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Displaying results 1 - 100 of 367
Sequence 1MONTESSORI, POVERTY, AND THE SPECIAL CHILD by Jon R. Osterkorn, Ph.D. With wit and substance, Dr. Osterkorn exposes the… |
Sequence 8accelerated as a consequence of using the Montessori materials. Subjects were in their second year in three different… |
Sequence 1THE ROOTS OF DISCIPLINE by Lili E. Peller Ms. Peller begins with a Montessori definition of discipline, and then shows a… |
Sequence 14species of birds. The family is the microcosm that readies children for the macrocosm of society. It is the cradle that rears… |
Sequence 1ALBER!' M. JOOSTEN - A BIOGRAPHY Albert M. Joosten was born in the Nether lands on November 21, 1914. His formal… |
Sequence 4conuibuted to her being somewhat ostracized by the scientific and educational establishment and her being labeled as "… |
Sequence 1610. Jerome S. Bruner, Toward a Theory of Instruction (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Universiry Press, 1966). I l. Alexis Carrel,… |
Sequence 16References Egan, Kieran (1992). Imagination in Teaching and Learning. Chicago: U of Chicago. Montessori, Maria (1965; first… |
Sequence 4Finally, a note about pronouns. Bettelheim mentions in the preface to A Good Parent that he chooses to use the… |
Sequence 25part) of the disturbing hormonal changes of adolescence, the child of 9 to 12, Montessori believed, is a stronger learner than… |
Sequence 3IN MEMORIAM ELISE BRAUN BARNETT 1904-1994 On November 20, 1994, the Montessori community lost a tireless lover of children… |
Sequence 2On the morning of her 90th birthday, Lisi taught piano lessons to several of her young students and then celebrated her… |
Sequence 15On the morning of her 90th birthday, Lisi taught piano lessons to several of her young students and then celebrated her… |
Sequence 17IN MEMORIAM ELISE BRAUN BARNETT 1904-1994 On November 20, 1994, the Montessori community lost a tireless lover of children… |
Sequence 87part) of the disturbing hormonal changes of adolescence, the child of 9 to 12, Montessori believed, is a stronger learner than… |
Sequence 19CONCLUSION Thus far we have looked at two intelligences and their relation- ship to the Montessori materials. We have looked… |
Sequence 2THE CHILDREN' s HOUSE by Lili E. Peller Lili Peller' s interest in creating the right environment as a decisive… |
Sequence 24As they grew up in adolescence, almost all of these people felt, of course, marginal, because they did not conform to the… |
Sequence 11especially in the beginning. Once the child has become acquainted with the different names, it is no longer essential and the… |
Sequence 2Kodaikanal, India THE IMPACT OF INDIA by Mario M. Montessori Looking back on the checkered life of Dr. Montessori in this… |
Sequence 2MONTESSORI AND Music by Elise Braun Barnett With the sense of discovery characteristic of a first-generation Mon tessorian,… |
Sequence 3Children do not listen in the so-called "grown-up manner," sitting quietly. They like to move with music.… |
Sequence 4HISTORY Of course, Maria Montessori' s work encountered detractors from the beginning 1 . Close on the heels of her… |
Sequence 23HISTORY Of course, Maria Montessori' s work encountered detractors from the beginning 1 . Close on the heels of her… |
Sequence 7We must present the human story, and this goal is the central and overarching history theme of any Montessori adolescent… |
Sequence 8In October, 1939, Maria and Mario, her son, landed in Madras, south India, guests of George Arundale, President of the… |
Sequence 10CHILDREN OF THE EARTH by Jan Koning and Fred Kelpin Jan Koning and Fred Kelp in' s interest in and commentan; about the… |
Sequence 2After the Second World War, several secondary Montessori schools were founded in Germany. In general, they followed the same… |
Sequence 3MONTESSORI HIGH SCHOOL by H.J. Jordan Dr. Jordan, a collaborator with Maria Montessori, speaks of his conceptual framework… |
Sequence 10exams in mind there is a somewhat stricter working-program which, to conform to exam requirements, candidates are obliged to… |
Sequence 1Goo WHo HAs No HANDS by Mario M. Montessori Sometimes referred to as the "Story of the Universe," "… |
Sequence 3a big mistake on his part and felt guilty for having influenced genera- tions of parents and teachers by neglecting this… |
Sequence 1INTRODUCTION TO uKEYS TO THE WORLD: THE SECOND PLANE OF EDUCATION" by Camillo Grazzini Forty-three years ago,… |
Sequence 4of the Netherlands. He was following in his grandmother's footsteps, for Maria Montessori was similarly honored in 1950… |
Sequence 20of the Netherlands. He was following in his grandmother's footsteps, for Maria Montessori was similarly honored in 1950… |
Sequence 142INTRODUCTION TO uKEYS TO THE WORLD: THE SECOND PLANE OF EDUCATION" by Camillo Grazzini Forty-three years ago,… |
Sequence 18REFERENCE Montessori, Mario M. "Keys to the World: The Second Plane of Education." Summary of lectures,… |
Sequence 10ITHE .4 PLANs~ OF DJVELOPMENT! I TH «BULB> ,~~~' ~ ~ Figure 1. The Bulb. Maria Montessori, Rome, 1951 (cited… |
Sequence 4ence, learning styles, psychomotor skills, and personality traits. The dense diversity of life in natural settings offers a… |
Sequence 3Preface by David Kahn Throughout 2007, the year that marks a century since the first Casa dei Bambini, NAMTA has toured… |
Sequence 36Haus der Kinder, Vienna: The Young Child's Adventures in Space Ai Looking out, looking in. Haus der Kinder, Vienna, 19… |
Sequence 37need for simple beauty in mind. Its model school building was designed by the architect Franz Schuster in the Bauhaus style… |
Sequence 38The pantry It should be possible to move almost everything outdoors- chairs, tables, shelves, screens, and easels. Often… |
Sequence 39Haus der Kinder, Vienna, Austria, 1930 39 |
Sequence 41Haus der Kinder, Vienna, Austria, 19 30 |
Sequence 42Municipal Montessori Nursery, Vienna, 1932. Architect: Franz Singer Isometric projection showing the entrance, cloakroom,… |
Sequence 44Display Case Vienna, Austria: Mus/co Montessori and the art of woodworking This display highlights the musical work of Elise… |
Sequence 46Musica Montessori and the Art of Woodworking, continued Original folio of musical selections collected by Elise (Lisi) Broun… |
Sequence 47A spontaneous explosion into singing was repeatedly observed in Vienna and later again when Lisi worked with children in… |
Sequence 48Oasis for Montessori Expansion Elementary students sketching from nature, Amsterdamsche Montessori School, 1930s The role of… |
Sequence 49portive from very early on; this atmosphere helps to explain how the Montessori schools could survive through such difficult… |
Sequence 50The Netherlands, continued One cannot see the method; one sees the child. One sees the child soul, freed from obstacles,… |
Sequence 52Display Case II Natural History Drawings, Amsterdam, 1930s Documents from the Model School ot Loren, Netherlands, 1938-/939… |
Sequence 55The Model School at Laren, Netherlands, continued Documents from the Model School at Laren, Netherlands, 1938-1939 At Laren… |
Sequence 73Information about the Montessori teaching materials that were not yet available in Germany around that time is given in the… |
Sequence 93Cosmic Education for the Elemen- tary-aged child. Dr. Montessori researched the needs of the child under three, culminating… |
Sequence 125In this passage written in 1967, Claude Claremont described how to start the Silence Game: "Setting her chair in a… |
Sequence 128Montessori College Oost, Amsterdam, 2000 Architect: Herman Hertzberger Side view of the school Technical lesson Workshop… |
Sequence 130Study need not be restricted by the curricula of secondary schools and still less need we make use of their… |
Sequence 138Religious Education, continued Pope John Paul II visiting on atrium in Rome, /983 The atrium is in Nostro Signora de Lourdes… |
Sequence 165/915 Second trip to the United States, accompanied by her son. Mario. Addresses International Kindergarten Union and… |
Sequence 166India, 1939 1928 The book Das Kind in der Familie, based on lectures she gave in 1923 in Vienna, is published in Germon. (… |
Sequence 1671948 Training courses in Mmedabad, Adyar, and Poona; lectures in Bombay. Trip to Gwalior. India; supervises the opening of a… |
Sequence 168Books Published by Maria Montessori Mario Monressori, /roly, 191 2 __ during Her Lifetim_e _____ _ 1909. II Metodo de/Ja… |
Sequence 172Correspondence, continued - ...... .. ... //- -··- :;:~: ., -..:_ ::-:~··.:::~ -✓- .,; .,._,. 6 ..P… |
Sequence 185Far Journey to the Southlands (Australia and New Zealand) We are indebted to Debbie Senoff-Langford of Chicago for graciously… |
Sequence 186Notes and Sources, continued Centenary Exhibit. The collection also contains Lisl's beautifully handwritten notes of Dr… |
Sequence 187Another Viennese Montessorian and Holocaust survivor who made a significant contribution in the United States was Lena Gitter… |
Sequence 5Dr. Maria Montessori's first work, Tlte Mo11/essori Method, was published in English in New York in 1912. It was an… |
Sequence 3also as a mother and a grandmother deeply concerned about what kind offuture our children and our grandchildren will have. I… |
Sequence 14· Origin of the city; comparison of Mesopotamian (anxiously walled in) and Egyptian (calm, ceremonial) cities; · Alexandria,… |
Sequence 4have that similarity. Their initial inspiration did not come from working with normal children, but from working with children… |
Sequence 8the children in the class will know where the child is going in a short time. Parents of children in the class who are from a… |
Sequence 1214 Parr One - Toward 1he Children's House: The Forma1io11 Years 13 The years 1877-1900 saw eleven women admitted to… |
Sequence 1688 Maria Montessori Through the Seasons of the "Method" Illustration 27: "Vienna: a corner of the… |
Sequence 1711/ustrations Illustration 28: "A cabinet with various brushes for different uses: it is not a toy for fun, but a… |
Sequence 14116 Part Two - For a Science of the Formation of Man materials; playful and expressive activities, with particular regard lo… |
Sequence 6School, Family and Society 123 Moreover, in 1918 Montessori had been received in private audience with pope Benedict XV,… |
Sequence 8School, Fami(I' and Society 125 his dignity and sensibility. With The Child in the Fami~1·. Montcssori's… |
Sequence 5Far from Italy: First Europe and then India 159 who received Montessori's resignation as director of the Scuola di… |
Sequence 6160 Par/ Two - For a Science of the Formation of Man disappointments, requests for help, mediations, threatened break-ups and… |
Sequence 2212 Maria Montessori Through 1he Seasons of the "Method"' desks". Illustration 8: The… |
Sequence 3Maria Montessori Through the Seasons of the ''Method" 213 in the model Children's House specially… |
Sequence 5lution relative to place and time the adolescent could make come to life through the re-imagination of lives lived, using the… |
Sequence 19Now 12 says, for the betterment of society. The high school is the training ground for a scie11tia co11- at11rnlis, an exalted… |
Sequence 6The Way Young children seem to want to point out to us that tl1eir way of going to God is different, for example, from what… |
Sequence 1the children’s house by Lili E. Peller Lili Peller’s The Children’s House essay begins where Maria Montessori left off in her… |
Sequence 230 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 equipment of the house whether her working day is a long chain of… |
Sequence 331 Peller • The Children’s House cannot do for himself. In the children’s house, the burden of being small in size, weak,… |
Sequence 432 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 other children is nothing new, disproves this; they often like to play… |
Sequence 533 Peller • The Children’s House might be a step leading up or down to one of the alcoves; or an alcove might be separated… |
Sequence 735 Peller • The Children’s House to expect the child to use each piece of equipment in the conventional way and to make it… |
Sequence 10116 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 Montessori, Maria, “Educazione cosmica,” 8. manuscript published in the… |
Sequence 2226 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 2 • Spring 2014 Greater Twin Cities United Way. “Faces of Poverty: A United Way Report… |
Sequence 19215 Sackett • “The Lines That Make the Clouds” a references Devlin, Keith. The Math Gene: How Mathematical Think- ing… |