Digital Object NAMTA Journal 28/1 07 Elementary Physical Education Suggests a Montessori elementary level physical education program that provides outlets combining physical and mental energies as well as moral and social awareness. Includes daily scheduling that avoids disruption of work cycle with different daily…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 28/1 05 The Whole Elementary Experience: Ages Six to Twelve Asserts that although there are distinct characteristics to each of Montessori's planes of development, there is no separation, especially between early childhood and childhood. Suggests that these first two planes of education could fall under one "Children…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 28/1 06 The Six-toTwelve Working Model Profiles a working model of a 6-to-12 class, operating from the premise that both 6-to-9 and 9-to-12 levels embody the same complete equipping of the prepared environment for the elementary level and include all the elementary presentations. Suggests that key…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 28/1 03 How Sensitively Times are Sensitive Periods? Reviews Maria Montessori's view of sensitive periods and examines the kinds of help needed from adults: an open mind, specific help from a prepared learning environment, and challenges presented at the right time. Stresses the universality of sensitive…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 28/1 04 Reading, Writing, and Mathematics: Explored and Discovered Rather Than Taught Examines reading, writing, and mathematics for older primary children within the Montessori setting. Emphasizes normalization and engaging links with the prepared environment, focusing on how discovery moments in reading and contexts for learning around…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 28/1 01 Aligning Montessori Schools with True Montessori Essentials Describes evolution of the Montessori perspective as Montessori adolescent programs attempt to reinforce the elementary and early childhood stages. Asserts that although development of these programs is experimental and undefined, a crystallization point…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 28/1 02 Aligning Montessori Schools with True Montessori Essentials Describes essential concepts related to the root of defining the child's motivation and the process of Montessori education. Emphasizes the "horme" (inner urge), normalization, the prepared environment, the Four Planes of Development, cosmic education, and…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 27/3 14 Bringing the Biosphere Home Discusses an orientation to the local environment as the lens through which to detect global change. Discusses how students can relate to a structure that includes the intertemporal, interspatial, intergenerational, and interspecies realities of place leading…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 27/3 13 Building the Biocentric Child Advocates an environmentally congruent conception of child development and includes Montessori theory as part of a biocentric view where child development connects to the laws of nature. Explains orientations to the world informing development of a biocentric…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 27/3 12 The Natural World as Prepared Environment Weaves theoretical concepts of Maria Montessori and Edith Cobb to suggest that a moral, meaningful life is influenced by early contact with nature in which adults draw children's attention to its value. Suggests that nature is the prepared environment…