Emilie’s best known contribution to knowledge is her translation of Isaac… |
Sequence 4with a bright green altar cloth and adorned with Christmas holly. Some of the older children carry the artistically good… |
Sequence 7them with consciousness. During this process they inadvertently fertilize the flowers they visit by carrying pollen from one… |
Sequence 4we worked at keeping a low profile so that we would not have to turn away large numbers of people. With two trained adults in… |
Sequence 5need for a black staff person. Race is not the issue, but it is an issue. We wanted a quality person, Montessori trained,… |
Sequence 3Once again the conference made a significant step towards something new and powerful - yet still discernible as part of the… |
Sequence 1Making The Inner Self Vivid By Jeanne Franklin Chery Jeanne Chery is an elementary teacher at Ruffing Montessori School in… |
Sequence 14 ART Araham, Cora, (1964). Child art and creative growth. Around the Child, .2, 32-34, (3), Benegal, Lognajita. (1969/… |
Sequence 4BOOKS ABOUT MONTESSORI: METHOD, MOVEMENT, AND THEORY Bailey, Carolyn Sherwin. (1915). Montessori children. New York: Henry… |
Sequence 28Montessori, Maria. (1984). Quotations from The Child in the Family. Communications,!!_, 14, (1). Montessori, Mario. (1962… |
Sequence 7771l Waikin, Edward, (1966). The return of Montessori. Montessori in Perspective. Washington D.C.: National Association for… |
Sequence 9091 Stevens, George L. (1963). Reading for young children. Paper presented at the 1963 Americand Montessori Society national… |
Sequence 92Hainstock, Elizabeth. years. New York: (1971). Teachin Montessori in the home: The school New American Library Plume ,… |
Sequence 158160 Z. Task Persistence/Time on Task Hamilton, V. Jane & Gordon, 0. (1978). Teacher-child interactions in… |
Sequence 169171 Dwyer, Muriel. (1970). Report form Tanzania. Communications, ill, 15-17, (3). Elisabeth, Sr. M. (1967). Around the… |
Sequence 173175 Kinel, Lola. (1924). Montessori system as applied in the Mary Crane Nursery of Chicago. Visual Education, 1, 6-7, (2… |
Sequence 176New Ideas. (1958, January 31). 222, p.155, (1). New London home for multi-national Montessori. (1965, April 30). Times… |
Sequence 177179 Perra, w. (1958). Appreciation of a mother-teacher. Around the Child, 2, 61-62, (2). Petersen, Robert C. _!2,… |
Sequence 180182 With Dr. Montessori in Barcelona. (1919, Hay 1). Times Educational Supplement, p.208, (2). Zimmerman, Carla L. (1974… |
Sequence 203Reports on lectures in England. (1927, May 14-July 23). Times Educational Supplement: May 14--Psychology of the method. 224… |
Sequence 204206 Trochta, Charlene S. (1981). The professional Montessorian: An examination of conscience. NAHTA Quarterly, ~. 5-9, (… |
Sequence 97NAMTA WORKSHOPS PAST Muriel Dwyer-A Classic Montessorian Beyond all doubt, the over-enrolled Muriel Dwyer workshop indicated… |
Sequence 99Montessori for urban children. Firstly, there needs to be preparation for teachers. Badly needed is careful documentation of… |
Sequence 76Boehnlein, Mary. (1984). A study of college/uruversity accredited Montessori teacher training programs. NAMTA Quarterly, 9, 49… |
Sequence 13just intellectual ones. For example, the social relations of the school are like little prairie fires flaring up and dying… |
Sequence 144good. Please call James or Elizabeth Webster at (704)542-7021 for informa- tion. Send resumes or questions to OMNI… |
Sequence 144NORTH CAROLINA Montessori teachers needed for pre- school and elementary classes summer- /fall '88. Please send resume… |
Sequence 74language approach in which all aspects of language study support the acquisition of meaning from print and from oral… |
Sequence 118Pittsburgh on 37 acres, country setting, ro min- utes from the cultural ol the city. Classes: two toddler; three… |
Sequence 125MONTESSORI AND WHOLE LANGUAGE VANCOUVER·, BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA March 15, 16, 17, 1991 Hildegard Solzbache:r and Mary… |
Sequence 144WHOLE LANGUAGE CONFERENCE IN HOUSTON WELL-RECEIVED ln January, Mary Boehnlein and Hildegard Solzbacher presented another… |
Sequence 147Orn TRUTIIS, NEW CHIIDREN by Edwin J. Delattre, Ph.D. Holding up such exemplars of intellectual diligence as Helen Keller and… |
Sequence 18Mary: I allow my little boy to dress in the kitchen. Usually he wants to stay near me at the start of the day. Sally: I… |
Sequence 11To DANCE WITH THE ADOLESCENT by Larry Schaefer Dr. Schaefer's vivid metaphor of the dance unites his vision of… |
Sequence 116graders. Fifth graders frequently dread telling it to their entire class, although after the fact they usually appreciate the… |
Sequence 90It is important for us not to change the vision of Dr. Montessori by creating a reductive attitude to what we do, by focusing… |
Sequence 295DisplaySchool, Apocalypse Technologies, Inc., 2600 Newby Road, Suite D, Huntsville, AL 35805-4273. The full version of… |
Sequence 28order to make it possible for me to do my journey with the support of an unconditional love." Montessori wrote,… |
Sequence 48moment of a real encounter with the incarnate God. They knew Jesus walking from town to town as they do, hungry, thirsty,… |
Sequence 54chairs in a bare beige room, the sun beating hot and yellow through drawn shades. My fear of Father Moore was the same terror… |
Sequence 135The theme of nature as promise, however, allows us to take the same scientific information that feeds naturalism and cosmic… |
Sequence 212grade students. Although we are unsure if we will have any teacher openings for the 1999-2000 school year, we encourage… |
Sequence 166dergone extensive renovations and expansion. Our staff is solidly entrenched in the school. Most of them have been at… |
Sequence 77To DANCE WITH THE ADOLESCENT by Larry Schaefer Larry Schaefer's metaphor to "dance" with the… |
Sequence 288C.Ome to the reautif ul Pacific Northw~ for Mon~ri Teacher F.ducation Mon~ri Institute Northwest Portland, Oregon AMI… |
Sequence 44The mother was shocked, she had never thought about that. We teach the children not to lie, but we lie, almost every day, one… |
Sequence 208NAMTA NEWS NAMTA DtCITAL PRODUCTIONS TO RELEASE FOUR NEW VIDEOS Utilizing our team of videographers, Tim Kahn and Joe… |
Sequence 154personal relationship with your teachers and you're on a first name basis you become more comfortable with adults and… |