volume two
number two
Cosmic Education
Mario Montessori, Jr… |
Managing Editor
Barbara Kahn
Assistant Editor
Maribeth Ebner
Editorial Advisory Board
James Roy
Jean… |
Editorial Report:
Cosmic Education
by Mario Montessori, Jr… |
Elementary children exploring winter ecology
Photo by Jim Frier |
Editorial Report:
Cosmic Education
by Mario Montessori, Jr.
Mario Montessori's book Education for Human Development dem… |
ability to connect the past and the present through imaginative thinking.
As she herself has pointed out,
Imaginative vision… |
concept of cosmic education. There are three separate aspects of this con-
ception that should be considered in this regard.… |
Her ultimate explanation of this task as a finality intended by creation
to maintain the cosmic order in nature belongs to her… |
instinctual behavior of the salmon. Being human beings, however, they
have built up their behavior patterns through education… |
Inner order is necessary to be able to see meaning in one's existence, to
find one's identity, to achieve… |
them with consciousness. During this process they inadvertently fertilize
the flowers they visit by carrying pollen from one… |
important which facts one teaches the student, because very often these
facts are already obsolete by the time they can be… |
At Home in the Natural World
by Jim Roberts
Jim Roberts emphasizes the importance of sensorial experiences of na-
ture at… |
In our second year, we built our own building and expanded the class
considerably - so much so that I had just enough time for… |
shopping centers. Can such a world ever be a true home for human beings?
Can it ever be a place to return for peace and… |
reasonable to allow a child to risk serious injury, but skinned knees, wet
feet, and dirty clothes are a small price to pay… |
name of this very common wildflower. I picked one, showed it to the chil-
dren, and named it. I asked, "Who can find… |
The true naturalist notices every aspect of every plant. The keys by
which we identify a particular species are merely a… |
the elementary years. However, we know that it is during the primary years
that the children gather the sensorial impressions… |
A. As is obvious from the bulk of this article, I believe that the core of a
primary nature study program must be walks in the… |
aquarium and a pair of rodents. Our goal should be to have in the class-
room a representative of each of the vertebrate… |
The Montessori Intellectual Approach to Nature Study
by David Kahn
The Children's House intimacy with nature experience… |
They spun around (with some
imprisoned gases) and arranged
themselues in layers.
Granite floated on the top -
it was the… |
It rained all over, all the time,
never stopped a moment
till the rivers swelled to floods
and the floods changed lakes… |
Following the impressionist study of the earth's formation the children
embark on a more technical level examining the… |
human embryo is similar to that of a fish, amphibian, or reptile. Even later
it is quite like the embryos of other mammals.… |
Up to the eighth or ninth year of childhood one may say that the child
does hardly anything else than handle objects, explore… |
resolution to avoid classification terms with children, our Audabon spe-
cialist always seemed to fall back on his own… |
sensorial - how does it smell, what is its shape, where does it live, and
what is its legend and lore?
And of course the… |
The Child in the World of Nature
by Lena Wikramaratne
Miss Lena Wikramaratne observed Dr. Montessori's first exploratory… |
Then in schools we bring in artificial sets of natural life for the study of
biology, and "streamlined"… |
was impressed by the sensitivity with which the boy was attuned to the
"sun emerging from the clouds" the… |
of motor-visual coordination became more and more apparent in the
kindergarten classes. With this there came to be noticed a… |
pressions of the wonder and beauty of the world is however restricted to a
"vacuum." Then in elementary… |
older ones with their spontaneous and enthusiastic delight in seeking to
learn. This spontaneity carried over to the spirit… |
"I don't believe that any child should get day care when a
parent is capable of taking care of that child at… |
Mae Gadpaille: Montessori Daycare in the Roxbury Ghetto
Mae Gadpaille has worked in the heart of Roxbury,… |
grade the children couldn't read and write. Then I realized what Dr. Mon-
tessori had said - it begins at the beginning… |
Kahn: Do you anticipate with this pending federal legislation major
changes in that ratio? They're talking now four… |
And they've learned a lot of words like that. They've had the words cleanli-
ness, godliness, excuse me, thank you,… |
Kahn: How is the nap set up?
Gadpaille: There are two rooms, one for the girls and one for the boys.
The boys are in the gym… |
Gadpaille: Have a public meeting in a hall, a church, a school or a large
home. Explain Montessori and see how many people… |
Kahn: They must really love you.
Gadpaille: Some of them do and some of them don't. But before it's
over they do… |
that both parents must work. They cannot survive in the economic world
without two incomes or welfare. They don't make… |
we teach the children that they shouldn't do it which is the Ten Command-
ments." That stabilizes those children… |
Curriculum Review:
Remedial ABC's
by Martha Kent
Martha Kent teaches at Capitol Hill Montessori School in Washington,… |
A child of six or older, who struggles with a phonetic reader while his
peers read second grade books desperately needs your… |
This is a variation of the game with beans. Write letters one at a time
on a piece of paper or chalkboard. If the child can… |
face up on a table or mat. He chooses one to read to you and then
returns it face down. Again, his choice of the word removes… |
Prepare small cards with pictures as described for phonetic labeling.
Have pictures for one or two phonograms in each drawer.… |
questions for each exercise. At the third grade level, I use McCall-Crabbs
booklet A, which has ten multiple choice questions… |
School Management:
The Outdoor Environment, Are You Prepared?
by Bob Pellaton
Mr. Pellaton applies principles of design to… |
in and of the neighborhood beyond were recorded as well as views of the
temple grounds from the neighborhood.
By working with… |
Internal space, a child's sense of his body in space, is a key to motor co-
ordination. 3 But a child also constructs an… |
seems that the director/directress' role should involve something more
than soothing hurts, settling squabbles, and… |
So if you, too, dare to dream that the prepared environment doesn't
stop at the classroom door don't bother waiting… |
D. Special criteria:
• sprinkler, shade, safety, durability, maintenance, vandalism,
• neighbors, temple character… |
is through an even quieter space surrounded by locust trees (a common
weed tree in this region). The seclusion of this space… |
brick wall (existing) which separates the outdoor classroom area from the
sports field was to be hidden by ornamental trees… |
The outdoor classroom lies between the building and the screen walls.
Each classroom has direct access… |
Classroom Management:
Roughing It
by Sarah Johnston
Here is one light chronicle of a class overnight complete with packing… |
on a tree. I was happily surprised to find the idea easily accepted with no
immature discussion. The next day when the… |
studded field guided only by starlight. The snipe was successfully captured
and brought safely back to camp.
Another… |
Name _________________
Number in Party _____
Address ----------------------------
City and State… |
You have a wonderful opportunity to explore Europe during the time between the end of the
Congress and your… |
Announcement: Munich Flights
The MONTESSORI CONGRESS PACKAGE is a special travel tour that has been designed
to help you… |
orange juice
cold cereal
french toast - syrup and butter
hot cocoa
winter sleeping bag or summer sleeping… |
Announcement: New Books
Education for Human Development: Understanding Montessori
by Mario M. Montessori, Jr. has been… |
Martha Jones announces this month a third series of "Music
Through History"… |
Experienced Bergamo trained teacher
with good references needed for new ERD·
rector/Directress for Sept. 1977. Salary ne-
gotiable. The school is located in the Greater
Vancouver area. More details on… |
N.A.M.T.A. News:
Nienhuis Montessori USA will codistribute the N.A.M.T.A. Jour-
nal as a… |
N.A.M.T.A. Workshops
Culture - The Child's Viewpoint
March 11-13, 1977
LOCATION: Dallas, Texas
Inc., the
world-wide authorized manufacturer of
Montessori apparatus ...… |