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Displaying results 38601 - 38700 of 40606
Sequence 17LITERATURE THROUGH HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY by Francesca Claremont Transcribed and Edited by Jim and Frances Fitzpatrick The… |
Sequence 18got used to it. If you threw a party and all your guests were in tears until about two o'clock in the morning, it was… |
Sequence 19Dock", which is eight, nine, ten in the same language. Why I do not use these is because they are actually survivals… |
Sequence 20One of the discoveries that you will make is that there will be only a few rhymes that apply to the prehistory time line, but… |
Sequence 21wage of a skilled craftsman. Their value, in Europe, was high until late in the Middle Ages when a European Cardinal received… |
Sequence 22All of these stories, the adventures on the islands, these particularly, are attractive to children. These are some of the… |
Sequence 23Fantasy and Imagination by Karin Salzman In an effort to clarify the fairy tale debate, Ms. Salzman pursues the distinction… |
Sequence 24can be worked all the riches of perception and imagination, is funda- mentally a matter of order." 5 Like Montessori… |
Sequence 25difterent from an adult. While imagination is rooted in reality, our limited understanding of reality makes for a certain… |
Sequence 26Fantasy is always associated with emotional development. All inter- action wi_th the environment is charged with feeling, and… |
Sequence 27Montessori said, "An instinct of man is discovery .... We must see the child like this. We must see that he can… |
Sequence 28History can be given in this way. (See V.F. Hillyer's A Child's History of the World.) We cannot see history, but… |
Sequence 29A Time To Read by Peggy Stern Here follows an impressionistic recall of literature's meaning and place in the home… |
Sequence 30event. For children's stories are particularly hospitable, inviting their readers to relish all types of dishes from the… |
Sequence 31But those seeds which have fallen on the right soil will grow into beautiful flowers and sturdy trees - that is, give validity… |
Sequence 32Feature: On Readiness for School by Erna Furman The Cleveland Center for Research in Child Development offers courses and… |
Sequence 33as teachers, parents, or children - are important to appreciate, to under- stand and to deal with. In the second half of this… |
Sequence 34door one leaves. It does not take them much longer to locate the various toys and to anticipate the sequence of routines. By… |
Sequence 35he hurts and what to do about it rather than that he be able to name his body parts. Care of one's clothes and… |
Sequence 36serve a meal, help with dressing or put on a bandaid. But this should not be her main function in the eyes of the child. How… |
Sequence 37fully left out of some aspects of the relationship between mother and father, he tends to make others feel jealous by using… |
Sequence 38This brings us to the other characteristics of the more mature, kindergarten-ready play, namely the child's pleasure in… |
Sequence 39mistakenly assumed that children should be encouraged to "say the feel- ing" in order to "get rid… |
Sequence 40When do we begin to assess kindergarten readiness? How can we un- derstand the causes of difficulties? What measures do we… |
Sequence 41him. But these previous steps did not diminish the basic mother-child close- ness. The step into the school age phase does… |
Sequence 42The factual preparation indeed is not an end in itself, nor is it intended to eliminate unhappy feelings. Rather, the… |
Sequence 43from the start, to show empathy with the mother's feelings, stresses that she, her child and the teacher share some of… |
Sequence 44Nursery schools also find it useful to inform parents, individually or in groups, how the school curriculum assists children… |
Sequence 45Above all, parents have to know that children are bound to have mixed feelings about going to kindergarten, and that it helps… |
Sequence 46corrected by mother, teacher and child working on them, if one has em- barked on a plan of working on them, and if there has… |
Sequence 47one of the most difficult tasks a teacher has to undertake. In one of my consultation groups we worked on this topic at length… |
Sequence 48Katan, Anny (1961) "Some Thoughts about the Role of Verbalization in Early Childhood." Psychoanalytic Study… |
Sequence 49Parent Education: I've Got A Little List by Olga McMahon How lucky we are that picture books for pre-school children… |
Sequence 50A different sort of alphabet book, planned for a more practical purpose is A B See by Lucille Ogle and Tina Thoburn. Eight… |
Sequence 51spring in the same series and format Bees and Honey. We hope there will be more to come. Under the label of "I Can… |
Sequence 52Dinosaurs continue to fascinate children. We all know that three-year olds can learn "tyrannosaurus" and… |
Sequence 53A B SEE by Lucille Ogle and Tina Thoburn, Illustrated by Ralph Stobart (McGraw- Hill, 1973, $4.95) THE LITILE DUCK by Judy… |
Sequence 54Nienhuis Montessori USA makes every effort to process and ship an order within 14 working days. 50 Monte Kenison Branch… |
Sequence 55Curriculum Review: Nienhuis Montessori U.S.A. Under the direction and management of Monte Kenison, Nienhuis Mon- tessori U.S… |
Sequence 56The USA office/warehouse was set up in the summer of 1975 with the first orders being shipped in August of that year. After… |
Sequence 57School Management: A Fundraiser For Children: Slim Goodbody by David Kahn The Ruffing Montessori School of Cleveland Heights… |
Sequence 58soft pastels highlighted in isolated detail whenever John chooses to flex the right muscles. Slim the man diversifies his… |
Sequence 59Personals: POSITIONS AVAILABLE Applications are being accepted for AMS trained Junior (ages 6-12) Teacher and Teacher… |
Sequence 60The Thacher Montessori School, 1041 Blue Hill Ave., Milton, MA 02186 has an opening available in September for an Ele-… |
Sequence 61MONTESSORI CHILDREN HOUSE OF FAYETTEVILLE. ARKANSAS seeks a teacher for growing primary class. Pleasant Ozark town; near… |
Sequence 62through elem. school. Located outside of Princeton. Will hire soon to begin preparing environment. School also needs two… |
Sequence 63N.A.M.T.A. Workshops 1977-1978 Location: Washington, D.C. Time: October 21-23 Contact: Charlotte Kovach 4014 W.… |
Sequence 64NOTES 60 |
Sequence 65NOTES 61 |
Sequence 66North American Montessori Teachers Association Membership Information PURPOSE: The purpose of the North American Montessori… |
Sequence 67__ check if this is a new address last name first street address city and state ( ) area code/phone number N.A.M.T.A.… |
Sequence 68nlenhuiia monteaaorii uoa Nienhuis Montessori, Inc., the world-wide authorized manufacturer of Montessori apparatus… |
Sequence 1THE N.A.M.T.A. QUARTERLY teachers' volume three number one THE MONTESSORI ERO KINDER EXPERIMENT Maria Montessori… |
Sequence 2EDITOR DAVIDKAllN Managing Editor Barbara Kahn Assistant Editor Maribeth Ebner Editorial Advisory Board James Roy Jean… |
Sequence 3RI ERDKINDER EXPERIMENT nder Experiment ........................................ 1 :hool: Projected Growth ........... 11… |
Sequence 4EDITOR DAVID KAHN Managing Editor Barbara Kahn Assistant Editor Maribeth Ebner Editorial Advisory E James Roy Jean K.… |
Sequence 5THE MONTESSORI ERDKINDER EXPERIMENT Editorial Report: Maria Montessori's Erdkinder Experiment by Ursula Thrush… |
Sequence 6A Place ror the Erdkinder Expenment Photo by Jail Burke |
Sequence 7Editorial Report: Maria Montessori's Erdkinder Experiment by Ursula Thrush Ms. Thursh s Erdkinder Project has survived… |
Sequence 8. II I I I I I are allowed to fully experience their emerging independence and responsibilities, enabling them to… |
Sequence 9function of employment during this sensitive period is to allow students to discover their own innate needs and inclinations… |
Sequence 10And finally an objective that is not wholly in either class, the development of a sense of identity and self-esteem. 11 This… |
Sequence 11takes root, and is running smoothly, it can be expanded to include provisions for visiting faculty, families and friends. The… |
Sequence 12flexible adults - whether they eventually become farmers, cooks, musicians or lawyers. It is not the country itself that is… |
Sequence 13In the process of farm work and management, the students not only learn a variety of basic skills, but as well participate in… |
Sequence 14Classroom on the Fann Study need not be restricted by the curricula of existing secondary schools and still less need we make… |
Sequence 15Working and Earning Many of the activities of Erdkinder - whether in a hostel, on the farm, or in the shop - provide… |
Sequence 16critical as the imtial period, beginning with birth. Dr. Montessori expected revelations from the adolescent perhaps even… |
Sequence 17Maria Montessori Farmschool Half Moon Bay, California by Ursula Thrush The First Year: 1978 At present the Farmschool is… |
Sequence 18worms. During the year, the students will reseed the pasture, build a greenhouse, and plant a pumpkin patch. One of the… |
Sequence 19facilities for those students desiring it. This will allow youth who live beyond convenient commute distance to benefit from… |
Sequence 20the students themselves in the process. One project currently under consideration is a video/film production tracing the… |
Sequence 21MERCY MONTESSORI CENTER presents MONTESSORI ERDKINDER STUDY CONFERENCE Coordinators: Sister Mary Jacinta Shay R.S.M. David… |
Sequence 22"/ think first of all observation is very important. We have to study the children to see what they do and how they… |
Sequence 23Erdkinder: The Experiment for the Experiment The following is transcribed by Ann Freeman from tape recordings of a conversa-… |
Sequence 24Joosten: It is a kind of in-service training for a regular institution, so not like we have the pre-primary and primary people… |
Sequence 25her what the group would be discussing here.) said that she would be interested in making arrangements for the Mercy Center to… |
Sequence 26together to make sure that maybe he doesn't have to leave at nine and then go into the third grade, fourth grade and not… |
Sequence 27Not so much at the seventh and eighth and ninth and tenth years, which is precisely what you are now doing, but when the child… |
Sequence 28Joosten: The seventh leg is someone who really wants to do it. But it's not enough to want to. That is where we have to… |
Sequence 29Joosten: Limit the preliminary experiment to two years and then during the third it will be complete. Then repeat the… |
Sequence 30Joosten: No, do something. Whatever the difficulties are, even if it can't be Erdkinder, still do something. Erdkinder… |
Sequence 31themselves during the years from six to twelve: during these years when they can work the hardest, when they are capable of… |
Sequence 32Erdkinder Atlanta: It may be the expansion of the peer group. Joosten: If it is that, then it is already not your experiment.… |
Sequence 33adaptable than the mother. I don't even talk about the fathers. Tomorrow, if you go to Europe for three months, the… |
Sequence 34a clarity of vision. But anyone's vision can fail. How can we build in experimental controls so that we can have the same… |
Sequence 35some of what is done does not come from Montessori, they know after thirteen years what works practically. Erdkinder Atlanta… |
Sequence 36Stephenson: Yes, the study of volume is one place where there is more. But we do not have advanced work in every subject.… |
Sequence 39A School for My Children by Phil Gang Mr. Gang, in an effort to bring the Montessori adolescenr education closer to the mind… |
Sequence 40were displayed in cafeteria style so that each person could select what suited them for that day. I might add that the… |
Sequence 41for the theater and thereby free up that money for the water heater. After about fifteen minutes of debate ... each resident… |
Sequence 4236 |
Sequence 43Through ·the Magic Lantern: The Montessori Erdkinder by David Kahn The following is a transcription of a lecture delivered by… |
Sequence 44Childhood (6-I 2) is the next plane sometimes celebrated by the losing of teeth, recognized by the church and state as the age… |
Sequence 45Social life for the adolescent is projected as total life. It is tied LO social function, career, competence, and independence… |
Sequence 46A Museum of Machinery: Top lef1: Kerosene lamp. Top righ1: Treadle Sewing Machine. Bollom lef1: Maple Ice Box. Bo11om right:… |
Sequence 47l u I I antique machine inspires an increasing respect for progress and history at the same time. The farm provides a… |
Sequence 48lf]lr ' I biology and geology. We could examine the literature of the early Russians who were so preoccupied with the… |
Sequence 49will be directed to the entire care of young - embryology, genetics, breeding, giving birth and parenting. Sex will never… |
Sequence 50j5Tovide a synthesis clarifying values and bringing the adolescent to a higher level of self awareness. The Erdkinder would… |