Digital Object NAMTA Journal 40/2 04 Birth to Six: A Foundation for All That Comes Later Judi Orion, a Montessori expert on the birth-to-six plane of development, delivers a no-nonsense call to arms about the vital importance of the right beginning to set the stage for all that follows. Although we often hear and read about the period from birth…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 40/2 03 The Social Relevance of Montessori in the First Plane This article represents an amazing reversal of linguistic analysis. Usually Montessori language is translated into "state" terminology. In this case, Sarah Werner Andrews puts state quality assessment terms into Montessori language. For example, domains for…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 40/2 02 The Education of the Individual Only when we look at education from birth and follow the inner development of the child from the beginning can we truly see the child's psychological progress. Montessori states that personality cannot develop fully without freedom; even the formation of…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 40/2 01 The Revelation of the Universal Child Lynne Lawrence puts forward the solemn belief that each child is fulfilling the destiny of every human being. As children make their own contributions to their unique family, society, and global life, they are putting the common good above their own needs…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 40/1 10 Children: A Different Way of Being Christians This article is placed at the end of this journal for the spiritual discussion of grace and courtesy: the child's relationship with God. It is chapter three of Patricia Coulter's new book," Like Leaven," which touches on the highest order of grace, one that…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 40/1 09 Grace and Courtesy for the Whole School Mary Lou Cobb gives a framework from a very practical point of view, leaning on the aspects of grace and courtesy that are fundamental and arise out of a Montessori administrative point of view. Her examples are pragmatic, such as the grace and courtesy of a…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 40/1 08 Parents as Partners: Creating a Culture of Respect and Collaboration with Parents Parents as partners is a slight digression in title from the grace and courtesy theme of the journal, but it builds its argument around the concept of cooperative relations between the parents and the school. Sarah speaks of the perception of the teacher and…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 40/1 07 Grace and Courtesy: Empowering Children, Liberating Adults Ginni Sackett delves into the many implications of grace and courtesy, from social relations and the basis of community to respect for the child's personality. Her point of departure is modern social living with grace and dignity. Hers is an exploration over…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 40/1 06 History and Civility Larry Schaefer's history of civility is a succinct summary of the implicit and evolving definitions of civility over 2500 years of civilization. Beginning with the Romans and the root word "civitas," meaning the rights and duties of citizenship, civility…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 40/1 05 Grace and Courtesy in the Elementary Community Don't be fooled by Elise Huneke-Stone's disarming beginning where she implies that grace and courtesy is not normally associated with the elementary. She goes on to elaborate that grace and courtesy is indeed everywhere: in project-based learning,…