Digital Object NAMTA Journal 26/3 14 Dr. Montessori's Third Lecture Given at the Montessori Congress in Oxford, England, 1936 Presents the underlying assumptions for the Erdkinder concept of educating adolescents. Discusses the importance of independence and social life beyond the family, the necessary environmental awareness for youth in the context of civilization, the meaning…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 26/3 13 The Pedagogy of Place Examines adolescents' study of place from the perspective of urban and rural Montessori programs. Adolescents are invited into a study of the city or town or even a neighborhood surrounding the school as an opportunity to experience their own community and…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 26/3 12 Pedagogy of Place: Using the Prepared Environment for the Third Plane
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 26/3 09 Helping the Adolescent Personality Asserts that adolescents within Montessori environments continue to use creative imagination to develop the self and still need concrete materials and manipulative tasks. Maintains that a degree of independence must be allowed for adolescents to form the…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 26/3 10 Ethnic Neighborhoods Study – Ruffing Montessori Middle School, Cleveland Heights, Ohio
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 26/3 08 Designing for the Needs of Adolescents: An Interview with John McNamara
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 26/3 07 Ruffing Montessori School Peace Curriculum: An Informal Narrative