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Displaying results 39401 - 39500 of 40606
Sequence 15ress, though the details and the terminology differ as one travels west from Moscow to Geneva to Paris to Cambridge to Boulder… |
Sequence 1612 lently. At first this process was not much noticed or at least was felt to be a process curbed within narrow bounds, not… |
Sequence 17In speaking of the nature of intellectual functioning, its evolution, its growth, and its codified products, I have placed… |
Sequence 1814 A more difficult task is to instill early in the learner what in effect is a balance between impatience with the trivial… |
Sequence 19"Surely no culture will reach its full potential unless it invents ever better means for doing so. " 15 |
Sequence 21Man The Unknown: A Need of a Better Knowledge of Man By Alexis Carrel Alexis Carrel's book published in 1935 had a… |
Sequence 2218 fore, our idea of man varies according to our feelings and our beliefs. A materialist and a spiritualist accept the same… |
Sequence 23ences that are called anatomy, biological chemistry, physiology, and pathology. How- ever, the mystery of our existence, the… |
Sequence 2420 It is evident that men have joyfully welcomed modern civilization. They have aban- doned the countryside and flocked to… |
Sequence 25sequences. These consequences, however, have revolutionized the world and made our civilization what it is. From the wealth… |
Sequence 2622 which industrial civilization has attained its highest development are precisely those which are becoming weaker. And… |
Sequence 27Language, the Basis of Humanism by J.H. Pestalozzi Pestalozzi is mentioned in Montessori's early works as a principal… |
Sequence 28Pestalozzi Monument at Yuerdon 24 |
Sequence 295. Steps to learn and to name the qualities of objects divide themselves into- a. Teaching the child to express himself… |
Sequence 3026 Field. sandy, loamy, manured, fertile, profitable, un- profitable. Then I invert the process, and find adjectives that… |
Sequence 31What does it say of him as struggling upwards, through the forces of his heart, mind, and skill, to a view of himself and his… |
Sequence 3228 And then she goes on:- Beasts of prey are flesh-eating. Stags are light of foot. The roots are wide-spreading. Who or… |
Sequence 33Who or what must do? What must they do? Raindrops must fall. Fettered men must go together. The vanquished must submit.… |
Sequence 3430 With these sentences, thus deeply impressed upon the children, we take care to choose those that are particularly… |
Sequence 35I have dwelt long upon language as a means of gradually making our ideas clear. It is indeed the first means. My method of… |
Sequence 3632 Some Higher Education Guidelines for the Prospective Montessori Teacher By David J. Kahn Ckcasions arise when high… |
Sequence 37Jean Henri Fabre The Life of Insects Charles Darwin Origin of the Species. Autobiography Henri Bergson £Ian Vitale Lyell… |
Sequence 3834 Language may be studied from the humanistic point of view that it is an adaptive medium whereby the human relates to his… |
Sequence 39Part// On the Child's Nature We have only wanted to indicate the parabolic character of the child as an invitation to… |
Sequence 4036 The Child's Nature: The Child's Need to Anticipate By Lili E. Peller •Planning a child's day in such a… |
Sequence 42to a distant place but he will not immobilize the child's legs during the rest of the day. Though his legs are too weak… |
Sequence 43anticipate what comes next and thus to go actively with us. It is well known that time as such is meaningless to the child.… |
Sequence 4440 The Need to Repeat and to Warn Closely related to the child's need to anticipate a thing before it happens is his… |
Sequence 45Even interruptions preceded by a fair warning should be kept at a minimum in nursery school. They are a necessary evil in the… |
Sequence 4642 Love of familiar patterns is not restricted to children. When we listen to a well- known piece of music we would be very… |
Sequence 47The Child As Parable (from Euntes Docctc XXV /Po111ijicol Unil'ersit_,. Urbo11io110. /971/ pp. 509-5/4/ By Sofia… |
Sequence 4844 |
Sequence 49In Mark's Gospel, the disciples do not dare to reply to Jesus when he questioned them as to what they had been speaking… |
Sequence 5046 found way and comes to formulate in an essential manner a theme, which constitutes a foundational motif, and perhaps the… |
Sequence 51way the paradox of the coexistence of littleness/greatness, powerlessness/power - that paradox which Christ will live to its… |
Sequence 5248 I am trying to link up what you say about education with what I think is important - freeing a child from guilt. A.S.… |
Sequence 53The Child's Nature: Mario Montessori and A.S. Neill Discuss their famous schools and their radical approaches to child… |
Sequence 54SO Neill: What? Montessori: New to the world. And one of his unconscious tasks is to classify his environment, to be able to… |
Sequence 55Montessori: How do you feel that children can be saved from this kind of thing? Neill: Well, the first thing is to be loved. l… |
Sequence 5652 Montessori: But, at the time, for instance, if the child wanted to play with something of his father's, the mother… |
Sequence 57Neill: Not so much lacking-fear of "You musn't do that." I believe it begins in the cradle, myself,… |
Sequence 5854 tried to destroy his religious beliefs; and I think it would be criminal. Of course it would. And the same with a child.… |
Sequence 59evidently there is tremendous attraction felt by the child for the spoken word, for the way people talk. One will even acquire… |
Sequence 6056 Montessori: He couldn't read or write at the age of seventeen? Neill: No, he couldn't. He learned because he… |
Sequence 61Neill: l had the wrong experience- Montessori: But if you want to know what I'm doing in my old age, I'm trying to… |
Sequence 6258 Announcements: THE REGIONAL WORKSHOP Tiu> Mo11u,ssori <:ommunit_y Pt>rspt>NirP Wa.1hi11g1011… |
Sequence 63SPEAKER DALLAS ONLY Ginger Buckley Currently a preschool trainer at 1he Texas Montessori Institute in Houston. Ms. Buckley… |
Sequence 6460 Day I 9:()().12:00 Keyno1e (Jones)" Op1ion I lnlanl 1Maloo0 Op1ion 2 Paren1 Education 1Damusl Op1ton J… |
Sequence 65NAMTA & AMI-USA Present The First Annual National Montessori Summer Institute July 25-July 30, 1982 Helen, Georgie… |
Sequence 67A PARENT'S GUIDE TO MONTESSORI ELEMENTARY is a school ca1aloguc designed IO give r,arent, convincing cri1eria for… |
Sequence 6864 National Montessori Media Center Film Library The Med,a Center w,11 b<gm 10 1ake film bookings for 1hc following… |
Sequence 69Growing Up Monttssori National Media Center Video Programming Montessori graduates from sixth grade rap about 1heir… |
Sequence 7066 r--------------------------------------------------- 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I { .lrl\1… |
Sequence 71N.A.M.T.A. News: NAMTA-AMI Workshop• Perfecting a New Concept Olga Dantus, Judi Maloof, David Kahn, Sanford Jones and… |
Sequence 7268 Personals: POSITIONS AVAILABLE AM I Mon1essori teacher needed Sept. 82 for pre• primary class ages 2½ 10 6. Full day;… |
Sequence 73Seeking AMI teachers for primary classes (3-6) in a well established directress-run school. Full or part time positions… |
Sequence 7470 Remaining Publication Schedule 1981-82 Approximate Mailing Date Publication January Directory Winter Quarterly •… |
Sequence 75Teachers: This is what you have waited for! "WALKING ON THE LINE & RHYTHMIC EXERCISES" Sheet… |
Sequence 77Notes 73 |
Sequence 78Notes 74 |
Sequence 79nienhuia monteoaorii uaa Nienhuis Montessori, Inc., the world-wide authorized manufacturer of Montessori apparatus ...… |
Sequence 1THE PARENT, CHILDCARE, AND MONTESSORI Parents Make the Best Teachers by David Kahn A View of Child Minding by Jerome Bruner… |
Sequence 2EDITOR DAVID KAH Managing Editor Kathy Long Assistant Editor John Long Editorial Advi ory Board Herbert Ratner, M.D.… |
Sequence 3THE PARENT, CHILDCARE, AND MONTESSORI volume seven number 1wo Editorial: Parents Make the Best Teachers by David Kahn… |
Sequence 4II "The professionalism of childrearing rests with parents who are not professionals. " - David Kahn… |
Sequence 5Editorial: Parents Make The Best Teachers by David Kahn Although the Montessori school has a major role to play in the child… |
Sequence 62 love" as unique to humans. We are dealing with the unfolding of the child's intelligence, therefore our… |
Sequence 7soothes the spirit in a way that no other experience can touch. Montessori saw a great benefit to family love, and that it… |
Sequence 84 function of seeing our child in many different situations - eating, before nap, ou1-0f- doors with peers, in school, etc… |
Sequence 9Japanese who he thinks are some of the world's greatest learners. After viewing hun- dreds of Chinese preschoolers. he… |
Sequence 106 courage his efforts and enthusiasm. Haim Ginott had a unique gift for listening to children with the third ear: "… |
Sequence 11And he walked away, but his smile never dimmed And said "I'm gonna be like him. yeah. You know I'm gonna… |
Sequence 128 Montessori as the only ingredient for making human beings. then be prepared for a terrible disillusionment. I've seen… |
Sequence 13A View of Childminding by Jerome Bruner Often times the babysiuer in the home is idealized as the better alternative to… |
Sequence 1410 estimate of how many unregistered minders operate. Much suspicion centered on the unregistered minder. For all that. what… |
Sequence 15The children led a low-level, understimulated day in unchanging. often cramped surroundings. Many did not get the love and… |
Sequence 1612 child, gave an opportunity to assess many of these matters, if some of them could only be observed glancingly. In any case… |
Sequence 17minders had close relatives living nearby, the figure being only a quarter for the work- ing mothers. Along with domesticity… |
Sequence 18the home. Indeed, we can say again that this complementary relationship might help the relationship of minder and mother to… |
Sequence 19The average time for our sampled children was 30 hours a week at the minder's. and a third were there for 40 hours or… |
Sequence 20other children who approached the minders more frequently than once in the 20 minutes. What this suggests is that a major… |
Sequence 21both places. If we now go back 10 what minders say about the children in answer to the question: 'What son of a child is… |
Sequence 2218 He needs an awful lot of reassurance; he's got it in his head his mother doesn't love him (she had left her… |
Sequence 23It will have occurred to the reader that it is a bit strange that difficulties of such severity - affecting at least a half of… |
Sequence 2420 half were described by minders and by mothers as having had difficulties during 1he preceding month. If we now cake chose… |
Sequence 25worker for the minded child's mother. And even if she wanted 10 be that. it is not her role. And so in some insidious way… |
Sequence 2622 Reminiscences and Thoughts About Montessori Day Care By Margaret Elizabeth Stephenson A reprint from a 1975 NAMTA… |
Sequence 27In considering day care, I wonder, perhaps, if we might not try setting up for the children. outside of the time they spend… |
Sequence 28The day children from the village of Boxmore went home at about 4: 15. At that time the resident children had tea. This, too,… |
Sequence 29of activity in a day care setting is to allow the children to take part in the food preparation, table setting, serving of the… |
Sequence 31Pre-school Readiness by Lili E. Peller Ms. Pellers article on readiness once again illustrates her Montessori orientation to… |
Sequence 3228 children present and the teacher has time to become acquainted with him. She may show him some features of the school… |
Sequence 33... If a baby is expected in the family, then the older child's attendance in nursery school should start well in advance… |
Sequence 3430 in one or in two smaller steps. The choice will depend upon how big the involved change seems to be for the two children.… |
Sequence 35... The child has been shifted around a great deal and has had 10 adju 1 10 new people 100 often . . . . There is discord and… |
Sequence 3632 dividing line between essentials and desirables runs. we may use the child's nutritional need~ as a simile. o parent… |
Sequence 37A Curriculum For Caring by Urie Bronfenbrenncr Dr. Bronfrenbrenner'.~ unique plea for older child im·oti·eme111 with… |
Sequence 3834 the motivational structure. Why? Because not enough people are involved in the lives of children. If there is any one… |