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Displaying results 701 - 800 of 3837
Sequence 12used to support this view of play are Lev Vygotksy's socio-cultural theory and Jean Piaget's constructivism.… |
Sequence 13My dissertation examined normalization in relation to emerging research on self-regulation and current developmental theories… |
Sequence 39Montessori, Maria. A New Education for the Secondary School. Public Lecture, Utrecht, January 1937, AMl 1979. Reprinted in… |
Sequence 1xv Acknowledgements This book would not have been possible without the contribution made by institutions, scholars,… |
Sequence 14School. Family and Society 131 Montessori movement to the Italian pedagogical sphere. The journal continued its existence… |
Sequence 18School, Family and Society 135 Montessori as an honorary member of the Fascist party. Over the last few years many scholars… |
Sequence 18172 Part Two - For a Science of the Formation o_/Man overlooked children's rights and explained. ''There are… |
Sequence 20174 Pan Two - For a Science of the Formation qf Man unlimited caution both when speaking and when approaching people… |
Sequence 21Far_ji-0111 Italy: First Europe and then India 27 AMI (ed.), cit.. p.47. 28 P. Giovetti. cit., p. I 03. 29 Ibid, p. IOI. 30… |
Sequence 13Maria Montessori Through the Seasons of the "Method'' 205 Montessori M., la scoperta de/ bambino, Milan,… |
Sequence 1STORY AND SELF-CONSTRUCTION by Elise Huneke-Stone Elise Hu11eke-Stone's definition of story and its f111Zctions arises… |
Sequence 15complete sentences whatever the children said to her upon arrival. It was a dance of attunement and connection and belonging,… |
Sequence 16the later attachment to the words we use for those actions. "Never give more to the mind than you do to the hand,… |
Sequence 1THE ART OF SPOKEN LANGUAGE IN THE CHILDREN'S HOUSE by Polli Soholt Looking nt the classical components of language, Po/… |
Sequence 18Gardner, Howard. The U11schooled Mind. NY: Basic Books, 1991. Haines, Annette. Lecture. "Creativity: Our Challenge.… |
Sequence 2DOWNPLAYING PLAY: WHAT WE Miss WHEN WE HESITATE TO SHAKE LOOSE AND FROLIC by Alyssa Conklin-Moore Alyssa Conk/ in-Moore en/… |
Sequence 2summary of the syllabus derived precisely from Montessori's book, From Childhood to Adolescence. Perhaps you think that… |
Sequence 2BECOMING AN ADULT: p ATHWAYS TO MATURITY by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Dr. Csiksze11t111i1Iayli begins with Mo11tessori's… |
Sequence 2EDUCATION AS THE PREPARATION FOR ADULT LIFE: AN OVERVIEW by Laurie Ewert-Kroeker Laurie Ewert-Kroeker portrays the syllabus… |
Sequence 8the present. What Montessori offers here is a fundamental approach: allow the human personality to freely develop, cultivate… |
Sequence 2PERSONAL EXPRESSION by Laurie Ewert-Kroeker fll view of the creative expressions of 1n11sic, the arts, and /a11g11age, La11… |
Sequence 2FORMATIVE EDUCATION: FOUNDATIONS FOR CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT by Pat Ludick and Michael Waski A meditation on the inner life of… |
Sequence 3parents, Montessori-trained guides, practitioners in training, and those who have studied through the NAMTA summer… |
Sequence 21in isolation to solve one problem), it might not be so bad to sit and think of your seminar question for an entire hour!… |
Sequence 22Schaefer, Lawrence." A Montessori Vision of Adolescence." Tl,e NAMTA Journal 18.3 (1993, Summer): 73-84.… |
Sequence 2THE STUDY OF THE EARTH AND LIVING NATURE by Jacqui Miller Apart from 1/lerely nlludi11g to tlte biologicnl sciences, Jacqui… |
Sequence 8so many other ways. Scientific studies and practical experiences are preparation for making choices and thinking about the… |
Sequence 2THE STUDY OF HUMAN PROGRESS AND THE BUILDUP OF CIVILIZATION by Shekkola Barnett Gray and John McNamara Bot!, S'1ekkola… |
Sequence 20Montessori, Maria. "Dr. Montessori's Third Lecture Given at the Montessori Congress in Oxford, England, 1936.… |
Sequence 3Summary The document includes an overview of Montessori principles and developmental characte1is1:Jcs for each plane or stage… |
Sequence 3In the spirit of these tasks, and in an effort to serve communities who feel compelled or inspired to provide environments for… |
Sequence 16Montessori, Maria. "Dr. Montessori's Third Lecture Given at the Montessori Congress in Oxford, England, 1936.… |
Sequence 1THE UNCONSCIOUS IN HISTORY by Maria Montessori TJ,is article reprint suggests tltat we do what we need to survive while… |
Sequence 919 Montessori • The House of Children Copyright © 1944 Montessori-Pierson Publishing Company. NAMTA would like to express its… |
Sequence 658 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 HouseofChildren,3–6years Elementary,6–12years 6.Gymnastics:jumping,… |
Sequence 369 Roberts • At Home in the Natural World Jim Roberts received his AMI primary certificate from the Montessori Institute of… |
Sequence 878 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 who is in harmony with the natural tendencies of the human spirit in… |
Sequence 979 Vaz • Montessori Special Education and Nature’s Playground Nimal Vaz has been associated with AMI training courses since… |
Sequence 9115 Grazzini • Maria Montessori’s Cosmic Vision, Cosmic Plan, and Cosmic Education and sociological vision of the child and… |
Sequence 10116 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 Montessori, Maria, “Educazione cosmica,” 8. manuscript published in the… |
Sequence 2120 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 As all parts are related, they will all be scruti- nized sooner or later… |
Sequence 14132 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 Cosmic Education is a vision and, like all vi- sions, difficult to… |
Sequence 9143 Leonard • Deepening Cosmic Education brought to their newly settled areas of the world. Elementary children love this… |
Sequence 10144 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 Stoppani, Antonio. Acqua ed aria: La purezza del mare e dell’atmosfera… |
Sequence 4150 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 Phoebe Allen received her elementary training in Bergamo, Italy, in 1974… |
Sequence 11163 Leonard and Allen • Experiences in Nature: Resolute Second-Plane Directions Toward Erdkinder Montessori, Maria. The… |
Sequence 4246 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 disturb the stars,” as a Spanish poet once said. It means being… |
Sequence 3271 Roberts • At Home in the Natural World The first living cell came into being nearly 40 million centuries ago, and its… |
Sequence 14292 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 Ewert-Krocker, Laurie, & David Kahn. “The Erd- “The Erd- kinder… |
Sequence 14292 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 1 • Winter 2013 Ewert-Krocker, Laurie, & David Kahn. “The Erd- “The Erd- kinder… |
Sequence 1exercises of Practical life: introduction and list by A.M. Joosten Albert Joosten wrote this article in 1968, and it is… |
Sequence 1Practical life: the Keystone of life, culture, and community by Uma Ramani Uma Ramani’s characterization of practical life… |
Sequence 1Practical life for the older children in the casa by Polli Soholt Polli Soholt writes about advanced practical life and… |
Sequence 965 Soholt • Practical Life for the Older Children in the Casa their interest and continue to develop the practical life… |
Sequence 1the significance of the hand for the elementary years by Kay Baker The use of the hand is a physiological sequence. The… |
Sequence 13101 Ludick • The Work of the Hand the constructive stages of human develoPment and the worK of the hand: the Big Picture We… |
Sequence 18106 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 2 • Spring 2013 meaningful and that, therefore, my life, in self-surrender, had a goal… |
Sequence 1sacred second by Jennifer Rogers Jennifer Rogers is emerging as a polished and prolific Montessori writer, and Sacred Second… |
Sequence 3139 Lillard • Playful Learning and Montessori Education what is montessori? Montessori education began in the early 1900s (… |
Sequence 23159 Lillard • Playful Learning and Montessori Education Dyer 1975). Montessori was one of several programs compared in two… |
Sequence 24160 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 38, No. 2 • Spring 2013 (parents had applied to send their children to the school). Chil- dren… |
Sequence 25161 Lillard • Playful Learning and Montessori Education important consideration in Montessori research and might explain… |
Sequence 33169 Lillard • Playful Learning and Montessori Education Extrinsic Rewards: A Test of the ‘Overjustification’ Hypothesis.”… |
Sequence 1community: a hallmark of our aPProach by Connie Black All the basics of the Montessori prepared environment are put into an… |
Sequence 1children’s house: the PrePared environment as an oasis by Cheryl Ferreira Cheryl Ferreira vigorously pursues the Montessori… |
Sequence 1656 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 1 • Winter 2014 In the elementary years, as children learn about world history and… |
Sequence 1Blending differing PersPectives of Parents and guides: meeting Parents Where they are and Bringing them along on the Journey… |
Sequence 1community, freedom, and disciPline in a caring montessori environment by John McNamara John McNamara’s historically rich… |
Sequence 12140 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 1 • Winter 2014 I guess that unless you experience the atmosphere you can’t understand… |
Sequence 1the Positive Personality of the montessori adolescent by Pat Ludick A theory paper that gives a universal portrait of the “… |
Sequence 17159 Ludick • The Positive Personality of the Montessori Adolescent Dazzling by flashes of his light! Then she suggests, he… |
Sequence 1toWard the ultimate goal of Peace: hoW a montessori education at the high school level suPPorts moral develoPment through… |
Sequence 1The BesT for The YoungesT: The PaTh Toward uniTY by Connie Black, Roxana Linares, Molly O’Shaughnessy In this three-part… |
Sequence 1monTessori all daY: gracious living wiTh children BeYond The hours of a TYPical school daY by Connie Black Connie Black… |
Sequence 254 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 2 • Spring 2014 associate Jacqueline Cossentino and Steven Hughes of the Center for… |
Sequence 464 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 2 • Spring 2014 was working towards meeting the remaining specifications listed in the… |
Sequence 1777 Begin • Montessori Early Childhood Education in the Public Sector licensing and public funding, some participants… |
Sequence 1979 Begin • Montessori Early Childhood Education in the Public Sector Staffing and Training These schools all sought well-… |
Sequence 2080 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 2 • Spring 2014 Participants reported that they invested effort in identifying… |
Sequence 2181 Begin • Montessori Early Childhood Education in the Public Sector a commitment to serving students from low-income… |
Sequence 2383 Begin • Montessori Early Childhood Education in the Public Sector organization’s public Montessori mission. This can be… |
Sequence 2484 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 2 • Spring 2014 young children from economically diverse backgrounds and their families… |
Sequence 1monTessori ParTners serving all children: an ouTreach iniTiaTive of The monTessori cenTer of minnesoTa by Connie Black and… |
Sequence 698 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 2 • Spring 2014 literacy skills and they do their best to support their kids. But even… |
Sequence 1an overview of familY sTar monTessori school by Ginny Trierweiler Family Star Montessori School is well acquainted with “… |
Sequence 1common Toddler Behaviors and waYs To keeP calm by Mary Santelman Mary Santelman discusses all forms of biting, the labeling… |
Sequence 1whaT is The ideal infanT grouP care environmenT: monTessori nido versus infanT daYcare Programs by Emily Shubitz Emily… |
Sequence 3151 Shubitz • What is the Ideal Infant Group Care Environment In 1946, Adele Costa Gnocchi, professor of phi- losophy at… |
Sequence 11159 Shubitz • What is the Ideal Infant Group Care Environment Daycare centers are not always open to the idea of using cloth… |
Sequence 13161 Shubitz • What is the Ideal Infant Group Care Environment creaTing a nido If you have read this far and find yourself… |
Sequence 1Feature joYful engagemenT: monTessori’s common core sTandard by Sarah Werner Andrews Linking joy and engagement together,… |
Sequence 1Feature “The lines ThaT make The clouds” The essence of The maThemaTical mind in The firsT six Years of life by Ginni… |
Sequence 4220 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 2 • Spring 2014 the materials and the order of presentation. At the same time Mr.… |
Sequence 846 The NAMTA Journal • Vol. 39, No. 3 • Summer 2014 Answering the question, “Will you take my child?” then becomes an issue… |
Sequence 947 Nehring • Implementing Inclusion Theory into Practice Complete environments, including lots of water 7. activities… |
Sequence 1MulTiculTural inclusion in an urBan seTTing by Martha Urioste Martha Urioste tells a compelling history of public sector… |