Digital Object NAMTA Journal 39/1 10 Toward the Ultimate Goal of Peace: How a Montessori Education at the High School Level Supports Moral… This paper is the synthesis of Elizabeth Henke's four years of work from 2009-2013: three years at the high school and one year at the University for Peace. She summarizes, "A Montessori high school education should reveal to the adolescent a pathway to peace…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 39/1 09 The Positive Personality of the Montessori Adolescent A theory paper that gives a universal portrait of the "noble adolescent" directly quotes from Montessori. Pat Ludick defines the adolescent as they search for their future roles in a changing world, seek a happy life, form a compatible and collaborative…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 39/1 08 Community, Freedom, and Discipline in a Caring Montessori Environment John McNamara's historically rich descriptions of his adolescent community life in one school where he taught the same children from grade one to grade eight sends a warm message of the merge of elementary and middle-school personalities as they are beginning…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 39/1 07 Into the City: Near North Montessori School and the Uses of Environment Rick Mosher's coining of the word "Urbkinder" reminds us that the city provides a broad environment for learning with key experiences being defined by the student's choice of in-depth involvement. Quoting John Long, these city experiences are real, engaging,…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 39/1 05 Blending Differing Perspectives of Parents and Guides: Meeting Parents Where They Are and Bringing Them… Maura Joyce's clear approach to initiating parent education is to recognize where the parents are on their own journey as parents. By listening to the parents' hopes, fears, and desired outcomes for their children acknowledges the family's perspective and…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 39/1 06 The Montessori Adolescent and the Pedagogy of Journey Another historic Montessori essay puts into writing a landmark activity in the middle school world: the school Odyssey trip. This type of trip challenges the group's ability to cooperate around daily living and is combined with the "testimony of the spade"…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 39/1 04 Resilient Communities: An Ecological Perspective Tom Wessel's view of interdependent local ecologies lays out a conceptual framework for human communities and corporations. His rich examples of biodiversity provide great metaphors for how competition and negative conditions can be transformed by natural…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 39/1 03 The Natural World as Prepared Environment Louise Chawla's autobiographical beginning of this article shows the integration of her world-famous science of the environment and its relationship to early and middle childhood development as it finds its roots in Montessori education. Her academic training…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 39/1 02 Children's House: The Prepared Environment as an Oasis Cheryl Ferreira vigorously pursues the Montessori principles that are implicit for preparing a classroom where "children find all that is needed to work at self-formation and to maximize their inner potential." The Montessori philosophy is precisely conveyed…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 39/1 01 Community: A Hallmark of Our Approach All the basics of the Montessori prepared environment are put into an extraordinary context of community and nurturing through personal encounter. The article emphasizes the longitudinal impact of an intentional community that results in character and…