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Displaying results 1 - 100 of 195
Sequence 6can see it - North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia." As she named the continents her hand… |
Sequence 2systems. And of course, another irony is that those who preach change always preach how someone else should go about change,… |
Sequence 20Stories A small group of children can write a collective story. The direccress asks questions and writes down rhe children… |
Sequence 28children's transition from orality to literacy as unqualified progress, we were to view it as a trade-off made for… |
Sequence 3exciting, I hearli/y recommend the following books to aid you in your studies: Baughman, Emest(1966). A TypeandMotif-Jnde.… |
Sequence 17HISTORY, CMcs, GEOGRAPHY, AND ECONOMICS 1. What is the democratic ideal? How, when, why, and where has it arisen in the… |
Sequence 183. Economic Development-How have societies organized themselves economically? What conditions have caused changes in the ways… |
Sequence 19Early Years of Exploration and Settlement in America I. Ideas to Investigate for Reports a. Europeans who reached North… |
Sequence 10with content that is familiar in students' everyday experience. The argument moves through the following steps: Everyday… |
Sequence 3of life when young people lhrive on real life experience and active involvement. And lhe adults seemed to the adolescent… |
Sequence 59of which h,l\ e been appropriated h} traditional, mainstrl'.tm education. So we arc 1101 seen as lotally unique.… |
Sequence 60• At the same time, we need Lo decide as a group of Montessori schools \, hat our target is in the clevcloprnenl of adolescent… |
Sequence 4lecture extensively to wider audiences, including a combined session of the 53rd annual convention of the National Education… |
Sequence 7was a cognitive psychologist he was a biologist, so maybe there's something about watching growing things that makes you… |
Sequence 1NAMTA's MONTESSORI ADOLESCENT PROJECT The spirit and energy currently surrounding work toward Montessori adolescent… |
Sequence 8ments of animals or the wind in the trees, or to express feelings, they are given the opportunity to explore alternate… |
Sequence 10when crafted well are memorable experiences. I was privileged to be at the last live performance of Chief Dan George telling… |
Sequence 11memory. Over the centuries, they roamed sea and land and learned them well; their history was encoded in stories and chants,… |
Sequence 2THE MONTESSORI FAMILY AND ME by Margot W altuch This beautiful vignette of Margot Waltuch' s connection to the… |
Sequence 5Cavalletti had taken Hebrew classes with Zolli and, after earning her doctorate, became his colleague. He is well-known… |
Sequence 8cooked supper for all seven of us. The others washed up so the cook could retreat to her album work. By the time we arrived,… |
Sequence 9Some of you may remember those early days of WM! when the course and office were at 3000 Connecticut Avenue,opposite the Zoo… |
Sequence 8The child by nature loves the environment. By helping the child forge an emotional bond with nature, we help guarantee… |
Sequence 116The child by nature loves the environment. By helping the child forge an emotional bond with nature, we help guarantee… |
Sequence 184Some of you may remember those early days of WM! when the course and office were at 3000 Connecticut Avenue,opposite the Zoo… |
Sequence 185cooked supper for all seven of us. The others washed up so the cook could retreat to her album work. By the time we arrived,… |
Sequence 5This experience we observe even now in the indigenous peoples of the world. They live in a universe, in a cosmological order,… |
Sequence 3The Montessori classroom functions on the general principle that each child has an innate passion to learn, is indeed driven… |
Sequence 7on earth. Over 3.5 billion years there have been five of these events. Isn't it amazing that humans have reached the… |
Sequence 23do you contemplate four billion years or ten thousand years if not through story, if not through music, if not through art?… |
Sequence 1ALIGNING MONTESSORI SCHOOLS WITH TRUE MONTESSORI ESSENTIALS by David Kahn As 250 Montessori schools in North America… |
Sequence 6Montessori has this wonderful notion of the universe story as a curricular framework for the middle years, which operates at… |
Sequence 3mihalyi, The Social Context) concludes that Montessori students have more positive perceptions of their school environment and… |
Sequence 4only can this be understood as a particular type of peninsula, but also it brings in the third dimension, which is absolutely… |
Sequence 9The very same Lusitania, on a similar return voyage from North America only sixteen months later (May 7th, 1915), would be… |
Sequence 10The very same Lusitania, on a similar return voyage from North America only sixteen months later (May 7th, 1915), would be… |
Sequence 14The very same Lusitania, on a similar return voyage from North America only sixteen months later (May 7th, 1915), would be… |
Sequence 15The very same Lusitania, on a similar return voyage from North America only sixteen months later (May 7th, 1915), would be… |
Sequence 134only can this be understood as a particular type of peninsula, but also it brings in the third dimension, which is absolutely… |
Sequence 2MORAL FORMATION ON THE SECOND PLANE: NURTURING AND HINDERING by lta Williams !ta Williams asserts that moral development is… |
Sequence 2unfortunately I was unable to find the millionaire to fi- nance it. It was so visionary and also so revolutionary that it… |
Sequence 9peoples, of the intermarriage of races, and the assimilation of special cultures. The wars and conquests of empires should be… |
Sequence 16The piece of metal that holds the eraser is caUed the ferrule and is made of brass (a combination of zinc and copper). Zinc is… |
Sequence 1THE MONTESSORI CENTURY CONCEPT: A CONTINUING PROCESS IN REALITY by David Kahn When we look back to the origins of the… |
Sequence 5RENOVATION AND NEW CONSTRUCTION This article addresses school grounds renovation as well as new construction. Both are… |
Sequence 3Preface by David Kahn Throughout 2007, the year that marks a century since the first Casa dei Bambini, NAMTA has toured… |
Sequence 21School bus of Calgary Montessori School, Calgary, Canodo, I 9 2 9 Montessori's Beginnings in Canada Alexander Graham… |
Sequence 75"the sole authorized manufacturers of Montessori materials for Great Britain and the Dominions." Around… |
Sequence 180Welcome to the Children's Mural This portion of the exhibit was created from over 800 pieces of work submitted by 35… |
Sequence 23nature, this sense of mystery, must accompany the study of nature when, having learned of these wonders, this child goes out… |
Sequence 5In 1950, Mario Montessori wrote about the celebration of his mother's eightieth birthday: "UNESCO gave a… |
Sequence 6about the work of the UN by mirroring its activities and cul- tivating important life skills such as negotiation and con-… |
Sequence 8munity. Her pride was enormous and she hated being singled out as needing extra help. Often I would spend half our time… |
Sequence 2A MONTESSORI APPROACH TO AUTISM by K. Michelle Lane Miclte//e Lane founded n school tltat serves c!tildren so severely… |
Sequence 9needs. And it's a behavior that all rodents share. Can anyone think of any other rodents?" The children listed… |
Sequence 7Peace Stories in A111ericnn History covers North America, mainly the United States. The stories begin long before Columbus set… |
Sequence 2produce can be used commercially this brings in the fundamental mechanism of society, that of production and exchange, on… |
Sequence 7assistance in developing a funding submission and, with the help of other international colleagues, a proposal was developed… |
Sequence 16Because of their nomadic way of life, the Saa mi do not have permanent houses. They use easy-to-move tents, which are… |
Sequence 23to a Bhutanese-Tibetan teacher named Lhamo Pemba, who had re- ceived her AMI Primary Diploma in London years earlier. Lhamo… |
Sequence 4to go home and defend her borders, she left behind a rich reposi- tory of artistic, political, and architectural artifacts.… |
Sequence 8142 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 we can help the child see how each contributes an essential part in the… |
Sequence 2192 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 fear of taking children outside—a concern for the wildness of nature (… |
Sequence 2220 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 process, and the space must be designed to retain its lush quality.… |
Sequence 4282 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 vision of the integrated indoor/outdoor experience. We must re-examine… |
Sequence 4282 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 vision of the integrated indoor/outdoor experience. We must re-examine… |
Sequence 10118 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 2 • Spring 2013 Each culture is represented by a horizontal line at • the appropriate… |
Sequence 383 Wessels • Resilient Communities: An Ecological Perspective of our single cells multiplied itself into more than 30… |
Sequence 292 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 40, No. 2 • Spring 2015 day in Seattle and a few more to travel west to the Olympic Rain- forest… |
Sequence 395 Abbott • Battling for the Soul of Education of numerous decisions taken in times past by policymakers as they reacted to… |
Sequence 365 Norris • Biodiversity and Peace Box 1. The Children’s Eternal Rainforest: The Heart of Conservation in Costa Rica Per… |
Sequence 22174 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 41, No. 2 • Spring 2016 floods of the early 1990s the best resources are available online… |
Sequence 51337 Luborsky • The Role of the Occupational Therapist Listen: this might be using an mp-3 player, playing • a drum or a… |
Sequence 1417 Chawla and White • Place-Based Education and Citizen Science closely with children, teachers, schools, and nature centers… |
Sequence 1PREFACE By Jacquie Maughan In the fall of 1975, Volume 1, Number 1 of the North American Montessori Teachers’ Associ- ation… |
Sequence 17Kahn • NAMTA - AMI Legacy 171 Annette Haines: Spokesperson for Montessori Values, Scholarship, and Research,” AMI–NAMTA… |
Sequence 1Classroom Management: Insight Through Observation by Jean K. Miller Since becoming involved in Montessori in 1964, I have… |
Sequence 2protein has increased dramatically, and so we feed a good deal of our "extra" grain to livestock and poultry… |
Sequence 728 I find that the triangle theme can translate rather easily into math, language, and the cultural subjects of geography,… |
Sequence 7Technology has made it all happen faster today. It took decades for word of Pestal· ozzi's accomplishments to reach all… |
Sequence 7Technology has made it all happen faster today. It took decades for word of Pestal· ozzi's accomplishments to reach all… |
Sequence 7Technology has made it all happen faster today. It took decades for word of Pestal· ozzi's accomplishments to reach all… |
Sequence 7Technology has made it all happen faster today. It took decades for word of Pestal· ozzi's accomplishments to reach all… |
Sequence 7Technology has made it all happen faster today. It took decades for word of Pestal· ozzi's accomplishments to reach all… |
Sequence 7Technology has made it all happen faster today. It took decades for word of Pestal· ozzi's accomplishments to reach all… |
Sequence 7Technology has made it all happen faster today. It took decades for word of Pestal· ozzi's accomplishments to reach all… |
Sequence 1Sofia Cavalletti in Washington, D.C. Summer, 1983 by Babara Kahn Cavalletti and Workshop - 1983. In Washington, D.C. last… |
Sequence 3The catechesis of the Good Shepherd in North America had grown from a tiny mus- tard seed so small that you could blow it away… |
Sequence 5to observe and evaluate the emotional, academic and physical needs of a child. " This teacher is stating clearly what… |
Sequence 10Must have at least 2 years of primary training. Must be reading and writing in cursive. Must be able to read the cards in the… |
Sequence 1Maria Montessori visits Lili Peller These are changing times for Montessori in the United States. NAMTA has recognized thqt… |
Sequence 3Once again the conference made a significant step towards something new and powerful - yet still discernible as part of the… |
Sequence 3Missionaries of Charity, the sisters of Mother Teresa. At every step of their development I was wishing I'd taken the… |
Sequence 3Bambino, was formed to develop materials and to continue the study of the develop- ment of the religious potential in children… |
Sequence 130North America than Margaret Stephenson. Her thirty years here have been singlemindedly given to building teacher education.… |
Sequence 60can see it - North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia." As she named the continents her hand… |
Sequence 132systems. And of course, another irony is that those who preach change always preach how someone else should go about change,… |