Digital Object NAMTA Journal 38/1 20 Teaching Nature: From Philosophy to Practice David Hutchison is an educator and ecologists. In this paper, he suggests how ecological vision can be translated into five aspects of educational practice: the interdisciplinary emphasis, eco-orientation to citizenship, inquiry learning, outdoors…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 38/1 19 Place and Pedagogy David Orr's classic article links education to living in the outdoors and studying all disciplines through the unifying lens of place. Pedagogy of place counters abstraction, it is the natural world embodying principles of learning that involve direct…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 38/1 18 The Adolescent: Taking on the Task of Humanity–Conducting the Dialogue between Nature and Supranature Defining what it means to be in the "bosom of nature," to use Montessori's words, Laurie Ewert-Krocker points out that the adolescent period of storm and stress is quelled by the natural world. But most important, when socialization is the essential…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 38/1 17 The Resurgence of Cosmic Storytellers Brian Swimme's insights about the Story of the Universe look to the unifying impact of a "cosmic story" that speaks to all cultures and nations. Swimme suggests that humans are now able, through science and narrative, to present a story which will make us all…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 38/1 16 Experiences in Nature: Resolute Second-Plane Directions toward Erdkinder Gerard Leonard and Kathleen Allen describe a variety of nature experiences as a part of the Montessori elementary tradition, beginning with a warning about the way contemporary life constrains children's experience of nature. Through a lyrical rendering of…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 38/1 15 The Elementary Child's Place in the Natural World Phoebe Allen's article speaks for the early bonding of children to the natural world prior to the elementary class. She also suggests the continuing exploration of children at elementary age in the outdoors in order to build the necessary sense of wonder and…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 38/1 14 Deepening Cosmic Education This article is a special blend of research, theory, and practice, with clear insight into the origins of Cosmic Education and cosmic task, while recalling memories of student explorations in botany, in particular, episodes from Mr. Leonard's teaching. Mr…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 38/1 13 Cosmic Education Margaret Stephenson begins with the reasoning elementary child as he answers questions about "all things." She centers on the unity of knowledge, leading "from the whole via the parts back to the whole." Imagination is enhanced to bring abstraction to an…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 38/1 12 Maria Montessori's Cosmic Vision, Cosmic Plan, and Cosmic Education This classic position of the breadth of Cosmic Education begins with a way of seeing the human's interaction with the world, continues on to the grandeur in scale of time and space of that vision, then brings the interdependency of life where each growing…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 38/1 11 Sowing the Seeds of the Sciences: Our Gift to the Future Audrey Sillick's article, first printed in 1988, provides a theory base for Maria Montessori's foundational emphasis on the biological sciences and the sustainability of a living, organic planet Earth as part of the educational process "of becoming more fully…