Digital Object NAMTA Journal 25/1 01 The Casa Dei Bambini: Primary Perspectives Through Time and Space
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 25/1 02 The Casa Dei Bambini: A Century Concept Reviews the early history of Montessori education from the Italian State Orthophrenic School to the opening of the original Casa dei Bambini in San Lorenzo, Italy on January 6, 1907. Includes a synopsis of Maria Montessori's progressive revelations of the…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 24/3 10 The Power of Montessori's Positive Psychology in an Expanding Universe Relates Montessori theory of development with the concept of connection to the universe and natural world, noting Montessori education's role in nurturing reestablished connection with the natural world. Describes events leading to a fulfilled life as part of…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 24/3 11 Art from the Universe Story: New Meaning for the Child Discusses the connections between Montessori pedagogy and Brian Swimme's ideas of a human authorship of a connection with the evolution of the universe and a need to reestablish a connection with the natural world. Describes the ways the art of 11- and 12…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 24/3 08 Animal Allies Discusses young teenagers' adoption of animal personas in their creative writing classes, and the way these classroom activities follow Montessori principles. Considers both the role of imagination in the animal identification and the psychological and…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 24/3 09 The Cultural Significance of the Story of the Universe Explores effect of the cultural story of the creation of the universe and development of civilization on the course of human history. Notes that our current story leaves us at a crossroads between progressive disconnection from the natural world and…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 24/3 06 Montessori and Music Discusses principles of Montessori music education, examining the fundamental characteristics of childhood and the role that music plays in development. Explores the inner satisfaction that comes from experiencing movement with music through compositions and…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 24/3 07 Singing Discusses the Montessori music curriculum, describing a series of lesson plans to present a comprehensive view of music in the classroom. Describes selecting simple melodies, integrating music into the day, using songs to initiate deeper studies in all parts…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 24/3 05 Poetry and the Early Adolescent Discusses the concept of teacher as coach for 11- to 14-year-old Montessori students writing poetry. Notes the children's need for nurturing at this sensitive age and the coach's process of acknowledging the universal and poetic in them. Presents samples of…
Digital Object NAMTA Journal 24/3 03 The Artist in Each of Us Presents a developmental view of the creative process based on Montessori principles. Discusses the preschool child's need for activity, exploration at an individual pace, and connection between the self and the universe. Considers ways to nurture a child's…