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Displaying results 1 - 100 of 408
Sequence 18syndrome may take months, even years, to develop), and, until symp- toms are present, one can never be certain whethel'… |
Sequence 22c) S11111u 2, Chap. :J. Cunents and Countel' Curl'ents in Medical Sdencc. Rep1·intecl in Cltild mul F11111i/!f. 1:~:… |
Sequence 14passes for an education in this day and time, but I am not deceived by it." She was deceived by very little; she was… |
Sequence 1AN INTERvIEwWTIH TuoMAS BERRY In an interview with Gerry Leonard in November 1990, Thomas Berry discussed his views about the… |
Sequence 8Carole Komgold, Director, Center for Montessori Teacher Education/NY 25 Roxbury Rd, Scarsdale, NY 10583 914-472-0038 Pamela… |
Sequence 14Nokomis Montessori School t Elnora Battle North Avondale Montessori Thomas G. Rothwell Palm Academy Sylvia Cooper Sands… |
Sequence 4Nokomis Montessori School t Elnora Battle North Avondale Montessori Thomas G. Rothwell Palm Academy Sylvia Cooper Sands… |
Sequence 10Carole Komgold, Director, Center for Montessori Teacher Education/NY 25 Roxbury Rd, Scarsdale, NY 10583 914-472-0038 Pamela… |
Sequence 7Asians, Egyptians, Indians, Europeans, Syrians, Armenians, and Arabs. The students encounter Alexandrian mathematics, physics… |
Sequence 1EDITORIAL REINVENTING MONTESSORI: PERILS AND POSSIBILITIES by David Kahn To what degree is the fundamental test of… |
Sequence 17disturbing the other's sleep and, more importanl, how to comfort each other when one awoke in the middle of the night out… |
Sequence 15sex and postponed marriage age into the late twenties, it opted for the one- child family. Had China consulted me on its… |
Sequence 27children will want to send their work out for publication. In our local newspaper, The St. Paul Pioneer Press, a segment of… |
Sequence 85children will want to send their work out for publication. In our local newspaper, The St. Paul Pioneer Press, a segment of… |
Sequence 11Junior Great Books The Great Books Foundation 40 East Huron Street Chicago, Illinois 60611 1-800-222-5870 Provides… |
Sequence 14the modes of self-expression. For example, John McNamara's inte- grated use of the computer for science, writing, and… |
Sequence 18Any rough moment in the day, be it for one child or the group at large, is an opportunity to bring in the joy of sharing a… |
Sequence 3the trap-and when I say we, I mean psychologists who are studying children and learning-we fell into the trap of using the… |
Sequence 4Wall, and he finally got to what now is Beijing and took over. When the pager went off, the teacher wrote down that this was… |
Sequence 7But before we do that, let me talk a little bit about what these activities are like. After I did these original interviews,… |
Sequence 22The other half, which I think is rather preferable, all things considered, was made of those with fathers and mothers who were… |
Sequence 9inventions of the scientific period, and culminated-not openly, but there was never any doubt-in the United States of America… |
Sequence 2who edited Sacred Books of the East, held that the earliest' understand- ing of the divine was in the personifications of… |
Sequence 11movements of the universe-that nature was both teacher and guide. Even as historical traditions arose in certain contexts,… |
Sequence 18To placate the powers of nature, to maintain order, and finally to obtain material benefits-all of these are reasons for the… |
Sequence 24particular case, the teacher was talking about the invasion of China by Genghis Khan in 1213 and how Genghis Khan moved down… |
Sequence 17to you is that the traditional paradigm of explaining Western culture to students, that is, the multicultural approach, I find… |
Sequence 3TURMOIL Reality of Turmoil The argument whether the Sturm und Orang (storm and stress) of the teenage years is a natural and… |
Sequence 8As the teacher, you do not have to be an expert, to know everything about everything, but you must prepare yourself. To pass… |
Sequence 6in the year 1000, we find a series of settlements around the planet with a smaller number of hunter-gatherer bands that are… |
Sequence 1LANGUAGE AND THE DEVELOPING BRAIN by Lise Eliot Acknowledging the universal nature of language as a unique part of human… |
Sequence 39Phonemes are individual speech sounds. There are forty pho- nemes in the English language. I don't know exactly the… |
Sequence 1LITERARY APPROACHES FOR THE CHILD UNDER Six by Ginni Sackett This article blends the psychology of the first plane of… |
Sequence 5revealed to the recipient in spite of his having taken the precaution, before eating, to hide the accompanying letter under a… |
Sequence 2EVOLVING LANGUAGE: FROM CHILD TO HUMAN SPECIES by Derek Bickerton Derek Bickerton 's scientific linguistics presents… |
Sequence 2THE HISTORICAL GENESIS OF THE PARTS OF SPEECH by John Wyatt John Wyatt has worked with Montessorians for seven years in… |
Sequence 1PROCESS WRITING: FINDING FLOW IN ADOLESCENT SELF-EXPRESSION by Kim Kinzer-Brackbill Process writing has been a mainstay for… |
Sequence 15TOWARD KEY EXPERIENCES FOR THE ADOLESCENT by John Long In the evolution of the urban Montessori adolescent programs, the… |
Sequence 10start to see that Mexico developed in a way that did not completely embrace this Western paradigm. I can tell you that… |
Sequence 15Well, rather than going into all these details, let me just concen- trate on one important ecodesign area, and that is energy… |
Sequence 2THE EVOLVING NATIJRE OF WORK by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Beginning with a definition of work built around a systems view of… |
Sequence 20the third world, which replicates on a global scale what used to be the struggle within society in the nineteenth century. We… |
Sequence 1THE Goon WORK by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Researching the working lives of geneticists and journalists, Dr. Csikszentmihalyi… |
Sequence 1MONTESSORI IMPLICATIONS OF BRAIN RESEARCH by M. Shannon Helfrich Shannon Helfrich lends clarity to the connection of brain… |
Sequence 20THE ADULT MONTESSORI SCHOOL COMMUNITY: FINDING THE BALANCE by Mary Raudonis-Loew Mary Raudonis-Loew conve1;s her excitement… |
Sequence 6Maria Montessori shares in The Discovery of the Child: Thus the children from their tenderest infancy live, one might say, in… |
Sequence 12CULTIVATING THE MONTESSORI SPIRIT THROUGH f AMILY LIFE by Gerard Leonard Looking back at his own childhood, Gerard Leonard… |
Sequence 2SCIENCE STUDY FOR THE ERDKINDER: PHILOSOPHICAL CONSIDERATIONS by David Ayer David Ayer's reexamination of the… |
Sequence 10In the second unit, we expanded our scope to consider the ecology of the school grounds, as well as developing some ecological… |
Sequence 4premise: Socialization is central to who we are as human beings. It's the reason for our big brains. My second premise… |
Sequence 1"THE SCHOOL WHERE THE CHILDREN LIVE" by David Ayer and Elise Huneke Stone Da.vid Ayer and Elise Huneke… |
Sequence 7Million Tons 7,000 ------------------ Source: ORNL, BP 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 1950 1960 1970 1980… |
Sequence 8Degrees Celsius 14.8------------------ 14.6 14.4 14.2 14.0 13.8 13.6 13.4 Souru: G<>ddard Institute (… |
Sequence 13techniques, that after the 1970s the catch per person was at least stable, but since the 1990s it has gone down. Scarcity of… |
Sequence 122China: Rapid Expansion Since the first two Montessori classrooms appeared in China in 1994, Montessori has become more… |
Sequence 164Rome, 1886 Los Angeles. I 915 United States, 19 I 7 United Kingdom, 1929 1870 Maria Montessori born on August 3 I in… |
Sequence 73Tolstoy, Leo. A111rn Knre11111n. l'W York: Viking Penguin, 2000. Viii on, rran~ois. Th!' Poems of Mn,ta Frn11rois… |
Sequence 18always expected to give their bodies, their lives, because some guy on top wanted more real estate. In fact, in Euro- pean… |
Sequence 5In 1950, Mario Montessori wrote about the celebration of his mother's eightieth birthday: "UNESCO gave a… |
Sequence 8mission: "The next generation of leaders will come from this program. Soon they will be sitting here, and it will. be… |
Sequence 20Nationalist and Independence Movements A. Origins of independence movements in Africa and Asia; B. Methods of achieving… |
Sequence 21two-way perspective (emic and etic) of exploring the dynamic between the U.S. and China. The study of a major world player in… |
Sequence 2THE PSYCHO-MOTOR AND SENSORIAL ROOTS OF THE DISCIPLINES FROM BIRTH TO Six by M. Shannon Helfrich Emphasizing that the start… |
Sequence 12around and relating in as warm, affectionate, patient, prideless, angerless a manner as humanly possible, then we may be actu… |
Sequence 2ELEMENTARY STORYTELLING: THE ULTIMATE INTERDISCIPLINARY APPROACH by Elise Huneke Stone Elise H1111eke Sto11e's lively… |
Sequence 23if you ever watched the old Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoons.) The Wayback Machine can take you to old sites. It's a Jot of… |
Sequence 25buried in Alexandria. Eventually the story moves into the Byzantine times, so you have the Emperor Justinian and Empress… |
Sequence 31Figure 14. David Kahn, John Wyatt, Kathleen Allen. Alexandria was a center for embalming. Bodies were brought in from all… |
Sequence 1MONTESSORI AND THE BUILDING OF PEACE by Andre Roberfroid Andre Robe1froid explores the roots of peace-building through Montes… |
Sequence 1GRASSROOTS DEVELOPMENT: MONTESSORI EDUCATION AND PEACE by Lynne Lawrence and Megan Tyne Lynne Lawrence and Mega,1 Tyne… |
Sequence 8school and the home. Her own term for the pedagogy she created was "Education as an Aid to Life," and… |
Sequence 1ELEMENTARY KEY LESSONS CULTIVATING INTERNATIONALISM AND PEACE by Annabeth Jensen A1111abet/1 Jensen points out that the very… |
Sequence 14A Story of Morlem-Dny No111nds: The Mb11ti In the northeastern corner of a Central African country called the Democratic… |
Sequence 8and there are 192 countries that are members of the United Nations (UN). But that's not the end of the issue. There are… |
Sequence 11substituting the view that the world is the collective home to all of us, pointing to similarities, and recognizing the global… |
Sequence 1MONTESSORI INTERNATIONALISM AND PEACE by Susan Mayclin Stephenson Over the past decade, S11sa11 Stephenson !,as been an… |
Sequence 4customs of indigenous cultures is important at all levels, but especially for Montessori education, where showing respect for… |
Sequence 23to a Bhutanese-Tibetan teacher named Lhamo Pemba, who had re- ceived her AMI Primary Diploma in London years earlier. Lhamo… |
Sequence 25Again, thank you for coming to see us. At our Donor Party Friday night, one of our parents brought up the project in Bhutan.… |
Sequence 1FROM PEACEMAKER TO PEACEBUILDER by Judith Cunningham Judith C1111ningha111 introduces the Montessori Model United Nations (… |
Sequence 2Antioch, also contributing to an early form of globalization. This trend continued with the trade links between the Roman… |
Sequence 15Jllustrations Illustration 25: "In the em·ironment there is widespread educational power ... ".… |
Sequence 8110 Part Two - For a Science of the Formation of Man character-building. [ ... ] And this must be developed in our country,… |
Sequence 12School, Family and Society 129 would be respected and guaranteed in Italy. In the "Introduction" to the… |
Sequence 2212 Maria Montessori Through 1he Seasons of the "Method"' desks". Illustration 8: The… |
Sequence 1STORY AND SELF-CONSTRUCTION by Elise Huneke-Stone Elise Hu11eke-Stone's definition of story and its f111Zctions arises… |
Sequence 2Here'smyhouse,analmost-hundred-year-oldbungalowinPortland, Oregon. I don't live in my house in Portland right now.… |
Sequence 3in. I started a quest to better understand storytelling, particularly the storytelling that we do about ourselves. My heart-… |
Sequence 4husband Dave would stuff with cheese and herbs and then saute as a late summer appetizer. And for a third thing, one year we… |
Sequence 8One of the things that I hope the zumpkin story did for us was to establish me as a narrator with some likable qualities. In… |
Sequence 28And here's another zumpkin. There's a similar understand- ing of the importance of words to process emotion at work… |
Sequence 30These items sell better. According to Chris Speed4, principle researcher at Totem, the organization running some of these&… |
Sequence 2BECOMING AN ADULT: p ATHWAYS TO MATURITY by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Dr. Csiksze11t111i1Iayli begins with Mo11tessori's… |
Sequence 188Montessori National Curriculum for the Second Plane ol Development from Si~ to Twelve Years Society and civilization (2nd… |
Sequence 285Montessori National Curriculum for the Third Plane of Development from Twelve to Fifteen/Sixteen Years History and the… |
Sequence 289Montessori National Curriculum for the Third Plane of Development from Twelve to Fifteen/Sixteen Years Detailed studies:… |