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Displaying results 1 - 100 of 1140
Sequence 1MONTESSORI, POVERTY, AND THE SPECIAL CHILD by Jon R. Osterkorn, Ph.D. With wit and substance, Dr. Osterkorn exposes the… |
Sequence 6Orthodox: A Study to Determine the Relative Improvement of the Preschool Child with Brain Damage Trained By One of Two Meth-… |
Sequence 9acquire more "school-type" behaviors. Most of these studies were done in the 1960's and were in Head… |
Sequence 5research on teaching and childrearing has pointed to the superiority of an "authoritative" or "… |
Sequence 1ONE WORLD, ONE DRUM by Tom Sipes My first teaching assignment was in a Catholic seminary in East Africa, in the town of… |
Sequence 1A SELECTION OF CHILDREN'S BOOKS FOR MONTESSORIANS By Charlene S. Trochta Twenty-Five Favorites: Some New, Some Old… |
Sequence 4D(iys of U1e Mammoth Hunters, by Mary Elting and Franklin Folsom, and If Yo1.i Grew Up With Ge&rge Wash·ington by Ruth… |
Sequence 1ON BUBBLES AND SUCH by C. A. Claremont Dr. Clarernont's ability to personify aspects of physics, to isolate the… |
Sequence 1THE KODAIKANAL EXPERIENCE Kahn-Montessori Interveiw From late 1942 to March, 1944, Maria Montessori was interned against her… |
Sequence 2easy for him to make the bed each morning. A small Pinocchio hat rack held his pajamas and his outdoor coat. A large piece of… |
Sequence 2essential principles, and which he believed were an improvement over her materials. These materials are not described, however… |
Sequence 5Earlier research had shown that economically disadvantaged children came to school lacking readiness to learn and profit from… |
Sequence 27Kohlberg then studied a group of children who attended an extended follow-through program in the Ancona Montessori School and… |
Sequence 1the monster and how another child would feel. No significant differ- ences were found on this measure between Montessori and… |
Sequence 1THE ACTIVITY AND ART OF READING by Mortimer Adler and Charles Van Doren Dr. Adler's cw.ssicrendering of the thinking… |
Sequence 1LEARNING BY CLASS DISCUSSION 1 by J ournet Kahn The following transcript of Dr. Kahn's presentation in Minneapolis… |
Sequence 1Teaching, Learning, and Their Counterfeits (1976; 1987) by Mortimer Adler In "Teaching, Learning, and Their… |
Sequence 10history as (long after) bipedalism, and probably after tool use and enlargement of the brain, we had many different forms of… |
Sequence 9language approach in which all aspects of language study support the acquisition of meaning from print and from oral… |
Sequence 7education to the sixth year, he formulates certain principles for the education of children at home by the mothers who ought… |
Sequence 7Dewey, John. (1956). The ch:ild and the curriculum: the sclwol and soci.ety. Chicago: Univer- sity of Chicago Press. Hunt,… |
Sequence 6can see it - North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia." As she named the continents her hand… |
Sequence 6Staff Development Montessorians should provide assistance to schools and districts in the effort to improve staff development… |
Sequence 912. Wilson, Edward 0. Biaphilia (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1984). 13. Dawkins, Richard. The Blind Watchmaker: Why… |
Sequence 1ALBER!' M. JOOSTEN - A BIOGRAPHY Albert M. Joosten was born in the Nether lands on November 21, 1914. His formal… |
Sequence 5director (and occupied this charge until his deathi Branches are func- tioning in many European, Asian, and American countries… |
Sequence 2the young in the way they should go, on rearing them to meet the demands of industry, there were always adversary voices -… |
Sequence 4teach students about the politics, sociology, and economics of the revolution- ary world changes that we' re living… |
Sequence 10can't that runle get there if he has to keep going another half? I have heard kids say there has to be something wrong… |
Sequence 1THE OB)ECl1VFS OF THE PAIDEIA PROPOSAL* by Mortimer J. Adler "Piecemeal refonn measures beget piecemeal results, if… |
Sequence 1COAUTION OF ~ENTIAL SCHOOLS by Michael Goldman In straight-forward language, Michael Goldman challenges the conference to… |
Sequence 11we can teach them something. The whole parent issue is tied up because if we really care about parents, then we're going… |
Sequence 7Footnotes 1. Thomas Berry. (1988). The dream of the earth. Sierra Club, p. 206. See also: (a) Thomas Berry, "Coming… |
Sequence 6which is trying to become a self-sustaining community in relationship with the plants, the animals, the landscape, the humans… |
Sequence 8that it's satisfying. One of the difficulties with this and with fu.rms is that we have never developed a village culture… |
Sequence 1THE CAsE FOR CREATION THEOLOGY by Peggy Stern Peggy Stern believes that today more than ever we need to re/,ate our… |
Sequence 6sicy of Rome Medical School. There are many stories of the "petty persecu- cions" she endured with good… |
Sequence 9process for the spirit of the child. The words of'Abdu'I-Baha come co mind in this regard: Therefore must th.e… |
Sequence 10of President Wilson. Montessori lectured in cities in South America, and, of course, conducted many courses in India during… |
Sequence 18References 'Abdu'l-Baha. (1982). The promul,gation of universal peace. Wilmette. Baha'{ Publishing Trust.… |
Sequence 4Optimal experience is thus something that we make happen. For a child, it could be placing with trembling fingers the lase… |
Sequence 5In the beginning our data consisted of interviews and questionnaires. To achieve greater precision we developed with time a… |
Sequence 15le is clear from an analysis of human development that education is an indispensable function in che formation of man.… |
Sequence 4important way that we can help is to listen intently when the child tries to communicate thereby conveying the message that… |
Sequence 20The lesson table should be placed ar a spot where the director can view rhe whole class. A chalkboard ac least 3 feet by 6… |
Sequence 4perspective, education becomes a process of assisting human develop- ment, working coward full and whole construction. le… |
Sequence 13Participating Schools Phase 2 and Phase 3 Public Montessori Schools Carson Montessori School Brenda K. White Clissold… |
Sequence 5Participating Schools Phase 2 and Phase 3 Public Montessori Schools Carson Montessori School Brenda K. White Clissold… |
Sequence 34features of orality that are bon a penser. Their ability to think and learn is, in general, sophisticated, but structured… |
Sequence 37Levi-Strauss, C. (1966). The savage mind. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Levi-Strauss, C. ( 1969). The raw and the… |
Sequence 5... he showed me a picture of the night sky taken with the big telescope. There were tens of thousands of stars and… |
Sequence 9Mover, itself unmoved. This Mover he called God. Aristotle's God was not the sort of being one would be inclined to… |
Sequence 8Personal Conflict Narratives Let me read to you some of the beginnings of these stories so that you can get an idea of some… |
Sequence 16References Egan, Kieran (1992). Imagination in Teaching and Learning. Chicago: U of Chicago. Montessori, Maria (1965; first… |
Sequence 9at you!te show- • fs you're showing the child with this work is not only the ability to parse-to recognize the parts… |
Sequence 3exciting, I hearli/y recommend the following books to aid you in your studies: Baughman, Emest(1966). A TypeandMotif-Jnde.… |
Sequence 12danced. That is the one group of stories in which you should change your normal voice; tell them quickly and keep the rhythm.… |
Sequence 15Some of the Native American tales preserve the original animal marriage, and some of the Japanese do. There is nothing… |
Sequence 10creation of a public space; Dewey talked consistently about an "articulate public" bringing a public sphere… |
Sequence 3it probably is not necessary to show the whole process. For example, a Bring Me game usually assumes that the children can… |
Sequence 11An exceptional example of vertical history was the Columbus Quincentennary Exhibit at the National Gallery of Art nearly two… |
Sequence 6Alexander the Great, another Greek, was also a great traveller, founding Alexandria in Egypt, and many other towns named… |
Sequence 1Timeline of Montessori Adolescent Programs 1900 1910 1907: Casadei Bambini founded In Rome 1920 1930 early 1930s: first… |
Sequence 5Where are they located? One school is in Canada, one in Mexico, and 31 in the United States. Nine schools are east of the… |
Sequence 6him get control over his own brain, his behavior-and his world. I am willing to bet this child will do well in school, not… |
Sequence 8organization-as well as with managing their behavior. It is more sur- prising to discover, in the writings of Russian… |
Sequence 20Haberman, M. (1991). The pedagogy of poverty versus good teaching. Phi Delta K.appan, 73(4). Hannaford, I. (1994, Spring).… |
Sequence 40References Abelson, R., et al. (1968). Theories of cognitive consistency: A sourcebook. Chicago: Rand McNally. Bandura, A… |
Sequence 146organization-as well as with managing their behavior. It is more sur- prising to discover, in the writings of Russian… |
Sequence 148him get control over his own brain, his behavior-and his world. I am willing to bet this child will do well in school, not… |
Sequence 1DARE TO Do ERDKINDER: REPORT FROM CHICAGO by John Long "What type of adult does civilization need?" This… |
Sequence 2third plane? Are we not immersed in some necessary creative tension as we strive to bind our present explorations with her… |
Sequence 10Points of Interest: 1. Scoring the lines that become the spines of the struts 2. Feeling how sturdy the tower is at each… |
Sequence 153. Measuring the distance the cork was propelled is always popular. Observers should be assured that they will all have an… |
Sequence 12ences in them, listen to each other better, and be both more tolerant and more compassionate. Teachers adopting these… |
Sequence 2these "deficient" children, in 1907 she took her new teaching prin- ciples to "normal"… |
Sequence 4lecture extensively to wider audiences, including a combined session of the 53rd annual convention of the National Education… |
Sequence 5and Montessori teaching in the U.S. fell on hard times. Some of the new "Montessori" schools in the U.S.… |
Sequence 2asserted without hesitation that no research study of peace even ofa rudimentary character has been undertaken. Stranger… |
Sequence 4This does not mean that there can be no such thing as a just war. No one could doubt that-things being as they were in Europe… |
Sequence 16Gordon, E. E. (1990). A music learning theory for newborn and young children. Chicago: GIA. Madaule, P. (1994). When… |
Sequence 7was a cognitive psychologist he was a biologist, so maybe there's something about watching growing things that makes you… |
Sequence 1NAMTA's MONTESSORI ADOLESCENT PROJECT The spirit and energy currently surrounding work toward Montessori adolescent… |
Sequence 7Decision-maki_ng by the students is important. Under the guid- ance of the resident adults, they decide what to plant, which… |
Sequence 8Greek, ·French, Latin, science, history. High school ends with the toughest exam in one's life. Without passing it, one… |
Sequence 33In The Absorbent Mind, Montessori writes, "The child is endowed with unknown powers which can guide us to a radiant… |
Sequence 23The design of seating and gathering areas can add playfulness to an educational site, creating an inviting, whimsical… |
Sequence 12The Center for Socratic Practice The Judson Montessori School 705 Trafalgar San Antonio, Texas 78216 (210) 344-3117… |
Sequence 1EVALUATING EXPERIENCES IN ADOLESCENT PROGRAMS by Peter Gebhardt-Seele Dr. Gebhardt-Seele asserts that the development of… |
Sequence 6We may summarize this list by speaking of the harmonizing of the child's personality. Any With the Erdkinder model we… |
Sequence 14the modes of self-expression. For example, John McNamara's inte- grated use of the computer for science, writing, and… |
Sequence 17REFERENCES Dewey, J. (1956). The school and society (Combined edition with The child and the curriculum). Chicago: U of… |
Sequence 17REFERENCES Abram, D. (1996). The spell of the sensuous. New York: Pan- theon Books. Coles, R. (1990). The spiritual life of… |
Sequence 25chemicals is obviously an attempt to recapture some of the qualities of optimal experience by artificial means. Alcohol,… |
Sequence 1FLOW AND EDUCATION by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi PART ONE David [Kahn] is right. I told him that everybody should call me Mike… |
Sequence 7But before we do that, let me talk a little bit about what these activities are like. After I did these original interviews,… |
Sequence 21good and bad in your painting-then you will be able to persevere even without external recognition, external reward. But you… |
Sequence 15religion, etc. So the question is, to what extent is the field in your organization open to change? Sometimes a discipline or… |
Sequence 24As they grew up in adolescence, almost all of these people felt, of course, marginal, because they did not conform to the… |