Digital Object NAMTA Journal 25/3 04 Plan Which Will Best Produce the Results Montessori Can Give Presents a plan for developing an effective Montessori primary class for young children. Considers the appropriate number of children, children's ages, class entry, class duration, teaching staff, classroom and school design, transition to the lower…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 25/3 02 The Human Tendencies Maintains that children find their place in the world most securely by seeing themselves as part of the continuing work of creation. Considers how human tendencies, such as exploration, orientation, order, imagination, abstract thought, precision, repetition,…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 25/2 14 Innovation within Limits: How Is It Possible? – A Participart's Perspective Provides a participant's commentary on a seminar discussing authentic progress in innovative educational practices such as those of Maria Montessori and Frank Lloyd Wright. Notes that there was agreement among participants regarding basic parameters around…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 25/3 01 Margaret E. Stephenson: Following the Child across the Planes of Development
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 25/2 13 Innovation within Limits: How Is It Possible? – A Summary of the Proceedings Summarizes proceedings of a 1-day seminar co-sponsored by NAMTA and Taliesin West, home of the Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture. Discusses authentic progress in educational practices such as those of Maria Montessori and Wright, whose innovative…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 25/2 12 Raising Children Who Care Presents excerpt from Kohn's 1990 book, asserting that parents are most important to children and need to project a positive view of life. Argues that caring, the absence of physical punishment, guiding and explaining, cooperating, and taking children…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 25/2 11 The Hand-Thought-Language Nexus Discusses cognitive scientists' and psycholinguists' theories of the origins of consciousness and linguistic expression. Suggests that the hand is key in the development of human intelligence and in the origin of language. Maintains that the mutual influence…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 25/2 08 Encountering Positive Vision on the Third Plane Describes components of Lake Country School's junior high school Montessori program in relation to the developmental characteristics of adolescents, their needs, and their noble aspirations. Maintains that healthy environments where young adults are…