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Displaying results 1 - 100 of 1559
Sequence 1COSMIC EDUCATION AT THE ELEMENTARY LEVEL AND THE ROLE OF THE MATERIALS by Camillo Grazzini The first section of Mr. Grazzini… |
Sequence 3COSMIC EDUCATION IN THE FORM OF A CONCRETE IMAGE I think that everyone, during the course of their lives, has experienced at… |
Sequence 20beings, the exploration of this aspect of human society, we usually identify as economic geography in our courses. Montessori… |
Sequence 1COSMIC EDUCATION AT THE ELEMENTARY LEVEL AND THE ROLE OF THE MATERIALS by Camillo Grazzini The first section of Mr. Grazzini… |
Sequence 3COSMIC EDUCATION IN THE FORM OF A CONCRETE IMAGE I think that everyone, during the course of their lives, has experienced at… |
Sequence 20beings, the exploration of this aspect of human society, we usually identify as economic geography in our courses. Montessori… |
Sequence 1A MONTESSORI VISION OF ADOLESCENCE by Lawrence Schaefer Dr. Schaefer's deve/,opmental outlook for the adolescent arises… |
Sequence 15Erikson, E. Identity. Youth and Crisis. (New York: Norton Press, 1968). Erikson, E. The Problem of Ego Identity, Journal of… |
Sequence 5Environmental deprivation is another factor. Families without proper food, clothing, and shelter are hindered from offering… |
Sequence 6Orthodox: A Study to Determine the Relative Improvement of the Preschool Child with Brain Damage Trained By One of Two Meth-… |
Sequence 6be able to operate successfully; these persons in conjunction with each other should form a coherent body of positive growth… |
Sequence 7We begin the elementary years with a time line of creation, which is also introduced in a visual way with a ribbon fifty… |
Sequence 6stand. They would bring this back and take another which contained other pictures to which to apply other names. Experience… |
Sequence 1TRIBUTE TO LINDA PRESTON By David Kahn In Memory of LINDA SOULE PRESTON April 4, 1938 - March 20, 1988 Memorial Service… |
Sequence 3touching remembrance of a visit to Hiroshima. She spoke of her own dedication to peace and education and managed to dig a hole… |
Sequence 1beginning and end of the kindergarten program than those without this experience. However, on all measures there were no… |
Sequence 7provided sensitive guidance. She continued to add to the environment and provided materials which children could independently… |
Sequence 2The same children were retested eight months later and their mean gain scores indicated a decline in impulsivity and an… |
Sequence 86 Montessori, Bducationfor a New World, 16•17. 7 Montessori, Rcamstn«:tion in EducnLum, 6. 8 Paulo Freire, Pedagogy qf the… |
Sequence 8Lieberman, Philip. (1984). The Biology and Evolution of Language. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Moerk,… |
Sequence 4the button of a food processor to slice vegetables in a noisy flash. The child is interested in the ritual of cutting a carrot… |
Sequence 5function of the child with regard to the formation of the human personal- ity (p. 15). Oui· civilization has not yet devised… |
Sequence 3ideal aim of education is to have two minds share one thought. Central to Montessori's idea is that the child is the… |
Sequence 10history as (long after) bipedalism, and probably after tool use and enlargement of the brain, we had many different forms of… |
Sequence 119. Ehrlich, Paul R. The Mcu;kin.ery of Nature: The Living World Around Us - And How It Works (New York: Simon and Schuster,… |
Sequence 9language approach in which all aspects of language study support the acquisition of meaning from print and from oral… |
Sequence 6comparison, and choice, and since their interest is held by the movement provided by the apparatus, they are motivated to act… |
Sequence 7Dewey, John. (1956). The ch:ild and the curriculum: the sclwol and soci.ety. Chicago: Univer- sity of Chicago Press. Hunt,… |
Sequence 7Lillard, Paula Polk. (1972) Mant.essori a modern approach. New York: Schocken Books. Orem, R.C. (1974) Montessori her method… |
Sequence 8I have already said that the evolutionary engine ofnatw-al selection is a terrible one and, until very recently, we were as… |
Sequence 912. Wilson, Edward 0. Biaphilia (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1984). 13. Dawkins, Richard. The Blind Watchmaker: Why… |
Sequence 1THE ASSISTANT TO INFANCY: A SPECIAL EDUCATOR by Dr. Silvana Quattrocchi Montanaro Dr. introduces the arigins of… |
Sequence 2"Man himself must become the center of education and we must never forget that man does not develop only at… |
Sequence 5Jan.23, 1883 1909 1935 1946 1947 1957 1961 HISTORY OF ASSISTANTS TO INFANCY Adele Costa Gnocchi was born in Montefalco… |
Sequence 2The need to place all the golden rules of child care at the service of the child and not to force him into those of authority… |
Sequence 1THE FATHER'S PRESENCE by Silvana Quattrocchi Montanaro WHAT IS A "FATHER"? , Every child has a… |
Sequence 1THE VALUE OF SEPARATION by Silvana Quattrocchi Montanaro Dr. Mon:tanaros philosophicaJ, outlook on separation as 'f)Q,rt… |
Sequence 1THE MONTESSORI MOVEMENT (1956) by A.M. Joosten The development of the Montessori movement i.s followed from, Mon- tessori s… |
Sequence 7alienated and the poor in our culture. All we can cite as success is the fact that a black middle class has moved out of the… |
Sequence 3which new, higher, more perfect forms of life appeared, as totally new conditions of existence on earth came about (Education… |
Sequence 4conuibuted to her being somewhat ostracized by the scientific and educational establishment and her being labeled as "… |
Sequence 5Although externally her life was affected by political forces, within she remained detached as this statement indicates: Not… |
Sequence 7Whilst everyone was admfring my idiots I was searching for the reasons which rould keep back the healthy and happy children of… |
Sequence 5In the beginning our data consisted of interviews and questionnaires. To achieve greater precision we developed with time a… |
Sequence 12University of California Press, 1980), pp. 395-435. 31 Plato Apology 29e. 32 See, e.g., Plato Protagoras 360d: courage is… |
Sequence 1THE CONTRIBUTION OF MARIA MONTFSSORI by Mario M. Montessori Jr.· Mario Montessori characterizes the Montessori vision as… |
Sequence 15le is clear from an analysis of human development that education is an indispensable function in che formation of man.… |
Sequence 17Elementary-Bergamo, Italy zoo, our goal may be the study of a class of the chordates; our goal in visiting a beach may be the… |
Sequence 21Kahn, David. (1990). Implementing Montessori education in the public sector. Cleveland Heights, Ohio. North American… |
Sequence 1APPENDIX I HERSHEY MONTESSORI ERDKINDER PROJECT A Preliminary Proposal by Michael Bagiackas Hershey Montessori School has… |
Sequence 3implementation of the Montessori model but will provide a wealth of more general information about children's school… |
Sequence 1INTRODUCTION DEVELOPMENT OF A MONTESSORI OUTDOOR ENVIRONMENT by Michael Bagiackas Toleration by earth's ecosystems to… |
Sequence 1EDITORIAL REINVENTING MONTESSORI: PERILS AND POSSIBILITIES by David Kahn To what degree is the fundamental test of… |
Sequence 1EDITORIAL ON THE PRESERVATION OF MONTESSORI IDEAS by Tim Duax I have heard it asked, don't Montessori trainers adhere… |
Sequence 35its implications for cross-cultural studies. In S. Modgil & C. Modgil (Eds.), .lean Piaget: Consensus and controversy… |
Sequence 37Levi-Strauss, C. (1966). The savage mind. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Levi-Strauss, C. ( 1969). The raw and the… |
Sequence 38ground. New York: Oxford University Press. Opie, I., & Opie, P. (1985). The singing game. New York: Oxford University… |
Sequence 20Bruner, Jerome S. ( 1971 ). The relevance of education. New York, NY: W.W. Norton & Company. Chadwick, Bruce A; Bahr… |
Sequence 22Third, and finally, all excellent teaching-all-is done by practitioners of the intellectual life who teach. For these… |
Sequence 21References Arnold, M. B. 0984). Memory and the Brain. Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers.… |
Sequence 22Carew, T., et al. 0990). The Development of Leaming and Memory in Aplysia. In J. McGaugh, N. Weinberger, and G. Lynch (Eds… |
Sequence 24Minsky, M. 0985). The Society of Mind. New York: Simon and Schuster. Montanero, S. Q. 0991). Understanding the Human Being:… |
Sequence 16References Egan, Kieran (1992). Imagination in Teaching and Learning. Chicago: U of Chicago. Montessori, Maria (1965; first… |
Sequence 21Loeffler, Margaret H. (1980). An Investigation of the Relationship of Protowriting (Invented Spelling) and Cognitive… |
Sequence 2LITERATURE AND GRAMMAR by Mrs. Francesca Claremont Transcribed and Edited by Jim and Frances Fitzpatrick Here follow two… |
Sequence 11have been traced, and seventeen Robin Hoods. This snowballing happens because there are so few names. Even in England-… |
Sequence 19to escape marriage with the father. The mother is dead before the story is opened, and that is why the father is wanting to… |
Sequence 11One of the best cases of such teaching I ever witnessed-one of the best examples of teaching the Golden Rule and a child… |
Sequence 13into the bottle; this teaches patience of the sort the crow needed. Nothing new about that either. As the children grow older… |
Sequence 20References Egan, K. (1986). Teaching as story telling: An alternative ap- proach to teaching and curriculum in the elementary… |
Sequence 16Ardini, R. 0979). Feminism and science. In R. Arditti, P. Brennan, & S. Cavrak (Eds.), Science and liberation. Boston… |
Sequence 1THE ECOLOGY OF TIIE MIND by Luciano Mazzetti The title of this lecture, "The Ecology of the Mind," comes… |
Sequence 2in order to study medicine. At that time, a woman who went among men, and especially among naked bodies which she cut to… |
Sequence 9We give far too much attention to the conscious, and hardly any to the unconscious. And yet, it is the unconscious which… |
Sequence 11"Mother, when am I going to plll on this corsage thal you have?" In Italy these are often made with velvet,… |
Sequence 23thinking and choice making. School Psychology Review, 20, 382-88. Kutner, L 0990, November 29). As motivator, the carrot may… |
Sequence 19Hellbrugge, T. 0979, Spring). Early social development and proficiency in later life. Tbe NAMTA Q11arter(y, 4<.2), 6-14… |
Sequence 1CREATIVE ABILITY IN CHILDHOOD by Maria Montessori Dr. Montessori presented this lecture at the Eightlz l11ternatio11al… |
Sequence 20fail to instill in developing minds the fundamental skills of attention and reasoning. Increasing numbers of children today… |
Sequence 21Lambert, N. (1988). Adolescent outcomes for hyperactive children. American Psychologist 43(1), 786-799. Meichenbaum, D. (1977… |
Sequence 3COSMIC EDUCATION AND LITERATURE- BASED TEACHING by Daniel Bachhuber Daniel Bachhuber provides a practical gttide to the… |
Sequence 25part) of the disturbing hormonal changes of adolescence, the child of 9 to 12, Montessori believed, is a stronger learner than… |
Sequence 33of thumb might be What I do cover I will do patiently and well. The subconscious of the child can make connections to other… |
Sequence 1Hopkins, L.B. (1987). Pass the poetry, please. New York: Harper Collins Children's Books. Koch, K. (1970). Wishes, lies… |
Sequence 1Rist, R. (1970). Social class and teacher expectations: The self- fulfilling prophecy in ghetto education. Harvard Educational… |
Sequence 4Dr. Maria Montessori (1870-1952) was the first woman physician of her native country, Italy. She became interested in… |
Sequence 13Dr. Maria Montessori (1870-1952) was the first woman physician of her native country, Italy. She became interested in… |
Sequence 19Rist, R. (1970). Social class and teacher expectations: The self- fulfilling prophecy in ghetto education. Harvard Educational… |
Sequence 20Haberman, M. (1991). The pedagogy of poverty versus good teaching. Phi Delta K.appan, 73(4). Hannaford, I. (1994, Spring).… |
Sequence 60They build upon one another. Every ending is a new beginning. They must be understood as a whole-they must be correlated. They… |
Sequence 77Hopkins, L.B. (1987). Pass the poetry, please. New York: Harper Collins Children's Books. Koch, K. (1970). Wishes, lies… |
Sequence 79of thumb might be What I do cover I will do patiently and well. The subconscious of the child can make connections to other… |
Sequence 87part) of the disturbing hormonal changes of adolescence, the child of 9 to 12, Montessori believed, is a stronger learner than… |
Sequence 109COSMIC EDUCATION AND LITERATURE- BASED TEACHING by Daniel Bachhuber Daniel Bachhuber provides a practical gttide to the… |
Sequence 133Lambert, N. (1988). Adolescent outcomes for hyperactive children. American Psychologist 43(1), 786-799. Meichenbaum, D. (1977… |
Sequence 134fail to instill in developing minds the fundamental skills of attention and reasoning. Increasing numbers of children today… |
Sequence 193CREATIVE ABILITY IN CHILDHOOD by Maria Montessori Dr. Montessori presented this lecture at the Eightlz l11ternatio11al… |
Sequence 5thought to what it was I enjoyed as a child. From this reflection I would like to add a couple of additional reasons why… |
Sequence 5basic human values through spiritual good works. Is this not the human being we desire to see as part of our future as a… |