Digital Object NAMTA Journal 25/2 12 Raising Children Who Care Presents excerpt from Kohn's 1990 book, asserting that parents are most important to children and need to project a positive view of life. Argues that caring, the absence of physical punishment, guiding and explaining, cooperating, and taking children…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 25/2 11 The Hand-Thought-Language Nexus Discusses cognitive scientists' and psycholinguists' theories of the origins of consciousness and linguistic expression. Suggests that the hand is key in the development of human intelligence and in the origin of language. Maintains that the mutual influence…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 25/2 08 Encountering Positive Vision on the Third Plane Describes components of Lake Country School's junior high school Montessori program in relation to the developmental characteristics of adolescents, their needs, and their noble aspirations. Maintains that healthy environments where young adults are…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 25/2 07 Emerging Adolescence: Finding One's Place in the Cosmos Discusses emerging characteristics of early adolescents from a Montessorian perspective. Considers adolescents' revelations related to cosmic education, their need to serve, their need to think and to feel, and their need to know the cosmos through finding…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 25/2 06 The Genius of Montessori History This article focuses on Maria Montessori's pedagogy of history. Part one traces the development of Montessori's thoughts on the pedagogy of the past, and parts two and three are meditations on "cosmic history": one on creation and the creation story and the…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 25/2 04 Developing a Positive Vision for the Whole School Applies the principles of development and integration to the maturation of Montessori schools. Suggests that evaluative inquiry be used as the basis for community inquiry and problem solving by Montessori staff so that reflection, questioning, and decision…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 25/2 02 Positive Psychology: The Emerging Paradigm Discusses positive psychology, which focuses on health and well-being utilizing the elements of belief, hope, self-esteem, responsibility, elation, and wisdom as the basis of psychological theory and practice. Describes efforts to change the psychology field,…