News Historical Photo: Students Visit Pierson Home, 1939 A group of students from the London 1939 course visited the Pierson home ‘Intimis’ in Baarn, The Netherlands, 1939. This home provided a haven to Maria Montessori in the late 1930's as noted in the dedication of The Secret of Childhood. It is to Mr and Mrs All...
Digital Object Treasure Article 2014 AMI Journal, Mid-Year Article 2014 from Lecture 7 at the 24th International Course on 28 March 1939 by Maria Montessori entitled Imagination and Exactitude.
Digital Object Portrait of Maria Montessori, 1923, Durham Portrait of Maria Montessori, 1923, Durham on the conferring of her honorary doctorate.
Digital Object Communications, 1993 2-3, AMI: Past, Present and Future In his address to the Irish Montessori Society on the occasion of its celebrations for AMI's Diamond Jubilee, Mario Montessori reiterated AMI's raison d'être. This address is also an illustrative example of his own commitment to AMl and to the AMI community.
Digital Object Letter Written to Maria Montessori in 1912 Letter Written to Maria Montessori, 29 February 1912.
Page Montessori in India The Montessori movement has been deeply connected to India from the beginning. Many of India’s most pioneering educational innovators were in touch with Maria Montessori’s ideas, including the Theosophical Society, educator Gijubhai Badheka, and Nobel Prizewin...
Page Publishing History Maria Montessori published extensively throughout her life. Following is a complete list of books published by Maria Montessori during her lifetime. Her many books enabled the Montessori method to be studied and applied throughout the world and throughout the y...