Digital Object NAMTA Journal 28/2 04 Redefining Who We Are: The Work of Learning Community Facing Adolescents/Facing Ourselves It is within the prepared environment of the adolescent learning community that the adult comes into full connection with Montessori's universal picture of optimal development. Adolescents' search for meaning enables adults to come to a clearer understanding…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 28/1 12 Ecosystem in the Backyard—Preparing a Diverse Outdoor Environment for Primary (Ages Three to Six) Children Chronicles the outdoor work of Lincoln Montessori School in Nebraska in prairie, forest, and indoor greenhouse environments, highlighting the application of prepared environment principles to the natural world. Highlights how implicit to the design are…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 28/1 13 Teaching Nature: From Philosophy to Practice Examines educational resistance to nature study, focusing on the subtle resistance evident in the vicarious approach that limits nature study to books and videos, while ignoring the sensory richness and kinship developed through direct connection with the…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 28/1 11 Deep Ecology: Educational Possibilities for the Twenty-First Century Presents fundamentals of systems thinking and sustainability within an ecological theory to shape education to the needs of human development in relation to the environment. Emphasizes that effective learning is a system embedded in the web of life, giving…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 28/1 10 Bonding with the Natural World: The Roots of Environmental Awareness Combines insights from ecological research and Montessori theory and practice to portray the unfolding of childhood in natural places. Suggests that children's manipulation of the landscape results in optimal creative involvement. Maintains that the act of…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 28/1 08 Philosophy, Psychology, and Educational Goals for the Montessori Adolescent, Ages Twelve to Fifteen Defines Montessori theory in terms that can interface with developmental psychology, summarizing adolescent cognitive, social, emotional, and moral outcomes. Focuses on outcomes of the third plane of education for youth in an Erdkinder setting, Montessori's …
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 28/1 09 Bringing the Montessori Three-Year Multi-Age Group to the Adolescent Describes the benefits of including the ninth grade within the 3-year multi-age group setting within a Montessori farm school. Notes how seventh, eighth, and ninth grades work together in one family cluster, allowing 15-year-olds to avoid the pecking order of…