Digital Object NAMTA Journal 26/3 23 A Historical Look at Montessori's Erdkinder Describes the German land schools, focusing on the Country Home School founded in 1898 and other early rural German educational experiments as a backdrop for an examination of Montessori's formulation of Erdkinder. Recommends a systematic historical study of…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 26/3 21 Montessori High School Describes the conceptual framework for an urban Montessori high school in Holland in 1945. Includes information on implementing fundamental Montessori principles, scheduling, materials, organization of subject matter, use of group mentors, and democracy in…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 26/3 19 The Kibbutz, Boy’s Town, Williamsburg and the Montessori Erdkinder
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 26/3 17 Erdkinder: The Experiment for the Experiment (Interview with Margaret Elizabeth Stephenson and A.M…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 26/3 15 A New Education for the Secondary School – A Public Lecture given at Utrecht, January 18, 1937 (Original… Maintains that moral education should be at the foundation of educational reform and that education should prepare adolescents to find their place in society. Asserts that secondary level instruction, provided in a rural neutral environment and with…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 26/3 16 Twenty-Eighth Lecture of the Twenty-Third International Montessori Course, Amsterdam, January-June, 1938,… Considers the relationship between elementary and secondary education. Asserts that mixed-aged groups with a difference of 3 years promote cooperation and mutual support. Discusses scouting and sports as a means of fulfilling the void of purely academic…