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Sequence 3• Montessori trained and certified teachers and administrators representing both the Association Montessori Internationale… |
Sequence 2country's and state's histories. American leaders of the 19th century believed that no nation could survive, let… |
Sequence 6If the idea of the universe is presented to the child in the right way, it will do more for him than just arouse his interest… |
Sequence 4have little to do with science for science's sake, but rather is an expres- sion of a philosophical view which in turn… |
Sequence 10This not to abandon the scientific rigors of the material to be pre- sented to the child. Montessori is quite clear in that… |
Sequence 2essential principles, and which he believed were an improvement over her materials. These materials are not described, however… |
Sequence 5The children were from middle income families and were restricted to four-year-olds attending school for the first time and… |
Sequence 4cient, not relying on servants to do everything for them. They want their children to become responsible leaders who can… |
Sequence 2Childhood constructs with what it finds. If the material is poor, the construc- tion is also poo1: As far as civilization is… |
Sequence 1THE HAND IN EDUCATION a971) by A. M. Joosten One aspect of Montessori educatwn that sets it apart from some other… |
Sequence 10Brown's search for the Holy Grail of thoughcfulness in school settings involved hours of interviews and detailed case… |
Sequence 1MO~ORI AND THE BAHA'f FAITH* by Barbara Hacker The life and work of Dr. Maria Montessori (1870-1952), scientist and… |
Sequence 6books are not enough. Mario Montessori Sr. reminded us of this when he noted how difficult it is to help children understand… |
Sequence 5occupation and Montessori refers to as work of the land. Dr. Montessori writes: ... therefore work on the land is an… |
Sequence 7Direct application of ideas conceived through observations and interpre- tation of the work of children is curriculum… |
Sequence 10have shown, for instance, that the gains recent Head Start graduates show in scores on intelligence and socio-emotional tests… |
Sequence 2What are the new frameworks and Montessori telling us? Mathematical reasoning, problem solving, communication, and connections… |
Sequence 5multiplicity of forms (myths, legends, folklore, poems, nonfiction, short stories, novels) with self-confidence intact,… |
Sequence 107multiplicity of forms (myths, legends, folklore, poems, nonfiction, short stories, novels) with self-confidence intact,… |
Sequence 5Praxis refers to the different uses of words. Praxis involves aware- ness of different parts of speech, for example,open the… |
Sequence 10Montessori insists on constructing an environment for the child in which the child can be active, a prepared environment with… |
Sequence 10One other factor to mention briefly is the quality of parent- adolescent interaction that I saw and heard about after two… |
Sequence 12The "Blue Plane" of Maturity The plane of maturity, 18 to 24, corresponds more or less to university life,… |
Sequence 2something or get some assistance in a store, I am reminded of this. It seems that adults think that if teenagers are in a… |
Sequence 4tion becomes possible if there are activities that are appropriate to the child. Activities need to catch interest, bring… |
Sequence 7about intellectual development at all, but deal more broadly with the kind of people we hope children will turn out to be,… |
Sequence 9many choices for self-expres- sion. Different children are attracted to different forms of art. How many of us engage the… |
Sequence 1SPIRITUAL OUTLOOK AND THE CHILD by Mario M. Montessori edited by Renilde Montessori Last month, in Edinburgh, Professor A.J… |
Sequence 1/J~ ---------------------- MONTESSORI EDUCATION: p AST, PRESENT, AND POSSIBLE by David Kahn In 1998, Renilde Montessori… |
Sequence 7nation, she rejects Froebel's way of doing so on the basis of fantasy because, as she says, it forces the child to &… |
Sequence 3The newspapers criticized; Dr. Maria Montessori was asked what she meant by her speech, and she writes that she scarcely knew… |
Sequence 8The child by nature loves the environment. By helping the child forge an emotional bond with nature, we help guarantee… |
Sequence 116The child by nature loves the environment. By helping the child forge an emotional bond with nature, we help guarantee… |
Sequence 224The newspapers criticized; Dr. Maria Montessori was asked what she meant by her speech, and she writes that she scarcely knew… |
Sequence 10ognize each other as individuals and "have a reciprocal feeling for each other's worth" (Montessori,… |
Sequence 14If the environment is warm and safe, however, and if adults deal "sweetly and kindly" with them (Montessori… |
Sequence 3Montessori continues in To Educate the Human Potential: The child of six who has been in a Montessori school has the… |
Sequence 4scheduling practice, and assessing levels of achievement, as a teacher usually does, the guide, based on his or her knowledge… |
Sequence 1PROCESS WRITING: FINDING FLOW IN ADOLESCENT SELF-EXPRESSION by Kim Kinzer-Brackbill Process writing has been a mainstay for… |
Sequence 16THE CULTURE OF CIVILITY: THE COHESION OF THE SOCIAL COMMUNITY by Pat Ludick Comparing the common characteristics between… |
Sequence 8I am reminded of the truth of these comments every year. The fact is that adults, in general, don't like this age. Many… |
Sequence 3WHY NOT CONSIDER ERDKINDER? by Peter Gebhardt-Seele Dr. Peter Gebhardt Seele describes the Erdkinder ideal in relation to… |
Sequence 2ATTACHMENT PARENTING: A STYLE THAT w ORKS by William Sears It is important to fully explore the questions of attachment and… |
Sequence 2Goo's CosMic PLAN AND THE WORK OF THE CHILD by Carol Cannon Dittberner Integrating the broad vision of cosmic education… |
Sequence 7components describes the real parameters of a philosophy of educa- tion, the important ones in any case. Today l'm going… |
Sequence 2history, in the earth's logic, in nature's bounty, in the wonders of the human-built world. We are keepers of human… |
Sequence 7The totality of the cosmos may not be compartmentalized into subjects. Subjects are helpful for the teacher to keep order… |
Sequence 14closing or revolutionizing the traditional types of employ- ment. ... there is a need for a more dynamic training of… |
Sequence 6need to go inside of our being and get in con tact with our "True Self," the divine core where divine Light… |
Sequence 14But this cosmic vision belonged not only to Maria Montessori; it belongs to the whole of our Montessori movement. It imparts a… |
Sequence 12This is the time, says Montessori, "when the social man is created but has not yet reached full development"… |
Sequence 20The "Energies" of Infancy In the lecture that Montessori gave with the help of this second chart (Second… |
Sequence 210The "Energies" of Infancy In the lecture that Montessori gave with the help of this second chart (Second… |
Sequence 218This is the time, says Montessori, "when the social man is created but has not yet reached full development"… |
Sequence 234But this cosmic vision belonged not only to Maria Montessori; it belongs to the whole of our Montessori movement. It imparts a… |
Sequence 2inquiry, and sharing ideas help us make predictions about ages and stages. We learn about the multitude of possible roles to… |
Sequence 13Obedience is not merely compliance. Forced obedience is not the same as true obedience. If we make the child behave by fear,… |
Sequence 7It is not surprising that Ms. Dwyer renamed her reading classic, originally entitled A Reading Scheme for English (assembled… |
Sequence 1To WoRK Is NoBLE, TO BEHOLD Is DIVINE by David Kahn When Montessori schools struggle with finances, admissions, and finding… |
Sequence 8How much independence should an adolescent have? How do we help them "enter into society" while offering the… |
Sequence 31career in psychology?" What is getting an A in an education course on classroom management going to have to do with… |
Sequence 1EIGHT MONTESSORI INSIGHTS by Angeline Stoll Lillard Here follows a small excerpt from Angeline Li/lard's new book… |
Sequence 5with how we know the very best learning takes place. Rather than memorize facts chosen by a faraway state legislative body,… |
Sequence 8adolescents are being prepared for entry into society, it's not enough to have teachers-do you know what I mean? They… |
Sequence 13goals must be the realization of the values of the human personality and development of mankind" (Education and Peace… |
Sequence 4catered to. Cosmic education both deepens and narrows our view of the universe. The Great Lessons are outlines to give the… |
Sequence 8conditions he cannot walk no matter how much liberty he's given to do so. On the other hand, the individual who cannot… |
Sequence 13The other fact is that this independence, this continuous conquest toward independent functioning-which gives us existence as… |
Sequence 12comes of their studies, they are met with a mixture of alternative, complementary, and unrelated studies, provided by their… |
Sequence 2PEDAGOGY OF PLACE: DEEPENING ERDKINDER PRINCIPLES WITHOUT THE f ARM by Pat Ludick Pedagogy of Place is now a standard of… |
Sequence 11ing the second year of our program, a student with a passion for marine biology set up a fifty-gallon marine reef aquarium.… |
Sequence 4Figure 1. Timeline of mathematics. Graphic by David Waski. primary tracking mechanism used in our schools today. It has bad… |
Sequence 2"new child," the "spiritual embryo," endowed with inner wisdom, independence, dignity,… |
Sequence 4be left behind. This truly synthetic endeavor implies a drive forward towards a higher and spiritual goal, a better world,… |
Sequence 15In Appendix A, "Erdkinder," Montessori makes clear that the entire educatjon of the adolescent must address… |
Sequence 10In Appendix A, "Erdkinder," Montessori makes clear that the entire educatjon of the adolescent must address… |
Sequence 12needs, something larger and greater than their obvious goals was being achieved. With each additional new idea and discovery,… |
Sequence 12to nature stimuli on morning nature walks would yield restorative benefits (e.g., better concentration, greater ease of… |
Sequence 6Not that the first and third periods (as I am describing them) aren't important. Without a carefully prepared first-… |
Sequence 15a table, then say tnble and pause, the child will practice the word. In any case, now the new child knows what we call a table… |
Sequence 7sonal formation and practical training to be able to make it happen. The primary goals of Montessori education are the… |
Sequence 2PERSONAL EXPRESSION by Laurie Ewert-Kroeker fll view of the creative expressions of 1n11sic, the arts, and /a11g11age, La11… |
Sequence 1p AYS TRIBUTE TO AUSTRALIA NAMTA by David Kahn On December of 2011, Megan Tyne, Executive Director of the Montessori… |
Sequence 15Montessori focuses not on the evils or the threats created by science and technology (though we know she felt them deeply-as… |
Sequence 9Jn Ed11cntio11 and Peace, Montessori writes, Young people can become passionately involved in doing calm, serene, beautiful… |
Sequence 10210 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 have developed better technologies. The impli- cations for all this—… |
Sequence 16216 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 and we took them through all kinds of experiences and exercises, and… |
Sequence 4262 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 are called upon to take an active part in the life of humanity, they… |
Sequence 21157 Lillard • Playful Learning and Montessori Education Regarding children’s love of and need for fantasy, recent research… |
Sequence 1Feature “The lines ThaT make The clouds” The essence of The maThemaTical mind in The firsT six Years of life by Ginni… |
Sequence 1BuilDing The inclusive MonTessori school by Pam Shanks Pam Shanks describes Raintree Montessori School, an exemplary inclu… |
Sequence 1014 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 3 • Summer 2014 Functional Inclusion The second level of inclusion, functional inclusion… |
Sequence 1654 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 3 • Summer 2014 intuitive feeling that it looks like a place where their child could be… |
Sequence 1579 Urioste • Multicultural Inclusion in an Urban Setting In November 1995, the DPS board of education, after a work ses-… |
Sequence 3173 Awes • Supporting the Dyslexic Child in the Montessori Environment Among other things, the NRP found overall that… |
Sequence 21191 Awes • Supporting the Dyslexic Child in the Montessori Environment Dyslexic readers in Montessori follow this same… |
Sequence 1The scienTisT in The clAssrooM: The MonTessori TeAcher As scienTisT by Ginni Sackett Ginni Sackett shares insights ignited… |
Sequence 1from cosmic eDucation to civic resPonsibility by Judith Cunningham Bookending her article with questions for the Montessori… |
Sequence 13children’s actions reflect our ability as a teacher, or lack of ability. The children are their own beings. They are not us.… |