Digital Object NAMTA Journal 28/3 01 Montessori and Optimal Experience Research: Toward Building a Comprehensive Education Reform
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 28/3 02 A Comparison of Montessori and Traditional Middle Schools: Motivation, Quality of Experience, and Social…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 28/2 11 Buildings That Nurture Draws on the principles of architect Frank Lloyd Wright and educator Maria Montessori to create a new genre of architectural design for schools--schools that nurture. Suggests that Montessori schools may develop their own architectural statement as they…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 28/2 09 Schools Discovering their Cosmic Task Gives a personalized account of the individual development of one school administrator/founder in relation to a Montessori school's evolution. Suggests that the school must consider stages of development in teachers and parents. Discusses the expansion of…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 28/2 10 Working with Parents: Building the Spirit through Collaboration Offers suggestions for facilitating collaboration between families and schools, based on experience in Montessori education. Advocates gaining trust through regular informal social gatherings of parents and principal, pointing out that trust can help parents…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 28/2 07 The Evolving Nature of Work Defines work built around a systems view of consumers and producers to characterize work as seen through different cultures as a mingling of enjoyment. Shows how emerging agricultural settlements and cities resulted in families assuming inherited work or…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 28/2 08 The Good Work Examines the working lives of geneticists and journalists to place into perspective what lies behind personal ethics and success. Defines "good work" as productive activity that is valued socially and loved by people engaged in it. Asserts that certain…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 28/2 05 Work Draws upon Maria Montessori's writings to examine work as a universal human tendency throughout life. Discusses the work of adaptation of the infant, work of "psycho-muscular organism" for the preschooler, work of the imagination for the elementary child,…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 28/2 06 True Work: Discovering the Path to Self-Perfection through the Prepared Environment Considers 3- to 6-year-olds' work cycle, looking first to the Montessori concept of normalization, manifest as increasing depth of concentration. Offers guidelines for a "protected lesson," designed to foster independence. Discusses interest and purpose as…